psychosomatic said:
Not to go on too long...but if players do see a boundary (like a fallen building), they may think that the map COULD go on, and will waste time trying to find a way around it, only to be frustrated. An invisible wall is much more direct, and allows the player to go back to enjoying the game instead of searching for a way through in vain.
Which sounds extremely patronizing, and slightly incredible.
Map boundaries are are a feature of almost every game in some form or another, and as such are familiar and intuitive to anybody who has played games.
Invisible walls are a lazy substitute for design, and especially so with a world of credible hazards and boundaries inherently available within a nuclear-decimated landscape. I think it is a much more parsimonious explanation to suggest that this is simply another poor design choice which demonstrates that
Bethesda's initial decision to implement a
first-person perspective was as much to do with recycling
Oblivion technology and expertise and appealing to a new market, as it was to do with any sanctified philosophy of
Still, accepting your premise that this is a pragmatic choice made on the basis that their target audience is unable to cope with the minor frustration of having to expend time to discover boundaries, it would suggest that the intellectual bankruptcy of the game is complete. This must, then, be a game for ritalin-munching half-wits who have been cursed with the twin misfortunes of both
ADHD and near-terminal idiocy.
Either way, it is indicative of devaluation of the
Fallout brand, and especially so when considered alongside the other discontinuous designs and disregard for lore and setting.
I am still optimistic that there is a reasonably passable game to be had in
Fallout 3, but I am very sure that it will be an extremely pale shadow of the original games. Almost every new story details a further step away from greatness, and indicates that the game is likely to attain only over-hyped mediocrity, at best. What a shame if something so ordinary should bear such an extraordinary name.