Mass Effect 3 discussion

Mass Effect was a great RPG with good shooting elements.

Mass Effect 2 was a poor Gears of War immitation with dialog.

Mass Effect 3, I'm just not going to buy it to find out.
That's completely true brfritos, They spoiled a shitload of things during the ME2 promo (including the so-called ''secret'' squadmate everyone knew about before release) and it seems like they are on their way to do the same thing. I mean, the Reaper attack on Earth would have been a big surprise, if during the whole promo campaign they would have said ''yeah, Shepard faces his trial, then, oh, je goes off, and then there's Reapers, yeah, that's how it happens'' but in reality BAM big attack 10 minutes into the game, would have made the whole thing much more impressive.

That said, about the Blitz and all, it's not a question of anyone missing Omega, it's a shithole and nobody cares about it. But initiating a Council-Terminus war while the Reapers are a-coming is a very, very bad idea. The last thing you want is both side, including the Batarians who seemingly act as a meat shield, to be weaker when the big bad boys arrive.
Threepwood said:
Mass Effect was a great RPG with good shooting elements.

Mass Effect 2 was a poor Gears of War immitation with dialog.

Mass Effect 3, I'm just not going to buy it to find out.

ME was a decent RPG with a great story, terrible shooting elements, and the mako segments were all kinds of shitty. I've replayed ME and ME 2 many, many times; and to call ME1's shooting anything but horrible is pretty crazy.

ME 2 was an awesome shooter with a decent (but pointless) story, and DLC that just straight ruined the lore.

I don't know what ME 3 is going to be like, because I don't follow all of the spoilerific extensive previews being shown today (just like I didn't for ME 2). At the very least I imagine it will wrap up the story nicely.
ME2 an awesome shooter? There's a stretch. It was passable, but incredibly dependent on its fairly lame cover mechanics, which led to a limited AI and a way-too-obvious level design.

Hey, a room with cover, I wonder if a fight's coming up!

Enjoyable, yes, unlike ME1 which was snoozy, but awesome? Ooof.

And the story decent? There's more of a stretch. The main story was a joke with a hilariously inept ending. Arrival just fucked everything up but even before that.

Can you tell I prefer ME2 to ME1? coz I do. I think they're both middling, though.
ME1 was an experiment to see if you could mix up RPG elements and shooter mechanics in equal measures. Turns out, Bioware can't. The game was still good, most notably for it's decent story and for creating my favorite sci-fi/space opera setting. Oh, and Wrex.

ME2 took it's predecessor's lessons to heart and decided to focus on the shooter aspect of things. While it had several problems (plot-hole ridden main story, lack of customization, fucking catsuits and nipple-harnesses in combat and space), it found it ultimately better thanks to a much more enjoyable gameplay and a better cast overall (Mordin is one of my favorite characters of all times, of all media included). It was also the only game for which the DLCs (minus the clusterfuck that was Arrival) actually seemed to bring something new and fun, although New Vegas is going that way too.

ME3, from what we have seen so far, will be much more ''epic'' (up to you if it's better, I have mixed feelings myself) in story but gameplay-wise seems to want to strive a balance between 1 and 2. We know there is weapon modding, the skill tree is now not unlike Skyrim's (spend points to unlock perks in a given tree, with a limit on the number of points spendable per tree) which is better than the ones of the first two games and the levels do seem a bit more open, a very good thing. On the other hand, there's already a turn of events concerning a certain nebulous organization that will take a very healthy dose of explanation to be anywhere near believable.

And why do my posts always end up longer that what I wanted them to be?
Sure it's a cover shooter, but it's a very solid cover shooter. The controls are tight, the weapons are fun, and the AI provides an excellent challenge without feeling unfair (I'm looking at you, CoD) on Insanity.

I'll concede that piling every room full of conveniently placed jersey barriers is more than a little ridiculous, but that's just one of the traps of the genre. Can't have a cover shooter without a bunch of cover.

I enjoyed the main story right up to the end, where it's made clear that literally nothing has changed. That sort of thing leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but the loyalty missions were excellent, as was LoTSB and Kasumi's DLC, so I think that balances it out a little.
ME1 had problems, but ME2 is much more diluded and downplayed for an wider audience than the first. That's why ME2 is A LOT more conservative in gameplay terms than ME1 and that's why the story in the second attempt plain and simple suck big time.
And courtesy of the cash temptation that Arrival was, most of the cannon and setting of the 2nd game was throwed in the garbage.

I don't get it, I see a lot of complains here about game companies don't trying something different and yet, when a company do, people say it shouldn't be done or it's a fail attempt.

Look at ME3 trailer presented in E3, saw it minutes ago and still don't know what to think, except I have my reservations with it. Even the music, one of the strongest points of the first two games is diluded in the common "grim metal".
ME2 had the whole "Gears of War" feeling the whole time.

And seriouslly, “We fight or we die! THAT’s the plan!”... :scratch:
brfritos said:
And seriouslly, “We fight or we die! THAT’s the plan!”... :scratch:
I see a an error here. It can still be dumbed down.

“We fight! THAT’s the plan!”
I know a few of you aren't sold on Mass Effect 3 but hopefully this changes your mind:

sorry. Not buying in to your fanboy talk Kailus.


It MIGHT be a win however if they keep the British voice for the game :D
Funny thing is, there's actually a fan group clamoring for flashier dance moves on the Bioware forums, and the devs said they will look at it, implying Shep can go dance while Earth is getting anihilated by mecha-chtulus. Priorities, eh?
Well I think one miniplot should be the SR-2's toilet gets clogged. Paragon Shepard unclogs it himself, Renegade Shepard makes his love interest do it and the Renegade interrupt is to shoot the toilet. Roleplaying.
Ilosar said:
Funny thing is, there's actually a fan group clamoring for flashier dance moves on the Bioware forums

I'm all for fan feedback but I can't help but feel many of the biggest problems of this franchise are caused by certain kind of fans with odd priorities. Be it Tali sex or dancing.
Brother None said:
Ilosar said:
Funny thing is, there's actually a fan group clamoring for flashier dance moves on the Bioware forums

I'm all for fan feedback but I can't help but feel many of the biggest problems of this franchise are caused by certain kind of fans with odd priorities. Be it Tali sex or dancing.

I find these kind of requests really strange, its just like the FO3 fans who kept asking if the FO3 DLCs would bring in more player houses.

A lot more could be added to the general gameplay and how the storyline and quests should work out depending on actions and choices of the player and yet instead they ask for more trivial stuff like this.

I can't help but think what they really want is Sim Mass Effect in which you can dress up Shepard and the others to your own tastes and make all kinds of houses and buildings for them to wander through.
Completely agree BN. It's telling the very first subforum created for ME3 is the ''character and romance'' one, with a seemingly heavy emphasis on the latter by those who post there.

Ah well. The Bioware community is still fairly decent (by video game internet fandom standards, at any rate), you just need not to go to the wrong subforums, not start ''a my RPG definition beats your RPG definition'' argument (boy but these go on and on) and never, ever bring up Tali. Or fan art *shivers*.

@Kilus : :lol:
Brother None said:
Be it Tali sex or dancing.

Well if they don't show her face during this game, a lot of Bioware fanboys will have blueballed themselves the last few years for nothing.

Also Legion dancing was what made ME2 good.