Luck Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

Man, I wish i could see another comment from trey, Shit talking this miserable piece of mutated shit. Aka Fallout 4
To be honest, I really do not care much about Fallout 4, I just want to be up to date with the news. As for Fallout 3, I think I stated what needed to be said about that game.
"Buying things blindly is smart"

Man I seriously hope this kind of people can't vote...

IF you liked Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I would say that you will probably like Fallout 4. Bethesda's livelyhood depends on that. That being said, even if I was a fan of their games I would still not preorder before reading some reviews...just in case.

Depends, just looking at the Beth board (but really not just there) you can already see now some of their fans beeing kinda worried that the protagonist has a voice and a background story. Not to mention a much tighter back story than previous characters. You are married, with a family and aparantly a war veteran etc. I mean for christs sake, see how much of a fuss it was for people when Todd reveleaed that yes you can also playa female character! And all of that only from the fact that the first thing they showed was a male protagonist with a voice!

That alone is quite a shift from previous beth games that always made you as the player some kind of empty sheet of paper to play with, even Fallout 3. And since Bethesda has shown so little of the world, the plot, and the story of the game and pretty much nothing else outside of shooting stuff, you have no clue how much of that will actually be even a part of the story.

It could be that once your character is out of the vault the back story has zero meaning to the game, outside of a few comments here and there, where the character mentions to NPCs that he/she was married and had a baby. But it could also be that the background story of your character plays a very important role in the game creating a very tight mass-effect like narrative and making it somehow the target of your main quest - how? No one knows!

But I kinda start to believe that the idea of your character beeing an android with fake pre-war memory doesn't seem to be that far fetched anymore. It would at least explain why there is only so few informations out there about the story and such, as Bethesda knows that pretty much all their wole plot is already spoilered and known, due to a leak or what ever ... but it could be all just a hoax, I mean it really doesn't take a genius to figure that the institute and Boston might be a place because of Fallout 3 and the replicated man quest was it seems one of the more popular quests. So someone with a bit of witz just started a rumor based on that, and with luck, boston it was! And androids! And the Institute! But we have to wait and see I guess! Still, the Beth community seems to be divided about that part, if it is good or not. I personaly would feel that it would be extremly cheap, to make the player figure that he's an android at the end or in mid game or what ever.

But like I said, I think what we have seen so far is already quite a change if you consider what previous Beth games delivered.

There is no reason to assume that Beth will always deliver the same kind of experience that you had with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. And why should they? I can't imagine that it is even fun for Todd and his people to work on the same stuff for 15 years with always the same formula repeating it for the 4th time. Not to mention that they seem to be the people that want to do what is popular rather than what is creative. Remember the kind of game Oblivion was? High fantasy with Cyrodil looking like Lord of the Rings instead of a lust jungle? And it seems that tight narratives and talking protagonists are very popular in action RPGs, particularly the Bioware-type of RPGs. So it makes sense for them to hunt for that market. But ... the problem I see, Bethesda is not Bioware. Nor are they Obsidian. They are a one trick pony. And their previous games really have not shown much promise here.

However no one here is really thinking that millions of players who enjoy Fallout 3 or who buy Fallout 4 are all just mindless idiots. Only very few of the people probably care about Fallout, they just want a game that might be fun. And Fallout 4 SEEMS to be a game that could be fun. But there is no way to know that.

But in general it is not a good idea to buy games blindly. No matter if you're a fan or not.
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I enjoyed Fallout 3 and NV. I have watched every bit of news about Fallout 4 and everything I see makes me more excited. This game is shaping up to be fantastic. Of course I will watch the reviews on metacritic first, but I will be shocked if it will be under 90.

All in all, I have never been disappointed by Bethesda before, everything I see from this game makes me more hyped and I liked all the changes. So the chances that I will not like this game are fairly slim.

So do you also like the new color coded dialog system? Where if you want to play as a neutral character all you have to do is smash the blue X button, and if you want to play as a jerk, the red B button?:



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Which is why it's scary.

It's kind of hard to get word of mouth and press reviews if nobody has access to the game until after the release.

For all we know, this could all be some elaborate farce and when you open the game case there's nothing in there but some farts and a bunch of dead spiders.

If you didn't love the previous Bethesda games you naturally shouldn't buy this on release date and should wait for more reviews and opinions after the release.

Yet the people who are buying this game on release are people who think that previous Bethesda games are amazing and who like what they see of Fallout 4. If you only had amazing experiences in the past it's not crazy to buy it on release.

It's the same as with the new Star Wars. Do we really know whether it's going to be as amazing as we are hoping? But because it's Star Wars and because of an awesome trailer everyone is hyped. This while Star Wars is coming off of 3 awful movies and Fallout is coming off of 2 critically acclaimed games.

Personally I trust only 3 companies because of past experiences with their products; CD Projekt, Rockstar and Bethesda.
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Critically acclaimed? I find it hard to believe that journalists getting payed to write good reviews means a game is 'critically acclaimed'.
Critically acclaimed? I find it hard to believe that journalists getting payed to write good reviews means a game is 'critically acclaimed'.

I find it hard to believe that of the 49 critics that are listed on Metacritic for their reviews of Fallput 3 the majority is paid.

If we don't look at reviewers and just at the general public Fallout 3 is also loved.

That's not to say that there are people, like on NMA that don't like the game and have fair criticism on the game. But it's a small minority. Even of the people who have played Fallout 1 and 2 the majority likes 3.
Dunno. Back when Oblivion came out I was pretty excited because based on my experience with Morrowind and Terminator: Future Shock I liked Bethesda's work. Turns out Oblivion was a steaming hot pile of manure, and when they announced that they'd be doing Fallout 3 I was a lot less optimistic than I was with the announcement of Oblivion. And rightly so, because Fallout 3 turned out to be manure so hot it underwent nuclear fusion.
When Gothic 3 was announced I was also very optimistic, because Piranha Bytes has done an awesome job with Gothic and even more so with Gothic II. But Gothic 3 turned out be, you guessed it, a pile of manure as well. Less steaming hot and less smelly than Oblivion, but still pretty awful.
Yeah, developers can always suddenly decide to produce shite for some reason. Never buy blind.
Time restraints, publisher meddling and just plain apathy sometimes.

Lots of development issues can pop up with a complex product.

Which is why it's good to see stuff before hand to instill confidence and provide a general idea of what to expect.

I mean, people who were paying attention were the ones who didn't get fooled by Gearbox trying to foist a shoddy Aliens game on the public.

And I say that as someone who enjoys Borderlands.

They showed off one misleading video, but couldn't keep the wool pulled over everyone's eyes long enough to trick everyone.

Demand for more info had them show off parts of the retail build and that's when people like me got suspicious and took our money elsewhere.
I kinda liked both Fallout 3 and Skyrim too as just games where you walk around cool looking places and shooting people. Does that mean they're not extremely flawed games and Bethesda shouldn't learn from their dumb mistakes? Fuck no.

Saying "a lot of people liked both Fallout 3 and New Vegas" does NOT make it okay. For all we know, those people didn't even give a shit about New Vegas in terms of superior worldbuilding and storytelling. They played New Vegas for shooting shit and because it looks and feels like Fallout 3. Those are probably the kind of people who actually deep down hated the classic Fallout games because they just sucked really bad at them and gave up.

I find it extremely unlikely that the majority of people who played Fallout 1 and 2 before FO3 was released actually came to really like FO3 in the end. Go as far as to defend it? Fuck no.

If were talking about Fallout 4 and if it will actually be good we shouldn't even mention FO1/FO2/FNV. We should look at Fallout 3 and Skyrim and how many glaring flaws those had. Way different developers here.
Which is why it's scary.

It's kind of hard to get word of mouth and press reviews if nobody has access to the game until after the release.

For all we know, this could all be some elaborate farce and when you open the game case there's nothing in there but some farts and a bunch of dead spiders.

If you didn't love the previous Bethesda games you naturally shouldn't buy this on release date and should wait for more reviews and opinions after the release.

Yet the people who are buying this game on release are people who think that previous Bethesda games are amazing and who like what they see of Fallout 4. If you only had amazing experiences in the past it's not crazy to buy it on release.

It's the same as with the new Star Wars. Do we really know whether it's going to be as amazing as we are hoping? But because it's Star Wars and because of an awesome trailer everyone is hyped. This while Star Wars is coming off of 3 awful movies and Fallout is coming off of 2 critically acclaimed games.

Personally I trust only 3 companies because of past experiences with their products; CD Projekt, Rockstar and Bethesda.

