Slap a few slices of individually packaged cheese on that motherfucker after it's done and you know you in da hood.
That's a tough question. I've made some really good dishes before but the most interesting (read: idiotic) one was a pizza with about 25 toppings. I was bored and uhh, drunkAnyway, what was the most complicated dish you guys (or gurls, etc.) ever made anyway?
So any oppinion on Pineapple-Pizza?
I actually love it.
That's what I think about people who put ketchup on fries.Anyone who puts ketchup on a hot dog after age 10 needs to be dragged behind a truck over broken glass, have you no dignity, no shame?
Can confirm.Whenever an American puts ketchup on pasta, an Italiano dies of heart attack
Ketchup on pasta is fucking sinful and degenerates like that belong on a cross.Who the hell puts ketchup on pasta? No... just no.
Also, I like jalapeño on pizza, but can do without them.
I've got a cross coming your way.At my brokest I'd put ketchup on my spaghetti, because... it was the only condiment I had *sad violin*
I'd go back and forth between that and a jar of pesto, just up-end it into the spaghetti, and pretend I was eating like a civilized person
I'll come right out and say that sounds fucking disgusting, but I wouldn't knock it till I've tried it.I see ketchup on spaghetti and raise peanut sauce, soy sauce, and a hint of Tabasco sauce. Throw in some meat and veggies--them's good eatin'!
Fucking awful. Hold your tongue, wastrel.I see ketchup on spaghetti and raise peanut sauce, soy sauce, and a hint of Tabasco sauce. Throw in some meat and veggies--them's good eatin'!