Bernard Bumner said:You appear not to have understood the difference between two different arguments.
And, had you bothered to look at my previous posts then you would already know that, as recently as yesterday, I suggested that the game will probably be a reasonable distraction. However, it seems that it won't be a particularly good sequel.
It seems I might have unfairly ascribed certain sentiments I felt were rife on this board to you which were not justified, in which case, I apologise.
People are forming judgements based on the information Bethesda chooses to release.
Sure, but when some of those judgements amount to complaining about someone paying you for chopping off the fingers of evil people somehow knowing it was an evil person, it gives the impression some people are actively searching for reasons to not like the game. That takes nitpicking to an art form.
I can name a litany of games off the top of my head that are pseudo-realistic but have silly contrivances as egregious, if not more so, but players put up with it because they don't already have a pre-conceived opinion of the game and are simply looking for mental reinforcement.
It also had meaningful and persistent consequences to non-binary moral choices.
Choosing the moral choice to blow up a town with a nuke, thereby wiping it off the face of the earth seems pretty permanent and meaningful. Are you assuming that is the only such choice within the game, or are you defining such a choice - and any others like it - to not be meaningful?
What would such a meaningful choice entail and can you describe how you arrived at the conclusion Fallout 3 will have none of these?
Again, I can only comment on this when I experience it for myself. A handful of teasers designed to make the gamer community salivate is not exactly what I would call stellar source material for basing a concrete opinion on their morality system.To be fair, I suppose that Bethesda have discussed good, bad, but also neutral as the cardinal points on their moral compass (even though they appear actually to be good, bad, and apathetic in the implementation). At best, trinary morality - not exactly the shades of grey we were promised.
So, you want my opinion, unless it is opinion?
The carefully crafted lore and mythos is very obviously illustrated by the attention to building believable detail into the universe; see the Fallout Bible.
That Bethesda is changing those details, or the ethic underlying those details, seems beyond doubt given their handling of the Brotherhood of Steel, for instance.
Unless I'm mistaken, the Fallout Bible was criticised by fans for being contradictory, and the Bible itself being a long Q&A session. You can never please fans who seize too tightly on a game concept, which is I think the problem we have here.
Also, can you provide in-game examples of lore significantly changed from the previous version and why you think they are inferior? I know the Brotherhood of steel is heavily expanded upon in Fallout 3 and I haven't played Brotherhood of Steel, the game. It has also been quite some time since I played the original two games.
Because you say so? Not likely! Your inability to understand what I meant doesn't equate to lack of meaning.
Your original words were meaningless as posted. I cannot read your mind. "Sequential, coherent, continuous development has been abandoned in favour of recycling and cooption of elements for purely branding purposes" means nothing without an explanation.
They have taken elements, removed them from the original established context, and transplanted them into a new locale - the Brotherhood, Supermutants, Jet, and so on. In many cases this doesn't make any sense, given their role and background in the original Fallout games. These things simply act as branding, rather than retaining their original currency.
Having read the backstory a wee while back of the Brotherhood as it stands in Fallout 3, and knowing only what I know of it from the first two games and an extremely limited helping of Tactics, I cannot really debate this point. I will have to agree to disagree.
Much better would have been to create new stories, factions, and characters within the Fallout universe, thereby avoiding any conflict with canon.
Doubtful. If they did that, they would probably face the angry hoardes whining that they abandoned what made Fallout, Fallout by not including the old factions and canon.
But what if scenarios are pointless.
PiCroft said:Your opinion. I thought Fallout's character development system was pretty silly compared to Arcanums. I still like both.
Yes, mine. And others'. Fallout has consistently been voted into critics' and fans' top games lists, and very often SPECIAL is singled out for praise.
That had nothing to do with what I said. Your opinion was that the character system was "diluted via the poor implementation of combat, Perks, and Traits, all in the name of simplification and immersion". You said nothing about how these diluted it. I don't doubt Fallout's system was popular and rightly lauded.
What, exactly, did you find silly about it?
Having moved from the much more serious realm of Arcanum, I found myself with a cartoony system of traits, the majority of which were pre-chosen or chosen at whim during the course of the game as level-ups, as opposed to Arcanum's system of having new character traits almost exclusively bestowed by in-game events and choices.
Not that this made Fallout's system bad, it was different from what I was used and seemed silly and unsophisticated at first. I grew to like it and appreciate it on its own grounds.
PiCroft said:Fallout 2 had similar "awards" as well, depending on what you did. If the Xbox Live awards were removed and replaced with the old system where you, and you alone saw you acheivements like in Fallout 2, would this greivance disappear?
Bobbleheads, cash for fingers, and post-apocalyptic bachelor pads were more what I had in mind...
I might have misinterpreted your post: I thought you were talking about Xbox Live Achievements
Well, not big deal, actually. However, what I was thinking of is the ability to commit mass murder without significant gameplay consequences.
This was the case with the previous games, as far as I am aware.
Dumb is a value judgment, of course it is. However, it is a judgement I have formed on the basis of information released by Bethesda.
Some of these judgements, as I have already pointed out, though maybe not exhibited by you personally, are simply asinine and infantile. Nitpicking a realism issue in a videogame series as staunchly tongue-in-cheek as Fallout seems little more than the proverbial torch-and-pitchfork treatment. Even if Bethesda state they want the game to be immersive, I don't think they meant "so close to real life, you will be unable to tell the difference".
So far, you have offered little except argumentation and naysaying. If you want to engage with points or opinions, then feel free to offer counterpoints. It makes it all much more interesting.
I have noticed that many people are jumping on the bandwagon of hatin' on Fallout 3 because they hate Bethesda. I have little more than cautious enthusiasm for a sequel to a couple of games that I love. It pisses me off as much as the idiots who pissed on Altar for bringing out a kind of spiritual sequel to XCOM, when they started nitpicking about "the character's cartoony graphics" (i'm not making this shit up, it was especially hilarious given the extreme comic-book type theme of XCOM).