Professor Danger! said:
There are plenty of jobs always hiring, thanks to their high turnover rate.
If they were worth keeping, do you think they'd have a high turn over rate? Think hard.
It's so sad that some people in America are so self-absorbed that they can't do something that benefits those who need it most. Your 20th ipod isn't all that important when you consider that 32 million people need medical insurance for basic services.
There will always be people who take advantage of the system. For example, here in Canada, some people take their children to the ER because their kid has a half degree fever. "Let's deny 32,000,000 people access to healthcare because 200,000 are going to take advantage of the system." That's fully rational /sarcasm. You have to realize that *most* of those 32 million people aren't out to screw you, but really need the medical attention without fearing of losing whatever little they have.
I can't wait for the day that people will need these services. Really I can't, because I'd love to watch those whining ass fools eat their words and pride when those circumstances fall out of their control.
The fanaticism is just awe inducing.