Hey everybody! It's target practice!
Jahakob said:Team mates. It blowed in previous games and I don't see any reasons to keep it. Let's just say I always got divorced the "unconventional" way.
They just die, if they don't die, they'll get in the way. And they bored me, never said anything of importance. You can keep the team-mate system in the next game if a) you can actually teach them things and b) you can control the bubble-heads, in battle.
And make it so that they can have discussions.
He who doesn't understand what Roleplaying is said:_I_ didn't enjoy having the NPCs in the team, it didn't make the battles more interesting and as far as I can remember they wouldn't interact with other people. I'd much rather control my Non-playable characters in battle. The battle universe and the other universe are two different things, it wouldn't hurt the RPing. If F3 allowed it you could have really advanced strategies and it would certainly require more thinking if you had to control all characters. And, last but not least, I think it would be more teH funnie
Party NPCs in KotOR 2 (and in KotOR, and in Baldur's Gate 2, and in NWN...) were mostly abusive, obnoxious, whiny pussies with extreme cases of bipolar disorder. It was especially bad in BG2, where I often wondered why developers didn't remember to include a Psychology feat, or at least Prozac as a findable item.Roshambo said:And make it so that they can have discussions.
Yay, so it can be as contrived and useless as in KotOR 2.
RPGenius said:He who doesn't understand what Roleplaying is said:_I_ didn't enjoy having the NPCs in the team, it didn't make the battles more interesting and as far as I can remember they wouldn't interact with other people. I'd much rather control my Non-playable characters in battle. The battle universe and the other universe are two different things, it wouldn't hurt the RPing. If F3 allowed it you could have really advanced strategies and it would certainly require more thinking if you had to control all characters. And, last but not least, I think it would be more teH funnie
You seem to preach that your opinion is the only one of any import, that because you don't like NPC's, they should be cut out of the game. You also contradict yourself, by saying you'd like to play as a Non Playable Character. If a character could be played, they would no longer be Non-Playable. In the wastes you wouldn't have time to plan advanced strategies, e.g the first time you play Fo1, and you get ambushed in the Hub, you wouldn't be able to form a strategy.
Advanced NPC AI, sure, control every niggling detail, no thank you.
That's what FOT was for.
Jahakob said:Basically all you could use them for was pack-asses. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still.
If not for anything else, at least for the holy sake of fun. _I_ didn't enjoy having the NPCs in the team, it didn't make the battles more interesting and as far as I can remember they wouldn't interact with other people. However there's a big chance I got that wrong, never played with team-mates.
I'd much rather control my Non-playable characters in battle.
The battle universe and the other universe are two different things, it wouldn't hurt the RPing.
If you compare Fallout's battles (turn-based, whatever) to chess (NOES DON'T FLAME ME) you'd much rather have full control instead of just controlling one chessman.
Haven't played KotOR 2, any fun?
Yea, I think they should be scratched. If the game was made for ME.
If I was in developers team I'd be running polls and trying different options
but if the game was made for me I'd scratch them. Do I have to write that all opinions are of equal values and that since I'm merely just a fan it doesn't matter at all what I write or say?
I do know what NPCs are, do I have to change name to PCs? Does it matter what I call them, the thing is, I want to control them in combat.
Hereafter I'll call them NPCTBPITAIYT. Non-playable characters that becomes playable if they are in your team. If you recruit NPCTBPITAIYTs I'd like to control the NPCTBPITAIYTs in combat.
I liked FOT for what it was. It's not like I'm telling you that my way is the only way, all I'm saying is that I'd rather have NPCTBPITAIYTs.
Role-Player said:One of the things I always found contrived in Bioware games was how NPCs had a very clear, defined personality but in combat they just became mindless, ie, Paladins being against the slaughter of innocents but not minding killing them if I tell them to.
None of the NPCs are spectacular except for Tycho and Katja,
Hotel California said:Sorry to side track but how is Katja possibly useful. She can't throw grenades (only good throwing weapon) and turns up so late in the game her knives do almost no damage to muties or robots. Does she have an insanly high critical bonus that i've missed? What gives?
Jahakob said:(Snips a load more stupidity and adds "Turn joinable NPCs into playable characters" to the list.)
I've played several P&P-games and in some of them I got the opportunity to play as other characters. Isn't it still RPing?
Kharn said:Try taking away the throwing knives and giving her a ripper.
Kahgan said:When is the poll beeing closed by the way? I haven't voted yet since things are still beeing added..