Hello everyone, this is my first post here and, sadly, it's a question.
First and foremost, I ought to give you my sincere thanks for the great community you have here, all the hard work invested in it and the incredible mods you develop and support.
So, now, allow me to explain what my problem is. You see, I recently got Fallout 2 and the first thing I thought was to install the High-Res patch to make a little more appealing. But then, I took notice of the Restoration Project mod. I did some research and it would seem they work together with no problem. So, I install the game, install the RP mod, then the High-res patch. It all works perfect, but I'd like to play in windowed mode. I make the changes to the .ini listed by Mash some posts ago, setting them to be run in a 1024x768 window, and they do work (with the videos being corrupted as spected), but the game lags A LOT. It's barely playable, as the cursor "jumps" several tiles every time I move it, and the sprite animations "skip" several frames.
I'm running Windows XP SP3 and, obviously, my hardware is far more than enough to play the game

Can anyone give me a hand?
Thanks a bunch in advance.