Hands on look at new skyrim "remaster"

Well, except Miraak and Hearthfire.

Those sucked.
DB was a decent DCL content wise, I know @RangerBoo will disagree, but the scripted battle with Miraak was pathetic, gimmicky and lazy imo. Bethesda doesn't know how to do bosses. Also, you should get a PC, because

you can only get to first base with here on console.
Jesus Fucking Christ

>he hates the best DLC's villian
>he hates the more climatic and interesting final boss in the game

Okay, now I know you're trolling. Miraak is this so-called First Dragonborn who when called by the gods, proceeded to fuck around with sidequests on Solstheim instead of actually defeating the Dragon who ended the world. He ended up losing his soul to Cthulhu (err, sorry, Hermaus Mora) and spent the next few millennium hiding his soul from him until he could try again. He's not just a loser, he's a MEMETIC loser. The kind of loser who is on par with Rusty Ventrue in terms of suckitude.

And this is our final villain?
Okay, now I know you're trolling. Miraak is this so-called First Dragonborn who when called by the gods, proceeded to fuck around with sidequests on Solstheim instead of actually defeating the Dragon who ended the world.
You mean like what almost every single Skyrim player does? This so-called Last Dragonborn who when called by teh Gods, proceeded to fuck around with sidequests in Skyrim instead of actually defeating the Dragon who ended the world. Did you not get that Miraak is supposed to be a foil to the player character? That's a big part of his appeal, he's basically another version of you and what you could have ended up like. It's far more interesting than anything in Skyrim's main quest.
He ended up losing his soul to Cthulhu (err, sorry, Hermaus Mora) and spent the next few millennium hiding his soul from him until he could try again.
He ended up getting bound into a contract with a Daedric Prince just like the player character can end up doing multiple times in multiple different ways. And if the Last Dragonborn wasn't around to stop him he very well could have defeated one of the more powerful Daedric Princes out there which isn't Goddamn easy since they're Gods. You're literally claiming he's a weak piece of shit because a God just barely managed to take him down and even then it's having a very hard time controlling him and needs to call on your help to do it.
He's not just a loser, he's a MEMETIC loser.
I'm not sure that word means what you think it means.
And this is our final villain?
He's certainly a lot better than "hurr durr im a dragon i'm gonna destroy the world now". Miraak is no Dagoth Ur but he's better than that 80s cartoon villain of a lizard.
He's certainly a lot better than "hurr durr im a dragon i'm gonna destroy the world now". Miraak is no Dagoth Ur but he's better than that 80s cartoon villain of a lizard.

Ah Dagoth Ur, now THERE'S a villain.

Mm, that voice.

Although I agree with @Vergil, Miraak isn't perfect but he's a hell of a lot better than Harkon or Alduin in terms of writing. And given this is the New Bethesda we're talking about who would go on to make the most boring game in history (Fallout 4), that's saying a lot. It's almost like for a teensy while, they got a bit of their old mojo back. And then not only lost it again, on purpose, but chucked it into the enternal flames of Oblivion never to be seen again.
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Opening of the game and some stutter/lag involving Alduin. Sadly, it's unmodded and there is some seriously notable lag. The game also looks horrible.

So, @DirtyOldShoe what you're telling me is that Bethesda has actually added the missing face geoms and tints to NPC that never had them in the previous version?
What does that even mean?
Well it means that the face isn't linking to proper exported face parts, models and textures, this is handled in the current version by holding Ctrl and pressing F4, most new modders don't know how to do this. Also it breaks your suspension of disbelief as there heads are grey and their bodies have color, also light doesn't react to them properly and shadows appear like an eclipsed moon.
Someone didn't playtest their remaster and there is going to a lot of bugs.

Fun fact. Did you know that when you sign up to playtest one of Bethesda's games, they don't ask you any skill related questions. You literally click a button.

