General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Jesus, the designers decided to up the challenge in the final parts of BCR2.
Collecting upgrades, lives, and yashichi, was already becoming insanely hard, but now just getting through levels becomes nerve wrecking.
In some situations its now that once you start moving that you better make sure that you do no make a single mistake as you will not be given a second chance
From precision jumping to instant death traps.

The design of the semi final level gives me the idea that the designer must have looked at the final level of BCR1 and said to themselves "We need more of this."

This is a moment that I would use an unlimited life cheat or save states.
I don't give an F that this would be unfair or cheating, dying over and over again in certain parts is not fun either.

I have been thinking about writing perhaps a review of BCR1 and 2 for gamefaqs, as I feel that BCR2 received some undeserved backlash because it changed the controls somewhat and to some was just more like the first game.
The controls are something you have to get used to as they do work once you have developed a feeling for the mechanic.

My criticism more goes to the final difficulty challenges which can really wreck a more casual gamer's enjoyment.

The thing is, BCR2 with it various save spots throughout the level is still a bit more forgiving than BCR1.


Finally finished this fucker!
If I get my hands on the designer of the semi last level I will strangle him or her to death.
That was one of the most nerve wrecking pieces of shit I have ever played.
Also, the person who came up with instant death spikes and abysses in games should burn for these evil ideas.

Also the ending felt so out of character for the protagonist. It feels like it was written by someone else.
Yeah Blood Bowl 2 is worth buying. It's 2.99 for the base game just to see if you like turn based football combat. The more people here that get on this the better. Don't think about American football think Mutant Warhammer League Football that is TURN BASED. It just works.

Add Crosstip Flycatcher to your friends list or PM me for more info.
28th is the last day. Don't wait. You have two dollars and 99 cents saved for your hentai porn fetish.
If you miss out on the FIRST ANNUAL NO WARHAMMER ALLOWED BLOOD BOWL you will regert it. Regert I say.
I don't know if I need to but I might play them one day after everyone is done playing them.
Dark Souls III makes it very hard to be invaded (you essentially are only open to invasions when you summon a co-op partner, use the Dried Finger item, defeat a boss, or invade another player. Then if you get invaded and die, it won't let you get invaded until another one of those events happen). And you cannot be invaded in Elden Ring at all unless there is a co-op partner in your world or you use a certain new Dried Finger like item. If that's your concern.
Currently playing Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

I have reach half of the game and it seems that at this point the designers thought "Oh, the challenge has become too easy for you huh? Lets raise the attack stats of the enemies."
The amount of damage I do to some enemies is still the same, but I get a lot more punishment back but that is not the most annoying part.
What I hate are that attacks in the CV games always knock you back, and this can definitely cause problems when you move over platforms. Several times now that these small pathetic enemies that can easily be destroyed have made climbing up a tower very difficult as they have this attack that throws bones that start to bounce around.
These little f'ers themselves can stay out of my attack range but they can throw this crap all over the place, making you keep being knocked back.
Of course my mistake is also that I keep forgetting to use the shield to deal with these objects.

In general I like SotN but I can't say I find it the best Mertroidvania style CV game, perhaps because it was not the first such a style game in the series that I played. I find it a bit overrated.

With the Metroid series I did play Super way before Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, but it is not my favorite 2D Metroid either. I do think it helped establish gameplay and world design mechanics that future games would build on, but I find that the game itself has aged.
I think most of the popularity comes from the speed running.
Though I had in mind this year not to buy any new games other than a select few, I decided to get myself Dead Space 2 & 3 and their single player DLC packs for the Xbox One.
I skipped on the weapon packs as it would make this purchase even more expensive. I also wonder if these were suppose to have appeared in the main games but got cut so that EA could sell the separately.

Years ago I played Dead Space 1 on the PS3 and later the PC, and I also own Dead Space Extraction which I thought was a decent Wii rail shooter.
Personally I felt that Dead Space played better with a mouse and keyboard than a controller, and this is something I ran into when I started my newly bought games with Dead Space 2. I miss the accuracy a mouse provides.
I can play with a thumbstick but I don't find it very enjoyable, especially when I have to fight enemies who are very small or very speedy.

The game itself is also not as enjoyable as I hoped it would be. I love science fiction and the game's setting still looks pretty good IMO, but I find the campaign rather boring so far.
And because of the shortage of money which I most often spend on munition and health items, I can't check out any of the addition weapons.

Right now it feels a bit of a bad purchase. I hope that the experience will improve if I go further but at the moment I feel that when I have finished this game I will not play it again.
I've been playing Elden Ring, 100% completed it, and it's one hell of a journey.
FromSoftware definitely made another amazing game, even better than Dark Souls 3!
Despite a few flaws, even though it's mostly optional, this game is worth your money and your time.
So tell me, what are your thoughts about Elden Ring?
me irl now