Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hi guys! I'm back again after a long haietus! Some of you might remember me posting I was going through army basic training. Well I finished now, and made it to AIT so I can now have access to my phone and electronics again. I'll be back to posting off and on, joining fallout debates as usual, and just hanging out. Missed you all at NMA and I'm glad to be back! *salutes* hooah guys!

I bet AIT has changed a bit since I was in. What's your MOS? :salute:

68Y--eye specialist. I am thinking of changing my MOS after my first term though. I originally wanted to be 68W--healthcare specialist, but they didn't have room available. When I got to basic training, I found out why--half my freaking battery were 68W loool!!!

Well idk. I'm in San Antonio for AIT, but it's not the lax party place my recruiter said it would be. Because all the freaking medics decided to wreck a hotel last year, we all are severely restricted. Off post passes are almost unheard of, and even getting an on post pass is difficult now. I don't know if it was that restricted back when you were in.

Speaking of that, when were you in and what's your MOS? :) :) Always nice to meet another Army guy or gal xD

I was a 63D-Field Artillery Systems Mechanic. I ended up working on damn near everything a Support Battalion attached to Field Artillery would have. Good luck with everything. Not sure how hard life in the Army is for an eye specialist. Haha. Back when I was in AIT they didn't even allow you to smoke. Was in 2004 to 2010.
Helloooooooo! My Nick is NyxTheShield, beeen lurking the site for a while so i decided to register. I got into Fallout some years ago thanks to a pony fic (Yeah, kind of weird lol), been a huge fan since then, i even began composing Dark Ambient stuff thanks to it, so yeah i hope to have a good time around ^-^
I had probably been living under a rock... or Vault 106, not realizing that No Mutants Allowed still existed.

Finally being a seasoned Fallout vet (successful playthroughs of 2, 3, and New Vegas), I decided to make comments upon this place. As well as show off my Fallout love.
Hi, recently found out about No Mutants Allowed. The community seems friendly enough. I only recently met Fallout games; the first time I played one was Fallout: New Vegas in 2010.
My name's Jorm but you call me J-Orgus ridin around town bumpin Fugees in my Taurus. Nah I'm Sn1p3. I've been here for a while but it's been a few months since my last visit. Back then I wanted to know how to make a mod Fallout 2 that'd add 30 more quests and a few new items, weapons, and clothing. But I kinda forgot how to and I'm retracing my steps since the mod I wanted to do would include a few more pop culture references, a few Japanese culture refs, English, Russian, and French refs, also some refs to things on the internet. So I'll step back and take a retrace. I got into Fallout after playing Fallout 3 when I was around 12. But I wanted to play the other two to see if they were similar. Surprisingly I liked Fallout 1+2 better than 3 and New Vegas better than 3. I also like Tactics. But besides this I'm also on EyesonFF forums too since I play Fallout and Final Fantasy side by side.
I also wanted to add some new locations in there too like Vault 17 which got mentioned in New Vegas. San Jose, Oakland, and Sacramento. Possibly a few towns that are inhabited by Super Mutants as a stronghold to revive the Master's army and few radiation dosed up towns.
hi! lots of respect and thanks for everything !!:clap::clap::clap:
all this work by the staff,modders,members etc is really impressive,awesome and epic..keep it up!

i've been lurking for a long time now and the time to join the best community on the net has come.
to this day fallout 1 & 2 are the best games i have ever played.:cool:
the name's gordog, gordog_frohman. I'm Gordon Freeman's half brother, twice removed. But in all seriousness, I'm a big fan of Fallout and I look forward to getting involved on this forum.
Hello I am the LoneVaultDweller, half brother of the Lone Wanderer and Vault Dweller and hated by half of each Fallout community. But seriously I've been downloading mods and utilities and reading forums on this site for a while now so I decided to join. I've played every Fallout game except Brotherhood of Steel, (and I don't think I'm missing out), hopefully this place is nicer then other forums.:smile: