Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Didn't you guys know that if you ignore a clearly faulty or badly designed aspect of a game it stops existing?
Oh geez there is that dreaded strawman again!
Also according to the achievement list there is a single achievement for max relationship with a companion, not one for each.
Didn't you guys know that if you ignore a clearly faulty or badly designed aspect of a game it stops existing?
Oh geez there is that dreaded strawman again!
Also according to the achievement list there is a single achievement for max relationship with a companion, not one for each.
Well that strawman is hard to ignore when your game constantly crashes to the desktop or is waving HATE NEWSPAPER-like dialog in to your face ... strawman my ass ...
Didn't you guys know that if you ignore a clearly faulty or badly designed aspect of a game it stops existing?
Oh geez there is that dreaded strawman again!
Also according to the achievement list there is a single achievement for max relationship with a companion, not one for each.
Didn't you guys know that if you ignore a clearly faulty or badly designed aspect of a game it stops existing?
Oh geez there is that dreaded strawman again!
Also according to the achievement list there is a single achievement for max relationship with a companion, not one for each.
Well you yourself proposed said idea, so I am glad you realize is a strawman and a very stupid thing to say when discussing how badly or well designed something is "It's just optional" doesn't stop something from being badly designed.
What are you talking about? Crashing? Has nothing to do with what I was saying.
Again, saying it's optional is relevant because it is optional. It is not mandatory and thus if you don't like it you don't have to have anything to do with it. Player choice. Simple.
What are you talking about? Crashing? Has nothing to do with what I was saying.
Eliminating critical bugs is what I consider part of good game design.
Again, saying it's optional is relevant because it is optional. It is not mandatory and thus if you don't like it you don't have to have anything to do with it. Player choice. Simple.
Changing your underwear is also optional.
Oh please, let's just be honest. Everyone's gonna try to romance just for the sake of seeing how it works and how Bethesda did it. Using the excuse that it's optional is just bullshit. It's like getting a new car with new features and not at least trying them because the maker says you don't really have to, even if the maker himself advertises those new features part of it's new car.
How don't you understand it? We are talking about bad game design? Yes or no? Just because it is "optional" doesnt mean it isn't there ...
How don't you understand it? We are talking about bad game design? Yes or no? Just because it is "optional" doesnt mean it isn't there ...
I think the disconnect here is the distinction between "this is valid to criticize" and "this is affecting my experience". It's fair to criticize any aspect of a game that you care to, but if it's something that you can easily ignore then it doesn't need to affect your experience with it. "This is bad" and "I didn't mind it" aren't mutually exclusive, after all.
How don't you understand it? We are talking about bad game design? Yes or no? Just because it is "optional" doesnt mean it isn't there ...
I think the disconnect here is the distinction between "this is valid to criticize" and "this is affecting my experience". It's fair to criticize any aspect of a game that you care to, but if it's something that you can easily ignore then it doesn't need to affect your experience with it.