"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
As everyone is quite aware and familiar with. Bethesda is notorious for making bland pesudo action games. I vomit at the notion of calling it an RPG. Regardless. The title of this thread i will explain.
Ever sense Fallout 4 has been release. Compared to other games Bethesda has made and their really really dumbing down of skills/traits/perks and voice protagonist, And dialogue wheel. The fact they also REFUSE to outright even mention or hint at the main story at all. What they pretty much showed was the prologue, If that. They know for a fact their story is going to be either really really really bland or not worth mentioning. Face it, Any RPG devloper who gives a damn about the story they make and adherence to genre always markets their game. Bioware does this, CD projekt RED does this. Bethesda did this for oblivion to an extent. With it's hinting at assassination of the emperor and spooky stuff. You know.
This time, Dead silence, Nothing but hidden walls upon walls. They are going full retard with their marketing turn and back-peddling when asked story questions. Never mind the fact Emil is a hack writer. This is coming from someone who actually goes to WRITING school. Aka college and with lots of time working on my own world. Regardless. All these things even to people who may not even care much about the plot. Or whatever this monstrosity is in fallout 4 will be. Spooker Andriods and Ayy lmaos zaping your ass. Minutemen because why not? I don't think Bethesda understands that pre-war american historical events that incorporate for some reason a cult following now in their series of games. Makes no sense. The Enclave feels like it's trying way to be 50's government. When in reality in other games. It never was this. It never looked like this or felt like this. Yeah, They lied and manipulated to the public. But the founding fathers ideals, Liberty, The government for the people by the people. Wouldn't have been marketed in such a way. Regardless, I'm on a tanget. People cared a lot about the stats and traits. I know personally a lot of fallout 3 fans that conceded to the fact fallout new vegas was a superior game in terms of gameplay. Which lets be honest it was better in everything and by a significant margin. It wasn't even a fair playing field. Regardless i feel once this game comes out. People will play it. Maybe get stuck in the hype and then perhaps a few weeks later. People start making videos on how they were lied to again by todd howard. But this time it will go so bad for Bethesda and end up losing that respect from their general public.
What do you all think? Am i the only that thinks the lack of story marketing is intentional and to masquerade the bad story telling/choice/consequences for sales?
Ever sense Fallout 4 has been release. Compared to other games Bethesda has made and their really really dumbing down of skills/traits/perks and voice protagonist, And dialogue wheel. The fact they also REFUSE to outright even mention or hint at the main story at all. What they pretty much showed was the prologue, If that. They know for a fact their story is going to be either really really really bland or not worth mentioning. Face it, Any RPG devloper who gives a damn about the story they make and adherence to genre always markets their game. Bioware does this, CD projekt RED does this. Bethesda did this for oblivion to an extent. With it's hinting at assassination of the emperor and spooky stuff. You know.
This time, Dead silence, Nothing but hidden walls upon walls. They are going full retard with their marketing turn and back-peddling when asked story questions. Never mind the fact Emil is a hack writer. This is coming from someone who actually goes to WRITING school. Aka college and with lots of time working on my own world. Regardless. All these things even to people who may not even care much about the plot. Or whatever this monstrosity is in fallout 4 will be. Spooker Andriods and Ayy lmaos zaping your ass. Minutemen because why not? I don't think Bethesda understands that pre-war american historical events that incorporate for some reason a cult following now in their series of games. Makes no sense. The Enclave feels like it's trying way to be 50's government. When in reality in other games. It never was this. It never looked like this or felt like this. Yeah, They lied and manipulated to the public. But the founding fathers ideals, Liberty, The government for the people by the people. Wouldn't have been marketed in such a way. Regardless, I'm on a tanget. People cared a lot about the stats and traits. I know personally a lot of fallout 3 fans that conceded to the fact fallout new vegas was a superior game in terms of gameplay. Which lets be honest it was better in everything and by a significant margin. It wasn't even a fair playing field. Regardless i feel once this game comes out. People will play it. Maybe get stuck in the hype and then perhaps a few weeks later. People start making videos on how they were lied to again by todd howard. But this time it will go so bad for Bethesda and end up losing that respect from their general public.
What do you all think? Am i the only that thinks the lack of story marketing is intentional and to masquerade the bad story telling/choice/consequences for sales?