A Smooth-Skin

As long as its not another spunkgargleweewee ( see= Zero Punctuation: Medal of Honor warfighter), or a halo clone (like DNF) I'm happy.
CthuluIsSpy said:As long as its not another spunkgargleweewee ( see= Zero Punctuation: Medal of Honor warfighter), or a halo clone (like DNF) I'm happy.
Good reference. =)CthuluIsSpy said:As long as its not another spunkgargleweewee ( see= Zero Punctuation: Medal of Honor warfighter), or a halo clone (like DNF) I'm happy.
SnapSlav said:Good reference. =)CthuluIsSpy said:As long as its not another spunkgargleweewee ( see= Zero Punctuation: Medal of Honor warfighter), or a halo clone (like DNF) I'm happy.
I couldn't care either way whether Doom 4 is to be a classic shooter or a modern shooter; as long as it's GOOD. Doom 3 was good. All the critics who complained that it was different from the original dooms..... well NO SHIT! It was still fucking awesome. Focusing on horror worked for it, because it was scary. The shooting mechanics were solid, and the environment/setting worked together seamlessly. I grabbed the full game plus expansion for the PC a couple years ago, years after the craze had subsided, and I still reveled in the experience. The game rocked. If Doom 4 takes a direction where you're as fragile as the modern FPS protagonist and it feels good, I couldn't be happier! It would show all the other posers how it's done. If, on the other hand, they just tried to copy someone else and failed to grasp what made them so good and ended up bad, well... obviously, I'd be disappointed.
TorontRayne said:This. Said it perfectly. I'm still waiting to try out the Doom 3 BFG edition personally. I really liked Doom 3. I never really understood all the hate it received.
The Dutch Ghost said:That would perhaps be a better description to Doom 3 BFG edition.
I just recommend that TorontRayne tracks down the original Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil expansion pack if he wants to play Doom 3 again.
If you want updated visuals you can use this download;
Fartmonkey said:Just started a second run through of fallout 3. The game is much more enjoyable so far as an evil character![]()
BFox17 said:Fartmonkey said:Just started a second run through of fallout 3. The game is much more enjoyable so far as an evil character![]()
Just remember to be a good boy and give water to those homeless bums, and I will forgive you for blowing up that town, my son.
Walpknut said:Also they are useless slobs, they sit on their ass all day, only ask for water every hour and don't even attempt to do anything for themselves. Not even walking up to the Megaton Gate.
mobucks said:I kill them because they act as a karma station which breaks any consequences for my actions.