Healthcare reform just passed!

victor said:
Don't most of them have jobs already?

what you're asking would be like a shopping mall putting up a sign saying "Stealing Now OK With Us!"

And why would they work for less if they're citizens?

because less for them is already more, if you know what i mean. somebody says "you've got the job, but for this amount" and that amount is less than what somebody who's worked that job all his life? 9 times out of 10 the job goes to the guy doing it for less.
Isn't a reason for high unemployment that countries on the other side of the Pacific offers a cheap workforce, attracting industry?

If you already have that cheap workforce available, why not use it?
TwinkieGorilla said:
one of the only people i could possibly enjoy listening to regarding politics and possibly align myself with is Noam Chomsky.

That explains a bit.

TwinkieGorilla said:
taking jobs away from already legal citizens. we already have too many people and not enough jobs.

I'll leave this one for the people who like to speak of solidarity.

TwinkieGorilla said:
you bring in people willing to work for less...shit. might as well start bringing in machines.

There are machines lined up willing to work for humanity? And you'd turn them away?

TwinkieGorilla said:
a huge reason for high unemployment already is the cheap workforce.

Lower unemployment by raising the cost of labour? Haha, do go on.
TwinkieGorilla said:
taking jobs away from already legal citizens. we already have too many people and not enough jobs. you bring in people willing to work for less...shit. might as well start bringing in machines.

There are plenty of jobs always hiring, thanks to their high turnover rate. Sure, they may suck. But at least it's better than leaching off of tax payers. Oh wait, it's kinda not. Ah, there's nothing like a little bit of Welfare.
Professor Danger! said:
There are plenty of jobs always hiring, thanks to their high turnover rate.

If they were worth keeping, do you think they'd have a high turn over rate? Think hard.

It's so sad that some people in America are so self-absorbed that they can't do something that benefits those who need it most. Your 20th ipod isn't all that important when you consider that 32 million people need medical insurance for basic services.

There will always be people who take advantage of the system. For example, here in Canada, some people take their children to the ER because their kid has a half degree fever. "Let's deny 32,000,000 people access to healthcare because 200,000 are going to take advantage of the system." That's fully rational /sarcasm. You have to realize that *most* of those 32 million people aren't out to screw you, but really need the medical attention without fearing of losing whatever little they have.

I can't wait for the day that people will need these services. Really I can't, because I'd love to watch those whining ass fools eat their words and pride when those circumstances fall out of their control.

The fanaticism is just awe inducing.
I don't think that even when americans who whine about healthcare need it, they will then stop whining. Like here in Brazil, they use healthcare and still complain, saying that the goverment is shit and never does anything right.
Yet, even the passage of the bill wasn't enough to stop the smug whining about the whiners. Not to worry though, both sides will ratchet up the shrillness and intractability to the point that apathy is the only rational refuge. Seriously, the cheer leading on both sides is little more than smug, self-satisfied demagoguery and grandstanding.

Watch now as any rational, moderate voice gets drowned out in a cacophony of overblown, fear-mongering, and canned, pandering soundbites.

Kind of like this thread...
by talking about cheap jobs anyway so can one asssume that you guys appeared finally here now for clean up or so ? :mrgreen:

TwinkieGorilla said:
and another thing: where were all these whining assholes while W single-handedly took us from the biggest surplus of all time to the biggest deficit of all time?


Busy writing a new martyrology of America I guess.
Sicblades said:
Professor Danger! said:
There are plenty of jobs always hiring, thanks to their high turnover rate.

If they were worth keeping, do you think they'd have a high turn over rate? Think hard.

It's so sad that some people in America are so self-absorbed that they can't do something that benefits those who need it most. Your 20th ipod isn't all that important when you consider that 32 million people need medical insurance for basic services.

There will always be people who take advantage of the system. For example, here in Canada, some people take their children to the ER because their kid has a half degree fever. "Let's deny 32,000,000 people access to healthcare because 200,000 are going to take advantage of the system." That's fully rational /sarcasm. You have to realize that *most* of those 32 million people aren't out to screw you, but really need the medical attention without fearing of losing whatever little they have.

I can't wait for the day that people will need these services. Really I can't, because I'd love to watch those whining ass fools eat their words and pride when those circumstances fall out of their control.

The fanaticism is just awe inducing.

So if you work a crappy job, it's okay to leave and leach off the system? Not work hard and someday move up, maybe get a little lucky? Yes, it should be "Give me happiness NOW!" instead of "pursuit". It isn't a guarantee.

Yes, when I was buying my ONE ipod I wasn't think of the MINORITY of American's that don't have healthcare. A minority that will be EXEMPT from the REQUIREMENT of healthcare in the bill. A REQUIREMENT that if you do not have it, YOU WILL BE FINED. Who is this helping? Not the people that will be exempt from this.

It's just another tax.

