maximaz said:I honestly think that he was the most fleshed out and real character of any video game to date. Hell, he was more interesting than most movie characters.
I gotta agree with that. Niko made GTA4 so good.
maximaz said:I honestly think that he was the most fleshed out and real character of any video game to date. Hell, he was more interesting than most movie characters.
Brother None said:I'd rather go back and date Catalina than that stuck-up prude Kate.
Brother None said:. I'd rather go back and date Catalina than that stuck-up prude Kate.
Brother None said:Wait, win a race? The story of Catalina ends with the ending mission of GTA III, which is one of those classic balls-to-the-wall impossible missions. GTA III did it and San Andreas did it. Vice City's ending mission was not as tough and IV's ending mission was a breeze compared to the earlier ones.
Surf Solar said:I mean the missions in the countryside of San Andreas with Catalina. There you have to win a race, after that she will finally go away with the protagonist of GTA III (never played through it unfortunately ).
mobucks said:These "ultra hard" missions you speak of...
Did you try them without doing the side missions that permanently increase your armor/health? (the vigilante/paramedic missions)
I forget if GTA4 had those or not. I never beat it.
Brother None said:...and Catalina was hilarious in San Andreas
mobucks said:Getting to level 50 of the Vigilante/Paramedic side missions in Vice City and maybe San Andreas gave you permanent double armor/health. They were a lot of fun too, if a little hard, but the rewards certainly made the game easier. Props if you beat them without those bonuses, that is hard core.
Brother None said:At least GTA IV had checkpoints (I think?)
Brother None said:At least GTA IV had checkpoints (I think?)