Crni Vuk said:
I have no clue anyway why today every game which has more then just "damage" inside has to be sold as "RPG" of some sort. Does it make the game suddenly better ? But the term RPG today is so wattered down that it almost loost its meaning completely. It really has not much to do with the "role playing" aspect anymore.
Of course you have a clue, you already answered the question in your argument, so don't be shy to admit it.
First you build the stats and manage them according of what you want for your character. Then you play your character in the way you build it, meaning as a cowboy, sorcerer, warrior, pacifist and so on. The gameplay will progress according the way you create your character, the choices you made and the tools and situations will be influenced by your stats, or better saying, by your proficiency.
Since this is great for pen & paper but would demand a huge amount of work for a computer/console game, you have some predetermined events, but you still can play the character as the one you imagined.
Most of the so called Action RPG allows you to customize the way you fight, the stats of your gear and powers, your clothes and that's it. Like putting a menu with stats instantly turn a game into a roleplaying game.
You can't choose a role for your character, most choices don't affect your character, the role is always predefined and cannot be changed (do I have a choice to join Cerberus or not, since we are talking about ME2).
If you put an interesting story behind, the possibility of you forgetting and accepting that your role is predifined are very high, but since most games of this genre came with little substance, the chance you become bored to death are equally high too.
You can substitute this with huge, enormous and in fact, Everest's of fight and non-stop action, wich will work too, but in the long run most people will remeber the game as "fun to play, next please".
It's interesting that ME1 is bashed A LOT more than ME2, but I find the first game much more interesting than the later, specially because of the coherent story behind it. The most shamefull thing is the majority of your decisions in the first game in fact
don't change a thing in the second. Do I have a problem if I let the Council die? No. It will have an impact if I let Wrex die or not? No. If I chose Udina or Anderson? No.
And please, don't give me the "they treat you cold", ugly faces are from people who sucked lemon and didn't liked.
Well, I gainned a huge stock of mails at least.
Kilus said:
brfritos said:
You mean that little piece of crap in the Terminus System that everyone considered an annoyance and is full of criminals?
They might have a little problem with someone turning a asteroid into a weapon in their system. Plus if Omega is destroyed it might cause the Terminus Systems to unite and go to war against the Citadel races.
Oh, you mean the same races that we kick the butt in the Skillian Blitz?
Also, you are forgetting "Bring Down the Sky", in wich is stated that the batarian government don't wanna go to war against Earth.
But Bioware probably changed this with Arrival.