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A peter pan cosplayerWhat is Zelda?
Also Hollow Knight is fun everybody *talking to the ravaging mob*
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A peter pan cosplayerWhat is Zelda?
Hm, should I give Mass Effect a try? Quite a few people seem to like at least the first two games. But then again, quite a few people also like Fallout 4 and doing dirty heroin in alleys, so it's not like taste of the masses can be trusted.
Deus Ex Mankind divided is done! Now i got the DLC's left and 4 achievements wish means i will probably have to play through the standard game twice again. Thankfully it will be far faster but i really don't feel like doing it twice. But one of them is on the hardest difficulty AKA you die it's game over.
So what did you think?
It looks great but it had a few crashes and bugs. Not to mention that the game is more focused on stealth than ever. The only time i didn't stealth was when i had incapacitated every person in an area and wanted to blow up a bot or 3.
I did like the twists about who was bad and such.
I really wish you would get more from certain characters. Feels like they just "vanished" after a mission or 2. Like the female cop that is trying to get back into action. Just sitting on a chair talking to you a few times.. Really?
I also don't get why they reset vendors and such between chapters. Same conversation 2-3 times and being able to do the same mini quest AKA give them stuff every time for no reason... Feels like the game is still in beta TBH.
When i think about it i may actually have had a bit less fun with the fall but i also had less problems with that title aswell even if it was a short mobile port. And that says a lot. Hopefully the DLC's are great.
Edit: A big + for the police force. They look fucking awesome in this game.
Not sure how i shall continue. I was thinking of going in order but.. You can unlock stuff for Breach but i missed a few so i kinda "must" play through the game at least once more before doing that. But i guess if i take new game + i could pick em all up + the ebooks and finish it in a few hours.Good thoughts.
I think you'll like Desperate Measures as a DLC. It is, unfortunately, very clearly cut content from the main game and very important cut content as well.
Jesus Christ, it's Blood Bourne!