Except, that we have seen almost nothing from the game ... which is the point of this whole discussion ... even if you love Beth games, this should make you somewhat worried.
So do you also like the new color coded dialog system? Where if you want to play as a neutral character all you have to do is smash the blue X button, and if you want to play as a jerk, the red B button?:

The telling (and quite sad) thing about this image is that it's clear from the get go that the game was developed purely around the Xbox controller. The buttons on PlayStation's DualShock don't match this color scheme.

The 'A' button on the DualShock is an 'X' and is blue.
The 'B' button on the DualShock is a Circle and is red.
The 'X' button on the DualShock is a Square and is pink.
The 'Y' button on the DualShock is a Triangle and is green.

Those colors don't line up with Good, Bad, Neutral or Question like they do in that image. So people who are playing on PS4 will still probably see the pattern of the tone of choices and how they're arranged, but the colors only line up on Xbox. Clearly the team at BGS are either really big fans of Xbox or they have some kind of deal with Microsoft, same as they used to have with the DLC coming to Xbox consoles before everything else. (which isn't happening for this game cuz PS4 is outselling Xbone by a huge amount and Bethesda aren't *that* stupid to leave all that money lying on the table.)

Personally my money is on Todd Howard being a huge Xbot, but that's just me I guess. :P
So do you also like the new color coded dialog system? Where if you want to play as a neutral character all you have to do is smash the blue X button, and if you want to play as a jerk, the red B button?:

The telling (and quite sad) thing about this image is that it's clear from the get go that the game was developed purely around the Xbox controller. The buttons on PlayStation's DualShock don't match this color scheme.

The 'A' button on the DualShock is an 'X' and is blue.
The 'B' button on the DualShock is a Circle and is red.
The 'X' button on the DualShock is a Square and is pink.
The 'Y' button on the DualShock is a Triangle and is green.

Those colors don't line up with Good, Bad, Neutral or Question like they do in that image. So people who are playing on PS4 will still probably see the pattern of the tone of choices and how they're arranged, but the colors only line up on Xbox. Clearly the team at BGS are either really big fans of Xbox or they have some kind of deal with Microsoft, same as they used to have with the DLC coming to Xbox consoles before everything else. (which isn't happening for this game cuz PS4 is outselling Xbone by a huge amount and Bethesda aren't *that* stupid to leave all that money lying on the table.)

Personally my money is on Todd Howard being a huge Xbot, but that's just me I guess. :P

That picture was made by someone else, not Bethesda, and the person used those colours and button-names because that's what was shown in the video. As you can see from the screenshots, in Fallout 4 all answers are green.
Kinda makes the whole "grey morality" issue a lot easier for the writers, too.

So green.
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Hello all! :grin: Just wanna to say that Fallout 3 actually look like a good game now compared to what has been show for Fallout 4 LOL
No skills, dumped down dialogue system, unkillable dog and companions etc.. They did not even bother with Hardcore mode from New Vegas? Really ''Bugthesha''?
But hey we can romance robots and dogs! Also build a home so they can fu** us in ''doggy style''! LOL
No buy from me, maybe after a year when it will drop in price and have some good unofficial patches/mods released..
Except, that we have seen almost nothing from the game ... which is the point of this whole discussion ... even if you love Beth games, this should make you somewhat worried.

I think that I am not going to convince anyone here with my opinion, so it's the last thing I say.

I think that Bethesda's marketing strategy for Fallout 4 is incredible and many companies will copy it. Announce it 5 months in advance, show a little bit so everyone just wants more and keep it on peoples radar.

So I am not worried at all. I think that they purposefully release little information. It's the same marketing that Apple does. Let people speculate a long time, announce it at a big event and let the fans market your product. It's brilliant.
Seriously, If you are honestly a fucking Bethesda, Reevaluate your taste in games and see if you are the reason for the video game industry crash that looms over our head.

Why wouldn't you want a 2nd game crash? It would give us a chance to start all the way over.

Make 'em spend shit tons on advertising, don't pay any attention to Fallout 4 news (or at least don't give them direct hits on their YouTube trailers) and they'll feel the need to roll out more marketing, which will cost them about as much as their profit on Fallout 4 if we actually had enough people on our side.
Apple is a company built around selling overpriced gadgets that tend to be inferior to it's competitors alternatives. I guess fooling idiots into buying your inferior project and brainwashing them into being your unpai PR shills is brilliant.