Lonesome Road speculation

But wouldn't blowing it up leave a crater where the settlement would've been? Maybe...... I'll come back to you on that.
It sounds like Ulysses is setting up some kind of Atomic Gauntlet for the Courier to run.
lonesome road

i have to say im really excited to see/find out more about this settlement at the divide, think it may have something to do with the missing NCR soldiers and maybe they found the divide decided to settle there and repopulated into a small settlement, kinda hope thats what happens anyway
In Van Buren the player would find the wreckage of BOMB002 when exploring the Grand Canyon.
I wonder if BOMB002 might have crashed in the Divide, spreading its warheads all over the region.
@ViewedCloth na i don't think its because of the storms i think because theres "nothing" at the divide they just stayed because i just imagine its less complicated than going back when they have whatever this old world, artifact/thing/ whatever keeps them there, there i mean i think originally they may have wanted to go back but then there discovery made them think otherwise
After seeing the EDE Achivement, i really question if the poster above the your bed in OWB gives any hints... I mean it was added in OWB or not?
After seeing the achivements and reading all the evidence on what Lonesome Road probably will include i have to say, i feel let down. I remember the feeling i had thinking of what the divide would be at the end of my first playthrough with dead money and now it just looks like a faint memory of what could have been.

Not saying that it won't be a good experience, im pretty sure it will be, just all the elaboration leaves little to get excited for. Im ranting, i know, but this was presented as the big finish, the loose end tied up sort of thing, the discovery of who the courier is in relation to everyone else in the Fallout universe.

Last note here, i think that being able to return the the divide is a mistake because it seems like it just wont be as unique as the other dlcs. Dead Money really satisfied me with that "never can return" ending that let you know your work is done.

Anyone understand or want to give some insight on the contrary?
from what i see on the map it looks like there are 2 small settlements around the divide perhaps the settlements are agenist each other perhaps 1 of the settlements helps you while the other helps Ulysses? im most likely wrong though
I guess it's not to problematic that you can return to some points - it only gets problematic if they speak of big changes after the end of a DLC and you can come back and nothing has changed. And i guess it wasn't to bad with HH and OWB and would have been much less of a problem for DM (but than again what do you want back in this regions?).

Therefore it's really good that you can't play on after having finished the Hoover Dam battle...
All I know is that I can't wait to remind Ullyses that his old world government is just as fatally flawed as any of the new ones... (And is the government that spawned them.)