Ne travaillez jamais
Historically, through violence, control of institutional power, and emulation.I think it would be equally ok to make a thread "How do capitalists want to enforce their ideology" but I'm not going to make that thread. Just sayin'.
Control of institutional power is pretty simple, either the one in power are capitalists, or people whom interest lie with the capitalist, like for example bribe, economical interest, promised job for retirement and various other thing (Capitalist are powerful and wealthy, it's in your interest to obey them if you want to succeed in life). The country will naturally adopt capitalism, because the opinion of the people who really matters (in other words people who aren't you and me) are capitalists, from important bureaucrat, politicians, the press, etc... Being in power also have the advantage of making it easier to control and shape the mind of the population, through education, media, advertisement, etc...
About violence. Capitalism has his dark and dirty past. Thankfully for most of us, the capitalist society as non physically violent as they ever been, and we can enjoy cheap goods, and the governmental guarantee of more civil right than humanity ever had (with maybe the exception of paleolithic time as long as you and your group can protect your right). I suspect that socialist revolutionary are rather discontent with today condition, because there isn't enough social tension to provoke a revolution. Many of us might have forgotten but today's police violence is nowhere near close to what it used to be, when a policeman wound or kill somebody, it is more due to lack of training, personal control, misjudgement, and shear incompetence, a century ago, and not so long ago for some country, violence was deliberate and supported by the governmental institution. I'm speaking of stuff as trivial as imprisonment of agitators and leaders, or more grievous like a governmental official sending the army (not the police) to shoot strikers because the factory owner is tired of losing money, and capitalist being legally allowed to have their own para-military force to manage their workers with guns. Whether it's a result of capitalism, the social organization, moral, or brutal nature of man, I don't know.
An other form of violence can be seen as poor working condition, that still happen today, especially in country who don't benefit from social progress, or just down right general poverty. Multinational, and local company can be quite ruthless, because in the name of profit, your well-being doesn't matter, well if you have enough money to spare on useless thing your well-being do matter, since it makes money, which isn't the case for a Chinese working in a coal mine, or some Apple assembly line, or some slave child (yes they exist) working in a cocoa farm somewhere in Africa. Destruction of traditional economy and social structure (thing like familly, village, whatever, who cares?) can be also considered as a form of violence. Other things like : manipulating finance and prices, to the detriment of countries and population, coercing countries into liberalization for the profit of multinational, the rest is up to your imagination. Just to say, capitalism when it is unregulated, and it will not do it by itself, can be really ruthless.
The last, is emulation. Humans have the ability to evolve socially, intellectually, philosophically, just like genes. The difference is that this natural selection is blind, and social, cultural evolution can to some extent be voluntary and conscious. Humans will often imitate other people who seems to be more successful, and powerful, to gain a part of their success. Do I need to explain more?
I've only read this book twice, and I don't have a complete understanding to make a commentary about it (and I barely remember anything, it's been a long time, forgive my old brain), I'd suggest John Hayek's Road to Serfdom if your interested in the danger of collectivism, be it social or fascist. I'm not going to give you any link to a pirated version (there are plenty of them), and stealing dead people is wrong right (are archeologists evil?)?