Edit: It's probably a problem with how BA2s load, so there might not be a fix for the newly added grey faces, and might even alternate on NPCs One moment Ysolda has a grey face, the next Lucan.
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You mean like what almost every single Skyrim player does? This so-called Last Dragonborn who when called by teh Gods, proceeded to fuck around with sidequests in Skyrim instead of actually defeating the Dragon who ended the world. Did you not get that Miraak is supposed to be a foil to the player character? That's a big part of his appeal, he's basically another version of you and what you could have ended up like. It's far more interesting than anything in Skyrim's main quest.

I'm not sure the best foil for someone who is ostensibly supposed to be playing the trope of the Heroic Badass HeroTM straight is best summarized by someone foiling the OOC playstyle of those who don't take the actual game seriously. Indeed, Westworld has one of its primary subplots between two guests is the first one wants to experience Westworld as an authentic immersive experience and the second just wants to shoot and fuck everrything.

He ended up getting bound into a contract with a Daedric Prince just like the player character can end up doing multiple times in multiple different ways. And if the Last Dragonborn wasn't around to stop him he very well could have defeated one of the more powerful Daedric Princes out there which isn't Goddamn easy since they're Gods. You're literally claiming he's a weak piece of shit because a God just barely managed to take him down and even then it's having a very hard time controlling him and needs to call on your help to do it.

I never got the impression Miraak was anything close to defeating Hermaeus Mora but got himself enslaved and then outgambited at every point.

He's certainly a lot better than "hurr durr im a dragon i'm gonna destroy the world now". Miraak is no Dagoth Ur but he's better than that 80s cartoon villain of a lizard.

Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict. Personally, I enjoyed defeating Haakon and Alduin. Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.
I'm not sure the best foil for someone who is ostensibly supposed to be playing the trope of the Heroic Badass HeroTM straight is best summarized by someone foiling the OOC playstyle of those who don't take the actual game seriously.
It shows what the Dragonborn could have been. He could have ignored his quest (and as I pointed out, like many players do. How many people rush the main quest and instead fool around in the game world instead?) and decided to do other things for his own power. Also it literally could not be more obvious he's your foil
I mean Jesus Christ it's all right there in the title. Miraak is the closet thing to yourself that you're ever gonna get to fight. He's a prophesied slayer of Alduin like you, he has a lot of your abilities, he can fight a lot like you, you're basically what he was supposed to be. I mean come on it doesn't get more heavy handed than this.
I never got the impression Miraak was anything close to defeating Hermaeus Mora but got himself enslaved and then outgambited at every point.
Then you never paid attention to the story. The whole point is that Miraak is almost freed himself from Mora and is using Mora's own tool against him and for Miraak's own gain. He's already influenced the outside world and has a bunch of cultists at his beck and call. Mora even pretty much admits he's getting too much to handle by asking and helping LSD to defeat Miraak. Hell Miraak even says if you do Dragonborn first that he'll probably end up killing Alduin himself since theres no real reason he couldn't. It makes the story a bit more interesting to take into account that depending on interpretations of the prophecy you could very well have been meant to merely die and let Miraak be the one to absorb your power and defeat Alduin. It's a pretty cool encounter from a lore standpoint.
Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict.
What? Ulfric is the main "villain" of the Civil War sidequest and even then that's only if you side against him.
Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict. Personally, I enjoyed defeating Haakon and Alduin. Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.
>an end fight that's just the same dragon fight as usual where you stand there and whack at it's dumb face until it dies
>not anti-climatic
Dragon fights fucking suck big fat ogre ass and Alduin is no exception.

Harkon was a little better but it was just awkward with how janky his movements are. Vampire Lord form looks retarded when you're not in control and the poorly animated AI floats around everywhere. Not to mention he's just some Vampire you met recently so it's not really that much of a climax either.
Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.
How was the 1v1 fight with Miraak anti-climatic? It was a fight with someone who you're pretty much evenly matched with, that's the best kind of fight. Two guys who are almost total equals and only wit to give one or the other the advantage. Also Mora wasn't really the "real villain" until the very end when he tries to do to you what he did the Miraak.
Indeed, Westworld has one of its primary subplots between two guests is the first one wants to experience Westworld as an authentic immersive experience and the second just wants to shoot and fuck everrything.
Not really sure how that's relevant at all but I'll just quickly say I tried to watch that show and it was extremely pretentious and I didn't enjoy it at all. Not to mention there was a cucky part or two.
I mean Jesus Christ it's all right there in the title. Miraak is the closet thing to yourself that you're ever gonna get to fight. He's a prophesied slayer of Alduin like you, he has a lot of your abilities, he can fight a lot like you, you're basically what he was supposed to be. I mean come on it doesn't get more heavy handed than this.

