Mass Effect 3 discussion

I also prefer the second game (notably because it firmly establishes itself as a TPS with RPG elements, rather than the half-assed, horribly clunky TPS-RPG ''hybrid'' abomination the first one was). My wish was that they took the second game and added more dynamic combat ('cause sitting in cover taking potshots gets boring after a while) and more customization, and that's pretty much exactly what the devs have showcased so far.
I think the second one was better too, but mostly because ME1 had RPG elements tacked on even though they clearly didn't feel like it, and that made it booooring. ME1 was way too clunky, who cares about how much it pretends to be an RPG compared to ME2.

But story? Holy shit are you serious? ME1's wasn't the best but ME2's main story is a joke.
If ME2 overall gameplay + ME1 story quality = ME3, I'm a relatively happy man...relatively...
I guess something like that could 'tweak' the game for larger audience. Though what do I know...
Brother None said:
But story? Holy shit are you serious? ME1's wasn't the best but ME2's main story is a joke.

Still need to finish ME2, just to see how dumb the retarded giant space terminator looks in motion.
It's very retarded. One of my companions died while the final battle, but the ending sucked so much that I didn't even bothered with replaying it to keep all companions alive.

And a few days ago I've even noticed that I might have accidentally deleted my ME2 savegames, so I can't even pick them up for ME3... Which is bad, as I feel no need to replay that thing a second time.
At worst, go to and pick up something that looks like what you did. I had the same problem, my HD formated barely a month before ME2 came out.

And yeah, while the loyalty missions stories went from decent to really great, ME2's main story was a bit dumb, especially the Virmire Survivor's treatment and that hilariously bad ''trap'' aboard the Collector Ship. And, of course, the Reapernator.
The biggest problem with ME2's story was that it basicallly just went hey here's some different dudes to shoot, shoot them oh hey you finished them off, awesome while barely giving you anything about the bad guys. On the other hand, most of the characters were enjoyable and renegade interrupts never get old.
Agreed. The story in ME2 sucked massive balls (pardon the pun). It barely contributed anything to the main plot of the trilogy. I mean, Shepard is in almost exactly the same situation at the end of ME 2 as he was at the end of ME1. The reapers are still coming and umm... yeah. It seems that the main plot point of the whole game is "Shepard lost his team so he had to build another one."

One thing I realized after replaying the game though:
[spoiler:c33309fb93]The very final scene of the Omega 4 fight is actually incredibly dramatic. The Harbinger uses protheans and turns them into freaks (collectors) for his purposes, then he simply dumps them right before they're about to die. The main bug thing comes to its senses and looks at the fading Harbinger like "what happened?" then turns to see a wall of fire coming its' way. I never noted the full meaning behind that scene, thought it was just the mandatory shot of the main roach dying. [/spoiler:c33309fb93]

Still, the game added nothing besides hinting at a weapon that can kill a reaper and something about an unnaturally fast dying star. The latter seemed important as the Illusive man kept staring at the star the whole game but it wasn't fleshed out or explained at all. I really hope ME3 is more involved.
And he has to build yet another team for ME3 (OK, actually most of the ME team returns) because he is Alliance now. At least the Normandy gets a sweet blue paint and gets rid of those awful Cerberus logos. Subtlety much?

Also, I don't think it's that particular moon, it's just a spiffy addition to his admittedly pretty great office (and it changes depending on the ending to boot). Still, it could be foreshadowing (again) about the importance of Klendragron, the dying star and Dark Energy, and the fact Cerberus kept an eye on it.

Doesn't matter that much anyway, it's pretty much confirmed we are fighting Cerberus in ME3. The only possible reason, hinted at in those awful comics, is that TIM is indoctrinated due to a bad case of being infused with plot device... err Reaper tech, which makes absolutely no goddamn sense whatsoever considering his actions in the second game.

Completely agree about the spoiler, that and the very final scene in the Normandy hangar almost made up for Reapernator. Almost.

And about ME3 being more involved, (apparently) you basically choose which race survives and which becomes Reaper fodder. Yep.
Honestly, something that would make the series almost as awesome as people make it out to be is if there was one ending to the third game: The reapers destroy everything. Because short of deus ex machina, that's the only logical thing. It took 2 fleets of ships and his own retardation (he's a big part of my problem with the story) to kill Sovereign. Now there's a large fleet of reapers.
From the Reapers seen in the trailer, most of them are a lot smaller than Sovereign so probably aren't that hard to kill.
Saying that they are invading Earth so they have either destroyed one of the largest fleets in the galaxy or slipped past it.
Would be good if regardless of what you do in ME3, everything will be destroyed. Something super depressive that changes based on the actions you have done in the game... but will still always end in the end of all the folks. :>
BioWare hasn't the balls to pull that off. They are busy making sure that you can have hot buttsecks with all the aliens and stuff.
Surf Solar said:
BioWare hasn't the balls to pull that off. They are busy making sure that you can have hot buttsecks with all the aliens and stuff.

They could learn a thing or two from The Witcher 2 regarding romance, sex and naughtiness in general, because sex in ME2 is childish at best. :roll:
Sex in most games actually is childish. Thats why I prefer my games to be without it. Just like I prefer most of my action movies without a romance.

If you can't do it right. Don't do it at all.
brfritos said:
They could learn a thing or two from The Witcher 2 regarding romance, sex and naughtiness in general, because sex in ME2 is childish at best. :roll:

Not so much childish as awkward as hell. A loading screen that says "they are fucking" would be better than whatever weirdness they came up with, depending on the parties involved.
^ :lol: :lol: That's be hilarious. A standard-style dark screen with a moving bar saying "Please hold while copulation is in progress" :lol:
well in Jagged Alliance when you visited the bordello with your mercenaries you would get some black screen with a yellow smiley and hear ... the noise. I swear that was one of the best parts of the game because it also was tied to a quest where you had to get inside that place to rescue a girl for her brother.

boy they really don't make such games anymore. Now everything has to be "politically correct"
The best part of that Video was the Omni-Sword.

Also new trailer with more Omni-Sword:
