The Enclave 86
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

sea said:Even in Fallout 2 the Enclave were basically portrayed as outright evil with little room for interpretation.
I won't argue there, my own liking of them is derived - or at least defense - from my own speculation; reasonable and pefectly justified speculation mind you.
sea said:They lacked sufficient and reasonable motivation for their attempts to "pacify" the Wasteland, and as I said, Frank Horrigan and Dick Richardson are pretty one-dimensional and not very believable to boot.
Now I would disagree here, we see what there motivation is - how it has come about we never know, but I have a similar idea to what Dutch said. Enclave on the ENCLAVE have access to the Vaults data, Doctor Henry's dialouge and PoseidoNet, I would say that some of the higher ups saw that some Vaults were decending into riots because people wanted to leave and fearing something similar imposed an almost Orwellian regime of propaganda and extreme patriotism on themselves so their children didn't want to leave; that is my personal explaination.
But yeah I don't care about Horrigan as he's out-of-character and just an obvious end boss. Richardson though I can see, of course with Fallout and Fallout 2 the dialouge was more branching so what we didn't read in our playthrough we don't know. So I read Richardson's dialouge for my arguements sometime ago - I favourited it because it comes up quite often - the guy is a martyr to his cause.
{146}{prs11b}{You don't really expect that to work do you? Ha! If you try it, my guards have orders to shoot me rather than let anything, or anyone, endanger the Project. I'm staying right here. Now, are you going to shoot me or not?}
{277}{prs56}{You might find that tougher than you think. If you do, I'll go to my reward knowing that I died a patriot and a servant of humanity.}
And if you read everything he says it seems more like he's doing the Project for the sake of the human race itself than America:
{234}{prs39a}{For the Project. It's almost ready. Humanity's salvation is almost at hand and the United States of America will be the progenitor of that rebirth.}
{246}{prs43a}{No, no. That's humanity's last, best, hope. That's what we've been working towards all these years.}
The United States will just be the progenitor of the survival of humanity, not that America is humanity itself; I think that the Americanness was overplayed in F3 - which I put down to my own theories of Eden being a mad, despotic bastard more in love with the city itself than any Enclave who would survive to populate it. But anyway, Richardson on his own motivations:
{304}{prs66}{As the embodiment of the executive branch, I bear the burden of ensuring the survival and prosperity of the United States and of humanity itself. A heavy burden and yet if it means the return of the earth to our children and to their children, I bear it gladly.}
{262}{prs49}{Never. Part of the president's job is to make the tough decisions. A lot of near-humans will sacrifice their lives for the return of humanity. Humans will prevail.}
How these motivations came to be we will never know - I have already presented my thesis - but they were certainly present; Richardson and the Enclave in general are delueded people operating on an extremist reaction to seeing the Master's Army 70 years ago when they first went into the mainland:
{240}{prs41}{We found a research facility in operational shape about 70 years ago. A former military base that had been used to research a special virus.}
They then seemingly shut their door on the world again - which I would put down to the previously mentioned regime - until 2236 where they began taking slaves for use to secure the FEV from Mariposa. As far as I am concerned Richardson - and the rest of the Enclave - are the products of a Orwellian regime which everyone is exposed to and hence never ends; it is the source of their dogmatic determination to persue an insanely extremist reaction to the situation in California. Oh and Richardson also thinks that the mutants over-whelming numbers will destroy the Enclave - sorry to dump more quotes:
{293}{prs62}{Not at all. Look to the future. Sure muties and men could get along for a while, but before you know it, the numeric pressure of your kind would tell. No, a line must be drawn in the sand - the buck stops here.}
sea said:If it's not something that makes no sense, then it's a question that goes unexplained; their ability to live, apparently self-sufficiently, on the Oil Rig seems pretty far-fetched to me (where do they get food? do they breed there? where are the kids raised? are there civilians or are they all soldiers?).
Well that seems a little unfare, we don't see it but that's not really a massive fault in the game; hydroponics are the likely source of their food, in my own fan-fic I said that they got protien and such from GM soy beans. Who knows, maybe they had Seirra Madre Vending Machines

sea said:Believe it or not, but most of the depth we get on the Enclave comes from extra-canon speculation/extrapolation, and New Vegas, rather than Fallout 2. I also hate to say it, but I think John Henry Eden was a far, far better villain (stupid plot aside) than Richardson and Horrigan ever could be - one of the few characters in Fallout 3 that actually came across as interesting and plausible.
Oh I believe it without a doubt, their is nothing to suggest that the Enclave was a shadow conspiracy before the war outside of the Bible and my mind on the matter isn't entirely made up - though I do like it for the most part and have decided to stick with it. As for New Vegas I've already made my feelings on them clear on the site, I feel that the fact that only one of the five ever seemed to actually want to serve the Enclave back in the day as implausable and a heavy-handed attempt to recorrect the damage that Bethesda did to the faction by turning them into stormtroopers without even any ambient dialouge. They were Navarro Patrolmen, you know the guys that laugh at you before killing you; yet Kreger makes it out that, "The leadership was pretty ruthless but we were just trying to civlise things." I put it down to the Remnants not wanting to tell everyone about the Enclave's masterplan of global genocide.
As for that joke Eden, his motivations are even more un-stated and an enigma than Richardson. What does he want? To kill all of the mutants in DC, why? Unlike Richardson there is absolutely no why stated in the game and it must be speculated on; I of course have my own ideas but I won't dump them on you again

The Dutch Ghost said:I don't think BTW that everyone on the Oil Rig was a soldier but I am sure civilians were still part of some type of hierarchy that assured that the existing Enclave structure would remain rather than it falling apart because of different political ideas.
There are citizens, they were numberless jumpsuits oh and scientists like Murray.
The Dutch Ghost said:And yes, I do realize the possibility of there being more Enclave bases on the mainland, but the idea of defeating a main opponent/antagonist at the end of a Fallout game is that they are either destroyed or left weakened in such a state that they no longer pose the threat any more that they were during the main game.
No there isn't don't worry, Richardson to the rescue!
{273}{prs54}{You could try, I suppose, but soon the staff of the Enclave and Navarro will be inoculated.}
The staff of the Enclave and Navarro, ie, those were the only two bases in existance at 2242.