Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

cool. Thanks for that! Time to pick up gog's fallout 2 then :)

Another question is do other mods work with each other? i.e. what other mods are good and worth adding to this one? (like that mega one, children one etc)
tried to use this mod but i comes up

"Your trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout. Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US"

but i did not download sfall as it is incompatible with the uk edition. What could i have done to get that?
RevanIRL said:
tried to use this mod but i comes up

"Your trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout. Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US"

but i did not download sfall as it is incompatible with the uk edition. What could i have done to get that?
Sounds like your using sfall. The res patch would not cause this error.
Just a shot in the dark but have you also installed the Restoration Project as sfall is included in that mod.

Just a quick progress update:
I've got most of the work done for the next versions of my fallout 1 and 2 hi-res patches. But I've run into a small snag with the Chinese version of fallout2. I'm looking for a copy of the Chinese "MAINMENU.FRM" if anyone can help me out with that send me a PM.
All going well I should have the next versions out within the next day or 2. The main highlights are scaled to screen main-menu splash, help and ending screens.
i restalled it again but now it seems to be a problem with the uk patch as i causes the game to ask for a fallout 2 cd but i am using white label collection cd
Regarding the progress update in my previous post. Due to some unforeseeable personal issues I have to postpone the release of the next patch updates. There's some stuff I have to take care of at the moment but I'll have another shot at it next week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hello everyone, this is my first post here and, sadly, it's a question.

First and foremost, I ought to give you my sincere thanks for the great community you have here, all the hard work invested in it and the incredible mods you develop and support.

So, now, allow me to explain what my problem is. You see, I recently got Fallout 2 and the first thing I thought was to install the High-Res patch to make a little more appealing. But then, I took notice of the Restoration Project mod. I did some research and it would seem they work together with no problem. So, I install the game, install the RP mod, then the High-res patch. It all works perfect, but I'd like to play in windowed mode. I make the changes to the .ini listed by Mash some posts ago, setting them to be run in a 1024x768 window, and they do work (with the videos being corrupted as spected), but the game lags A LOT. It's barely playable, as the cursor "jumps" several tiles every time I move it, and the sprite animations "skip" several frames.

I'm running Windows XP SP3 and, obviously, my hardware is far more than enough to play the game :P Can anyone give me a hand?

Thanks a bunch in advance.
New version of both my fallout and fallout2 hi-res patches are up and about. Links are in my sig and the first post.
Splash, Help, Death, Ending Slides and Main-Menu now stretch to screen.
The Main-Menu uses custom art as I've separated the menu background from the main background frm. More details can be found in the included read-me. The Chinese version will probably be missing the menu text as I think this is part of the "mainmenu.frm" for that version. So if anyone has a copy of the Chinese "mainmenu.frm" send it my way.

For Joey Ravn:
If you haven't already, download the latest version of Sfall as Timeslip made some speed improvements in later versions than the one that came in the RP. Also the latest version of Sfall should fix the video corruption your getting as well. From what others have reported you may still have trouble getting full speed in a window though.
SFall only slows down my game big time.

I don't see any graphical improvements either. What is the real advantage to using it?

And am I doing anything wrong or does it really slow down the game to a crawl?
Thanks Mash for the answer. Can you tell me the order in which I'm supposed to install everything? Should Sfall be installed after or before the mods?

Thanks in advance.
For Styphelus:
Sfall is a compilation of many fixes and additions. It's also a necessary part of the Restoration Project .
The only time I've noticed any slow down with Sfall is using the dx9 modes. But as far as I know these aren't enabled by default. For me the dx9 modes come in handy for testing resolutions my monitor would otherwise not support. I also like using the scroll wheel in the inventory, worldmap etc. which sfall allows. Settings for adjusting the graphics mode can be found under [Graphics] in the "ddraw.ini" file.
For further info here's a link to Timeslips page http://timeslip.chorrol.com/sfall.html

For Joey Ravn:
The latest version of Sfall should be installed after the Restoration Project. Be aware that killap made several changes in the "ddraw.ini" file that need to be copied to the new one. I listed these several pages back in this topic, try the bottom of page 12.
The Hi-res patch also needs to be installed after the RP.
OK, that's it, I'm done. I'm f***ing done with this game. I've been trying to make it work properly to no avail. Once I was finally able to install everything correctly, the game started to crash after the character creation. I've reinstalled it a couple thousand times, changed the configuration another couple thousand times...

