Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Who changed their mind based on what that guy said? All I said was that it was more cohesive (though I think that's the wrong term as it's really more consistent) than Fallout 2 when it comes to it's own setting. The tone of Fallout 3 seems to be more consistent throughout the entire game than Fallout 2 was as it doesn't jump around as much (Fallout 2 bounced about a bit with New Reno, San Fransisco, and the rest of the game) but it's not more consistent with Fallout than Fallout 2 was as it's further off track throughout.alec said:What scares me the most about this thread is how certain people are willing to adjust their ideas and thoughts about FO3 simply because a Fallout veteran (what does that mean anyway?) like Saint Proverbius states that FO3 could have been better than FO2 if it had been iso + TB.
And I call myself wishy-washy. Bwahahaha! Compared to some of you, I'm the most stubborn cock on this farm.