First time out of the vault

I always thought the endings where there to explain what happens after the game and beyond not just short term, but if you insist I really don't now.
GatheringCircle said:For all those that say that Caesar's legion will die after Caesar is dead, the ending where he dies says that Lanius took charge and civilization brutal as it was began to form in the Mojave. No talk of a crumbling Legion at all.
Humanity's position is better ill give yout that but far from invulnerable for two reasons.You're about 200 years late buddy. Maybe in F1, maybe.
why would anyone think this cult-of-personality-based structure would have any future?
Quagmire69 said:I don't think the Legion ressebles communism, communism involves the abolition of private property and religion.
The Legion appears to have far more respect for personal ownership than the NCR who just steal from people.
The main trait of socialism is not hatred of property or capitalist but the idea that human confort is the highest ideal, faith, sacrifice, and honour are to be illiminated becaues they distract from human comfort and wellfare.
Quagmire69 said:1. Supermutants are still a force in the East and various mutations and abominations still room free, Ullysses even points out how its only a matter of time till the Mojave is overrun by the creatures of the Divide.
2. The NCR will nto be able to support a growing humanity. The NCRs head scientest even pointed out that the NCR is facing famine in ten years. A famine would remove the edge humanity has gained on mutated life since fallout 1 and humans could very well be reduced to prey status.
My opinion is the Legion will change after it conqueres the NCR.Sure the NCR has problems with corruptions and an over prolifiration of cattle ranches in the west, but it is still far more capable of sustaining large populations than the Legion is, simply because the legion doesn't care for anyone not of their warrior caste.
How about you introduce a single original thought instead of just coppying others.Well SILUS thats Quagmire for you, talking out of his ass and contradicting himself is his game.
I'm an athiest so no i don't care about jesus I was just pointing out that they have filled the tradition role that Christianity has filled in western civilization with the God of Mars.Also the problem with the Legon is not the slavery, pillaging, forced indoctrination facism and sexims, no, the problem is that they don't acept Geezus as their lord and savior.....
and does this using (literarly) ancient farming techniques
simply because the legion doesn't care for anyone not of their warrior caste.
It is a society that oppresses half its' population because of its' gender and then goes on to oppress many more for being of the wrong "caste".
ult of personality and the visions of Caesar himself.
His "Pax Romana"-ideal won't come to pass if Caesar dies simply because Lanius does not understand, or care, for that dream.
I'm an athiest so no i don't care about jesus I was just pointing out that they have filled the tradition role that Christianity has filled in western civilization with the God of Mars.
you're not serious about that aren't you ? Just because females do some "teaching" or have a "priestly caste" does not mean they can not (or would not) be oppressed. See the Roman empire. Or certain religious groups (like some fanatic islam and christian groups). Many girls there get taught by females. And they teach them to obey. That is a form of oppression not directly but it leads to the fact that females accept their place among males and not as people on their eye height. And they pass this "concept" onto their children and those on theirs etc. I hope you see where this leads to. So the opression here does not only come from males alone which is a very common falacy. Females can be blamed for this almost as much like males (at least most of the time).GatheringCircle said:The warrior caste is every male in the legion, then you have slaves and priestesses. The slaves are people who would be to stubborn to change their culture and the priestesses (you can't exactly be oppressed if you are teaching who is to be oppressed in the first place) are all the women not made into slaves. If I had to pick one caste to be the most grateful for, it would be the warriors who are dying en mass to further the Legion's goals. The Priestesses are also important, but they do not die by the hundred and aren't in any danger whatsoever.
Romans used greek slaves to teach their children fine arts, mathematic, philosophy etc. Does not mean they have been less of a slave. Maybe a slave with more value but still a slave.GatheringCircle said:Again there are only three we know of, and I do not believe it is oppressive to be an educator. You seem to be under the idea that all women are slaves in the Legion when this is not true.
Maybe it does but telling me I talk out of my ass is not an effective way of arguing. I don't think my reasoning of socialism is wrong. If you want I can cite the books i've read on the subject. My opinion on Socialism is that it is a vacant ideology because the highest goal is utilitarian, I believe the same with the consumerism that has become the main ideology in the West.but he's right your knowledge regarding communism and/or socialism leaves much to be desired.
The difference is if both share equal rights inside a caste. But that is definitely not true for the Legion.