Not to mention Miraak has some kind of levelling system where he will ALWAYS match your level + 10%. This means he's pretty much the only thing in the game that can go over level 100 (except the Ebony Knight I think, not sure how that guy's level scaling works). He is meant to be your character but even better. Almost Gary Stu-ish really but it's still a better thought out final boss than Harkon and Alduin.

Eh, we have Ulfric Stormcloak for the "human" face of the conlfict. Personally, I enjoyed defeating Haakon and Alduin. Miraak? Miraak felt like an anti-climax, especially since Mora was the "real" villain.

'Scuse me, what? Since when is Ulfric Stormcloak considered the main human villain of the game? Ulfric Stormcloak may be a pawn for the Thalmor unknowingly but this doesn't make the man himself evil. Yeah yeah he killed the High King, big whoop, but he still did so honorably (even if he should have just asked Torygg to join him in the war against the Thalmor). He's a bonehead but he's certainly not the Big Bad. If anything I would consider Tullius worse if for no other reason than he still worships Talos (you can find a Talos amulet on his body after death) but then he still decides to work with the Thalmor anyway, the people who are trying to literally destroy worship of Talos and all its followers. That would be like if (sorry @Vergil) a Jew escaped a concentration camp then decided to join the Nazi regime to kill his own religion. Pretty much all of this could have been fixed if the Empire would work together with the Stormcloaks. Don't give me that crap about "Brah the Thalmor are totes OP and would like, wipe them all out if they did that". If your single Dragonborn can kill a god, wipe out either the entirety of the Stormcloaks or the Imperials by himself, destroy the Sun (assuming you join the Vamps in Dawnguard), kill the EMPEROR OF THE EMPIRE, and so forth, then you can't tell me that Stormcloaks and Imperials working together can't wipe out the Thalmor, at least in Skyrim. The Redguard are doing just fine at fighting the Thalmor in Hammerfell after all. It makes me wish that when you sign a peace treaty between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials it would actually stay that way and these nimrods would realize they should be fighting the Thalmor and not themselves.
It shows what the Dragonborn could have been. He could have ignored his quest (and as I pointed out, like many players do. How many people rush the main quest and instead fool around in the game world instead?) and decided to do other things for his own power. Also it literally could not be more obvious he's your foil

I understand that's what the nature of the foil is for with him being the First and you being The Last but I don't necessarily think that actually made that much of a story because I felt Miraak's story was curiously lacking in mythic qualities. He was a petty warlord on an island full of Eskimos. It seemed like they could have done a lot more with him historically or in-game. Haakon, at least, attacked villages.

[quoteI mean Jesus Christ it's all right there in the title. Miraak is the closet thing to yourself that you're ever gonna get to fight. He's a prophesied slayer of Alduin like you, he has a lot of your abilities, he can fight a lot like you, you're basically what he was supposed to be. I mean come on it doesn't get more heavy handed than this.[/quote]

No, I get that, and you're right, that's what Bethesda's story went for. I guess I just found Haakon and the Conspiracy to destroy the Sun being all the result of a Snow Elf Vampire's millennium-long temper tantrum being more interesting, especially as that invoked Morrowind "Prophecies are made by people who WANT them to come to pass" rather than it actually being a real prophecy prophecy.

Then you never paid attention to the story. The whole point is that Miraak is almost freed himself from Mora and is using Mora's own tool against him and for Miraak's own gain. He's already influenced the outside world and has a bunch of cultists at his beck and call. Mora even pretty much admits he's getting too much to handle by asking and helping LSD to defeat Miraak. Hell Miraak even says if you do Dragonborn first that he'll probably end up killing Alduin himself since theres no real reason he couldn't. It makes the story a bit more interesting to take into account that depending on interpretations of the prophecy you could very well have been meant to merely die and let Miraak be the one to absorb your power and defeat Alduin. It's a pretty cool encounter from a lore standpoint.

