Brutal Legend. The best game for Metal heads.
I got a few chuckles out of some moments from the game, but it didn't really do anything for me. I loves me some metal, but
Brutal Legend wasn't as much service to me as, say,
Metalocalypse. Now THAT is delightful pandering to Metalheads! =D
Anyway, my latest games haven't changed much from the last time I updated my status here. I've spent less time playing Dota2 than
Doom 3, and I managed to come away from the Steam Summer Sale without splurging on the BFG Edition (I don't care how much whiners bitched about "no duct tape on Mars", the game was BUILT around managing your visibility, so I'm not interested in mods or an updated version of the game that takes that away from me and kills the intended experience just to cater to said whiners) so I'm focusing on that. But like I expressed earlier, I was just too methodical forthe scare factor to work on me anymore. So I was hoping something would fix that, and looking to the possibility that Nightmare difficulty would address that. Well, now I'm halfway through the game on Nightmare, and at best I've been startled, but for the most part it's just irritating. What am I doing now that I wasn't doing already? Slamming F5 and F9 a whole lot more often, that's what. Draining my Health gradually until it sits at 25 combined with enemies that dish out a whopping 300% damage was a nice touch for making me more concerned about my surroundings, and removing ALL Health packs from the game helped enhance that, of course, while providing me the Soul Cube from the start was a small alleviation from how stupidly stressful that could get, at times. But still, all of that tension and worry over getting hit, all of that concern to avoid taking ANY damage at all, because basically getting hit once is fatal... that's all done away with by save and reload, quick or otherwise. Go a level without ever quicksaving? That's nice, you'll still come back from the beginning of the level with the same knowledge. Tell yourself you're gonna ironman this and resolve to delete all saves if you EVER die? That's nice, but you're still just basically punishing yourself, you're not enhancing the experience.
I'm enjoying playing
Doom 3, but it's not what I was hoping for. I'm not interested in the
Brutal Doom mod, though I think it looks pretty cool. I think I'll just have to hold out for the proper programs to get my original copies running on my system, and see how I feel like the originals hold up. I felt like
Duke Nukem 3D didn't hold up well at all when I played it again, so we'll see how that differs in a game where your vision was set at a static 90 degrees from the floor, always looking forward, where the world was 2.5D, not real 3D. It's small differences that make the most waves, in the end.....
Anyway, I just wanted to comment on one thing though: The prize pool for Dota2's The International 2014 tournament
exceeded 10 Million Dollars a few days ago. That's INSANE! The teams that got invites have been showing top form in the tournaments leading up to TI4 a week from now, so we're likely going to see some INCREDIBLE plays. It's saddening that I couldn't get a ticket to go to the tournament, myself, but I'll still get to enjoy the coverage from my PC, and play the game in the meantime. It feels really appropriate that the World Cup is going on alongside this, it's like one sport's biggest deal plays out, leading up to another sport's biggest deal not long afterward. I'm loving it! =D