Not that all this won't now be tied up in litigation forever, until things change. What, with the whole suing thing.
funny thing, if americans were taxed for buying more weapons for middle east wars, I bet my balls 80% who are complaining about healthcare wouldnt say shit about that. Now, HEALTH CARE OMG WE CANT ALLOW THAT, MORE TAXES? CMON GUYS
Crni Vuk said:
by talking about cheap jobs anyway so can one asssume that you guys appeared finally here now for clean up or so ? :mrgreen:

Well, considering that's BBQ sauce and a BBQ mop, hell yeah.
Where da ribs at?

Actually, speaking of pork fat, I hope free health care doesn't embolden our sedentary fatties to let it slide even further. America's biggest health threats are self-imposed. As it is now, smokers pay higher premiums, now that obesity related shit has surpassed smoking related shit as #1 cause of death, can we not hold these Krispy Kreme patrons to the same standard? Subsiding that kind of lifestyle is not conducive to the general welfare of the nation on so many levels.

If flat tax is such a dirty word, why wouldn't the same principle (you got more, you pay more) apply to a fat tax? We already have a stupid tax (gambling revenue).
Radiated Heinz said:
funny thing, if americans were taxed for buying more weapons for middle east wars, I bet my balls 80% who are complaining about healthcare wouldnt say shit about that. Now, HEALTH CARE OMG WE CANT ALLOW THAT, MORE TAXES? CMON GUYS

Are you serious? If I was being taxed in this example you give, you better believe i'd complain about it. Even moreso actually. Because at least health care has the potential to do some good (it wasn't ready). The Wars? Not a fan.

Good job stereotyping though.

If flat tax is such a dirty word, why wouldn't the same principle (you got more, you pay more) apply to a fat tax? We already have a stupid tax (gambling revenue).

Because taxes aren't just a corporation or company say, "Oh well, guess i'll make more money". They pass the taxes right along to the consumer with higher prices. Which at first might not seem that bad. But the higher rates of cost are not equilivant to stagnant or lowing incomes.
as if there are no people like the stereotype I just described, and these people probably make a great porcentage in the total number of people against healthcare.
Radiated Heinz said:
as if there are no people like the stereotype I just described, and these people probably make a great porcentage in the total number of people against healthcare.

So it's just general statement time? People aren't allowed to be against this? Look at how this was even passed? Doesn't that say something? Democrats didn't even want this. Until someone made the right deal or promise.
Some Democrats didn't want this. But I really yhink the majority of people against this were Republicans or conservative-neoliberal people. As I said "80% of people complaining about healthcare". I am not saying that people who don't fit the stereotype are not against this.
Radiated Heinz said:
Some Democrats didn't want this. But I really yhink the majority of people against this were Republicans or conservative-neoliberal people. As I said "80% of people complaining about healthcare". I am not saying that people who don't fit the stereotype are not against this.

It could have been passed by the democrats. But it seems this was so far left that a lot of democrats didn't want to touch this. Until all those back door dealings happened and then it passed. Zero Republicans voted for this at all. It was the democrats that had the big problem in the, not the republicans.

Still doesn't it seem wrong when you can't convince one republican (at least one, you usually can) OR the people in your own party?
for the republicans: I never saw one at least who was not a neoliberal or a conservative. So of course they are against healthcare. The only thing wrong there for me is a party of a bunch of narrow minded people being so strong in a country.

Now, first, its not a far left action, creating healthcare. Second, the bill was approved right? So well, they convinced people in their party.

And, who says EVERYONE in a party must agree with something an individual propose? It seems perfectly normal that something big like the healthcare bill found some resistence even in the Democrat party.
Radiated Heinz said:
for the republicans: I never saw one at least who was not a neoliberal or a conservative. So of course they are against healthcare. The only thing wrong there for me is a party of a bunch of narrow minded people being so strong in a country.

Now, first, its not a far left action, creating healthcare. Second, the bill was approved right? So well, they convinced people in their party.

And, who says EVERYONE in a party must agree with something an individual propose? It seems perfectly normal that something big like the healthcare bill found some resistence even in the Democrat party.

So just because you "never saw one" means they don't exist. No offense, but that's an extremely ignorant statement. That's like living in the tropics and saying snow doesn't exist because you've never seen it.

All my shit aside, I do lean to the right (big surprise there), but I am for the people getting the help they need. This won't do it of course. It doesn't give everyone free health care. It forces you to buy health care and penalizes you if you don't. Big differences.

So it's okay to convince people with most likely monetary or political promises and then pass the bill at midnight on a Sunday. That sounds alright to you? Jesus, i'd hate to live in a country ruled by you.

And also, just for fun:

And this is why people can't really take Republicans seriously.
Last week, Rush Limbaugh swore he would move to Costa Rica if health reform passed. Instead, he heroically decided to stay behind and fight for freedom, by telling his listeners they're in a death match with Hitler.

I can't believe people still listen to that idiot. Ugh.