Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hi guys, thanks for the add.

I've been a fallout fan since the start, still love it now. Can't say why, even the change to FPS hasn't phased me, the whole mythology/idea captivates me.

Hope I can input something useful to the forum


I'm Radsick, and I love gaming, music, movies, reading, and writing. Not in that particular order! I hope to get to know you all better.
'Ello, I'm The Doctor
Doctor of what, I'm not sure; little bit of everything I suppose
Sticking to one thing is so dull, isn't it? Always nice to try something new and exciting, hm?

My sense of humor is somewhat random and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone
I don't mean to but sometimes my mouth runs away from me before I can filter it

I enjoy a great many things and I can blame my current fascination with Fallout on Fallout Equestria

Allons~y, Wastelanders, Vault Dwellers and everything in between

If you stumble across a Deathclaw wearing a bride gown, I had nothing to do with it, I swear
The Super Mutant in the tutu, however, was all me...
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Hello from New Zealand.
I'm a long time fan of fallout. according to steam i have logged close to 600 hours in FNV and just as many in the other main fallout entries.

first discovered Fallout back about 2007-2008 when all i had was an OLD computer with something like 600 MHZ cpu, managed to get winXP on it, a mate of mine had a copy of FO1 and FO2 on his usb and let me borrow it. took about 3 hours to copy from USB. got it installed and spent the next 6 months rushing home after school to play it. Eventually discovered killap's RP. Good times.

Eventually got a newer computer in 2010 and played through fo3, I was Blown away by the game's art and massive game space, but i missed the quality of writing the first 2 had, and would play through them regularly.

then FNV Happened and i was Sucked back in like the game was a black hole. must have lost a good 3 months to my first play through.

All in all im a true blue Fallout Fan! i did have an account here awhile ago but cant remember which email it was linked to :V ahh well. Im here now and i hope i get to know you guys as we ride the next radiation laden wave of Fallout 4! (lets hope Bethesda hired some good writers! :P)
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Just joined because the places I used to talk about Fallout or games in general are no longer viable due to recent events.
I've been in and out on these forums since 04/05. Couldn't get my old user back, so had to make a new one.
I like guns, skiing, long walks on the beach and Fallout of course.

And currently biting my nails while waiting for November to come. ;)
Man auroras... they are rare-ish as "far south" as here (central Norway), but in conscription service, way north, above the arctic circle, me and some friends were drunk, sneaky (not allowed), snuck our way back to base (the gate guards don't give a shit), but we were so amazed by the auroras, they were... absolutely... maxed out. Bright, neon-green, like laser rays morphing from side to side, just mindblowing. Drunk and happy, we just lay our dumb selves right down on a frozen lawn, to just stare at the sky. An officer came and observed us, and put 2 and 2 together quickly, strolled over, and gave us strict instructions to do nothing but lay exactly there - and stare at the sky - for then to go straight to barracks and sleep. The same base was very strict on drunkenness, so I appreciated the exception :D

Never seen auroras like that since, you have to go far north to see them so crystal clear and sharp, the further south, the more "foggy" they become, untill they just disappear
Hey, name is Gabriel and my favorite game series is MGS, so hence the Pliskin in my username
I hope i can have fun here and yeah, just that
Hi, I'm Yoyo1er, roi des yoyos.

I read extensively this wonderful web site several years ago (after I played Fallout and Fallout 2). So, THANK YOU, no mutants allowed.

I do not know wether everyone already knows this music: "calling voices".

It is a soundtrack of Beyond divinity (from the Kirill Pokrowky, who passed away one month ago, sadly)

From my point of view, this music is similar to Fallout or Fallout 2.

You can listen it in youtube (key word : "calling voices" + Kirill

or download it at kirillpokrovsky web site.

Yoyo1er, Roi des Yoyos
Hey everyone! Long time Fallout fan here, occasional lurker of NMA, but only bothered to make an account just now because I left my default gaming forum. RPGs are my favorite kinds of video games and the Fallout games are chief among them. My other interests include racing sports (Formula 1, Moto GP, WEC, etc), comicbooks, and the studies of psychology. As you can tell by my username and the (modified) quote in my signature, I'm also big on pro wrestling.

Not much for introductions, but from all the discussions I've read make this seem like a really good and interesting community, so I hope to have a lot of good times here. Cheers.
Hey y'all my name is Justin and i've always been a Fallout fan. I read the article about how you guys have a ton of valid points on why the first 2 are the best. Now i'm downloading them and hoping to get even deeper into Fallout appreciation. :)
The original games are a different style of game. But the story telling is great! I highly recommend getting the Fallout 2 Restoration Project in the Fallout General Modding thread. It was completed some time ago and adds much cut/incomplete content into the game as well as fixing the crapload of bugs. Welcome aboard!