Look, Ma! Two Heads!

In terms of fallout 4 they will be their due to it being Bethada production and most of their fans wanting more.
Walpknut said:I hope they don't come back FO4, I hope Bethesda Learned something from Obsidian and decide to make something original and cohesive for the next installement, or that they put the obsidian guys to develop it.
Doubt it. Fallouw NV went for the Fallout 2 fanbase, Besada will go for the Fallout 3 fanbase who did'nt get enough of the Enclave too either love or hate them. I mean that was the feeling I got at the end of playing fallout 3 for the first time unlike fallout 2 were the player is given clear reason to hate the Enclave and take their actions personally. Their was the whole killing dad thing come on he was'nt the most popular guy in the wasteland anyway and somehow I knew someone would kill him eventually. By the way broken steel does not count, Broken steel is idiotic fluff that changed an unsatifying ending into a painfully absurd one.or that they put the obsidian guys to develop it.
Quagmire69 said:Doubt it. Fallouw NV went for the Fallout 2 fanbase, Besada will go for the Fallout 3 fanbase who did'nt get enough of the Enclave too either love or hate them. I mean that was the feeling I got at the end of playing fallout 3 for the first time unlike fallout 2 were the player is given clear reason to hate the Enclave and take their actions personally. Their was the whole killing dad thing come on he was'nt the most popular guy in the wasteland anyway and somehow I knew someone would kill him eventually. By the way broken steel does not count, Broken steel is idiotic fluff that changed an unsatifying ending into a painfully absurd one.or that they put the obsidian guys to develop it.
Honestly I would not mind the Enclave being killed off that much so long as it was done in an intelligent way. I like fallout 3 but frankly i think all your citisism of it rings so true with broken steel. Absent story, meaninglyless cool shit, laser and giant robots. I say if you going too kill of a main faction you have to do it well.But a lot of the FO3 audience actually enjoyed FNV and say the game is better than FO3.
I'm not talking about the fans of originals FO, so maybe there's indeed hope.
Quagmire69 said:but you can't side with people who despite being ruthless as hell are actually fairly rational and sane.
brfritos said:As for the Enclave, they were stupid even in Fallout 2. I tend to not even think of Fallout 2 as canon save for its lore elements - aspects of it, like their fucking Oval Office replica, Frank Horrigan, and Dick Richardson, are so stupid they should be put to the flame. I don't mind their existence, but the execution has always been lacking, and unless they're done right (as in New Vegas), I really don't want to see them ever again.
Keep in mind that their no saying what they were about but rather what they would like the courier to think there about. What would you prefir them to say?You can't be a fucking Enclave Patrolmen at Navarro and just 'want to civilise things', these are supposed to be very loyal people; I liked Moreno
Lexx said:But it's hard to come up with some new foe. It's easier to recylce what was there. :>
Lexx said:Aw, if just Van Buren would have happened, at least Fallouts background wouldn't be as lolzy as it has become now. I know we would have raged about the skill dumping down and interface changes and all the other stuff that was silly, but it still would have been a lot better than what we have now. We wouldn't have known that it could have been far worse then, though.