So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Don't forget steampunk designs, much criticised in F3.
How so?Don't forget steampunk designs, much criticised in F3.
Ah yes, that's a valid point. I myself thought that Fallout 3 was set in an advanced 1950's America rather than an alternate future.
I think Bethesda has an unfortunate habit of having certain aesthetic tendencies and relying on them as crutch when nothing else comes to mind. For Fallout one of these was "make it like the 50s" and throughout their entire oeuvre they tend to do this with horror (note how in Fallout 3 nearly every place Raiders hang out has headless corpses chained to bloody mattresses and various body parts in coolers). I think they have a tendency to think of scenes or places as instances of their aesthetic, rather than thinking about what's going on here and why and designing the scene or location on internal logic.
I think a lot of these things (hororr, old-timeyness) are a lot more effective aesthetically when they're done sparingly, so they provide punctuation juxtaposed against other stuff, rather than if they simply permeate the entire atmosphere of the game.
The F3 stuff, not the stuff from 2.
Neither of them look steampunk. The F3 stuff looks more like modern sci-fi.The F3 stuff, not the stuff from 2.
With FO3 from Fallout, Bethesda did the equivalent of taking 'BladeRunner' source material, and making 'Wall-E' from it. There is reason to hold enmity towards them. FO3 & 4 are embarrassing. You cannot even admit being a Fallout fan anymore without seeing it as self-stigmatizing. Now it's like claiming fandom of Power Rangers.Sometimes I feel like you guys just oppose Bethesda for the sake of opposing Bethesda.
Okay, I feel I have to disagree with everyone on this.
Yes, Interplay Fallout had retro-futurism mixed in with light elements of cyberpunk and yes it's a different style to the Jestons-esque retrofuturism of Bethesda, but come on. It's not retro-futuristic 60's. It's always been retrofuturistic 50's.
Oh, and on the stuff about the breakdown of society. I always saw that the U.S.A had the best quality of life before the war, benefits of hoarding all the oil and annexing countries for their resources I suppose. Even New Vegas had elements of the pre-war time being pretty okay for many parts of America. Remember the Sierra Madre?
Sometimes I feel like you guys just oppose Bethesda for the sake of opposing Bethesda.
With FO3 from Fallout, Bethesda did the equivalent of taking 'BladeRunner' source material, and making 'Wall-E' from it. There is reason to hold enmity towards them. FO3 & 4 are embarrassing. You cannot even admit being a Fallout fan anymore without seeing it as self-stigmatizing. Now it's like claiming fandom of Power Rangers.Sometimes I feel like you guys just oppose Bethesda for the sake of opposing Bethesda.
**No no... more accurately, it's like being a fan T.M.N.T and knowing that it's seen as this:
instead of this:
As befell the TMNT before... With Fallout, Bethesda acquired the recipe for a masterpiece, and created typical food-court fare, sans the authentic spicing that could turn off the mainstream audience. Unforgivable. It's advertising sirloin ~made out of chopped up big-macs.
Of course it's directly comparable, or I wouldn't have mentioned it.Not a remotely comparable comparison when Eastman and Laird sold the rights off and FO3 is not nearly as "family friendly" by comparison to the originals.
Of course it's directly compatible, or I wouldn't have mentioned it.Not a remotely comparable comparison when Eastman and Laird sold the rights off and FO3 is not nearly as "family friendly" by comparison to the originals.
It is exactly comparable.
**And the point is not just the dulled bite, but the stigma associated with it. For now-a-days, the term 'ninja-turtle' is synonymous with hyperactive toddlers.
(...And one could almost say the same of the recent Fallouts; thanks to Bethesda. Remember what their take on it is: https://youtu.be/GABzWHuIZ_4?t=54s )
Again, it isn't. The differences aren't even remotely the same and the creators sold it off knowing what it would be.
I don't think Interplay even cared at that point, they were already the abomination, they no longer had emotions. They just saw the zeroes on the check.