Miraak says he could defeat Alduin but I don't know if that's possible. It sounded to me like he was stunned you'd beaten Alduin and was kind of scared but covering himself.

What? Ulfric is the main "villain" of the Civil War sidequest and even then that's only if you side against him.

Ulfric is the main instigator of all the plots and counterplots in the game not related to Alduin if you don't side with him. As the father of the Civil War, a lot of the personal issues and quests related to the campaign are the direct result of Ulfric's actions.

How was the 1v1 fight with Miraak anti-climatic? It was a fight with someone who you're pretty much evenly matched with, that's the best kind of fight. Two guys who are almost total equals and only wit to give one or the other the advantage. Also Mora wasn't really the "real villain" until the very end when he tries to do to you what he did the Miraak.

I am disappointed you couldn't do anything about Mora. He just kilsl Aludin and says he owns you.
I thought Alduin, Harkin, and Miraak were all equally shit.
I think it's okay to have scripted events during a boss battle, but Miraak and Harkin have scripted health, That is a lazy boss battles, Alduin was too weak. A boss should be able to hold their own without the need of gimmicks, the scripted events should come as something that happens to make it more challenging.
Evading random meteors for 1 minute is lame, boring and uninspired. If you deal too much damage to Miraak, he breaks and you can't kill him. Too much damage to Harkin and he turns invisible, then invincible. Harkin literally relies on minions to damage you. For the oldest living vampire, he's pretty weak.
In a proper game, if someone is a boss that you can interact with early on, you should be able to try and kill them, they should own you, you then need to fight to become better, they shouldn't be un-killable until x time.
They used to, a long time ago. :c Dagoth Ur and Almalexia are still hands down two of my favorite video game villains.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Well Bethesda I hope the shit load of money you made for making a game that is easy for the dumb masses to sallow and eat up was worth the destruction of whatever creativity and balls you had. Shit even then Transformer movies have a better villain the Skyrim and its DLC's.
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So, the remaster looks like crap and will most likely lead to a massive mod theft?

Well, somebody hand me a popcorn because I want to see that happen.

On the other side, I used to play skyrim a few years ago as I only bought vanilla. I really have got no reason to play it ever again because it's all the same shit as Farcryout 4 but without player voice acting.

At least nude mods are nice, I guess...
Miraak says he could defeat Alduin but I don't know if that's possible. It sounded to me like he was stunned you'd beaten Alduin and was kind of scared but covering himself.
You do realise that those videos of NPCs fighting does not represent the actual power levels of the characters in the actual game world. If that was the case and I were to compare the 1v1 fights between Alduin and Miraak, I'd say Miraak is the stronger of the two since Alduin was pathetic as dull final bosses go. The NPC AI tends to be pants-on-head retarded when it comes to fighting and the harder ones simply rely on excessively large health bars along with gimmicks.

They used to, a long time ago. :c Dagoth Ur and Almalexia are still hands down two of my favorite video game villains.
My sentiments exactly, though one could argue that Bethesda only could make Morrowind so good because it was supposed to be their last game before the studio folded (or would have folded if not for Morrowind) and they had competent writers (like crazed stoner Kirkbride whose crazier and less generic writings and concepts filled most of Morrowind for the better).

This sort of in-universe speculation on Dagoth Ur's plans was quite a good read first time I read it (and it still holds up on subsequent readings due to how extensive some of them up and how the dialogue with Dagoth Ur reveals that his plans were far more extensive than what the Temple scholars and agents of the Temple considered) and makes a lot of sense to exist in-universe.
Also I will say that @CT Phipps is right in that Hermaus Mora is a discount Cthulhu and a terrible one at that. Bethesda can't do Lovecraft for shit and need to stop it because their attempts are so bad. God, reading fanfiction isn't as painful as Emil's writing and attempts at Lovecraft.
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