I'm done. Thanks for the help, but I'm done.
I've updated my fallout2 patch to 1.9a.
This version fixes the missing text from the Main-menu for the Chinese version of fallout2. (In the Chinese version the menu text is part of the FRM rather than a font)
Thanks go out to Leephoenixtree for providing me with images of the Chinese Main-menu.

If your not using the Chinese version and already have 1.9 there is no need to update as no other changes were made.
Links are in my sig and the first post as usual.

i've got a little problem with the high-res patch for fo2.

I wanted to set the screen resolution to a low wide-screen-like resolution, maybe 960x640 or something.
As far as i know (i didn't read through all 14 pages) this patch supports wide screen resolutions, am i right?
Because it works with my default desktop resolution of 1440x900. And yes, i set AUTO_SCRN_SIZE to 0

I've got win xp sp3, killaps latest patch installed and installed the res patch afterwards

thx for your help
Jack C. Dan said:

i've got a little problem with the high-res patch for fo2.

I wanted to set the screen resolution to a low wide-screen-like resolution, maybe 960x640 or something.
As far as i know (i didn't read through all 14 pages) this patch supports wide screen resolutions, am i right?
Because it works with my default desktop resolution of 1440x900. And yes, i set AUTO_SCRN_SIZE to 0

I've got win xp sp3, killaps latest patch installed and installed the res patch afterwards

thx for your help

Your best bet is to uses the scaling features in sfall as this side steps the problem using unsupported resolutions. Grab the latest version here: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/sfall.html
In sfall's "ddraw.ini" under [Graphics] set "Mode" to 4 and set "GraphicsWidth" and "GraphicsHeight" to your desktop res of 1440x900.
As you have posted set "AUTO_SCRN_SIZE" to 0 and set "SCR_WIDTH" and "SCR_HEIGHT" to your chosen res of 960x640 in the "f2_res.ini".
Be aware that the Restoration Project comes with an older version of sfall and it's "ddraw.ini" contains several setting different from the defaults. So be sure to change them back after you update. I've listed the setting changes at the bottom of page 12 of this topic.
For Chancellor Kremlin:
I must be missing something, I can't see what's wrong in your screen shot.

I`ve stumbled upon an unhandy restriction on the map`s game area while making maps in BIS mapper. My maps are always slightly bigger than it is permitted and I have either to make them smaller or even cut some parts out in order to match those boundaries. Is it possible to switch off this restriction in the mapper and the engine and set them to reasonable values?
Jordan said:

I`ve stumbled upon an unhandy restriction on the map`s game area while making maps in BIS mapper. My maps are always slightly bigger than it is permitted and I have either to make them smaller or even cut some parts out in order to match those boundaries. Is it possible to switch off this restriction in the mapper and the engine and set them to reasonable values?

It's because the maps aren't rectangular but rather a squashed diamond shape. Presently there are limits in place preventing scrolling outside the map area. This has the effect of blocking access to the corners of maps as the rectangle of the screen cannot fit into this diamond shape and the problem only gets worse as you increase the resolution. I was looking into scrolling outside the map area a while ago but got distracted by other bugs. It's on my to-do list though.
First of all let me thank you mash for these excellent fallout resolution patches. I used the one for fallout1 and it worked great, however I'm having trouble with fallout2.

When I try to run the game the "error initializing video mode 1280x800" appears.Whatever resolution I put in , I get the same error. If I uninstall your patch the game runs fine.

I have installed killap's restoration patch (prior to your patch) and also the latest version of sfall (with the ini changes you have suggested in another thread, to make it compatible with the RP). I have tried to run the game with 8bit graphics but my card (ATI2900HD) or XP don't seem to support this so it must be 16bit. Maybe in win95/98 compatibility mod it could work but the RP+sfall don't seem to allow this.

So then my settings are these:

SCR_WIDTH = 1280

ddraw.ini :

Any help?

Ok forget what I said, you specifically say in your ini that 16bit mode is not to be used wih sfall mode4 and that is what I did... :S I put in 8 bit and it's fine. Thanks again for all your work. ;)