Mass Effect 3 discussion

Lexx said:
Yea, I've read about that you just have to hexedit your exe file to activate it.

Heck that's not even hexediting it's so simple. Do have to wonder if someone at Bioware knew it was so easy to find.
Ok so the game might be a cliché in many ways, I mean there are things taken from star wars, species, battlestar gallactica, but it was fun and loved any minute right up till the end (I mean it really felt good when I shot Udina stabbed Kai Leng and felt some strong emotions when some old characters died). Why the hell did they go with the worst options ever? Yes it is a known psychological fact that people want a happy ending (because you won’t have one in real life :P). I mean didn’t Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance win the day, and have a big party with the evoks, or Fordo Baggins destroy the ring of power, and then celebrate in the end in Minas Tirith. Then suddenly bioware does this and pulls a Niche on the gamers. I mean people wouldn’t have had a problem if they made just one cliché ending in which the Citadel transforms into a ray gun and blasts the Reapers out of the sky and everybody lives happily ever after, with a relay network intact. Basically if they don’t change the ending they committed franchise suicide.
depends. If the ending fits the story or situation then it can be a "sad" ending as well. Take Alien3. Or Planescape Torment to go with a game here. One could as well mention Fallout 1 since we pretty much all know how it ends. Poor ol Vault Dweller.
I find it funny that in the BioWare forum, lots of people just don't like the ending, because it is so dark and not because it doesn't reflect on anything you have done in the last two games.
Here's a challenge: how about you write what you like in the game, rather than hammer it as if it was Helldorado or E.T. for Atari?

Yes, the game could've been better and choices could've been resolved in a more satisfactory manner, but as it is, it certainly isn't the most horrible implementation.

On a different note, I don't really understand the complaint about "cameos". Garrus Vakarian/Urndot Wrex/Tali'Zorah were members of a team that practically single-handedly defeated a Geth invasion, killed Sovereign (with help from the Normandy) and delayed a Reaper invasion? And were responsible for resolving/causing all kinds of crisises, both large and small? It makes sense for them to return.
Crni Vuk said:
depends. If the ending fits the story or situation then it can be a "sad" ending as well. Take Alien3. Or Planescape Torment to go with a game here. One could as well mention Fallout 1 since we pretty much all know how it ends. Poor ol Vault Dweller.

Yeah well in alien Ripley is cloned. Planescape is the exception from the rule, and in fallout 1 you kill the sonofabich overseer, leave and start your own tribe which is not that bad after all, oh and in fallout 3 well you die, but I couldn't care less and they actually rewrote that.

I don't know what was about mass effect ( which if you analize it in detail should not be that great after all because is mostly bean there done that) but i really took me on an emotional roller-coaster like no game before , and having this ending really was low blow (it did in fact ruin the other two), I can understand the rationality behind it, and many of the points brought up by that child hologram are actually correct and justified, so in this case i find myself joining the rest of the outraged crowds and demand a better ending :)
DevilTakeMe said:

"Hey, let's find as much to nitpick about the game as possible!"
Lexx said:
"Hey, let's find as much to nitpick about the game as possible!"

Yeah, pointing out NPCs moving around while not actually moving their legs is a total nitpick! How dare they?

Look, let's not do this whole "complaining about complainers" thing. This isn't your usual herp-de-derp forum. People are free to point out any flaw this game has. And being a rushed, badly-written game, it's got a lot of em. Anyone's free to point out the good parts, too.
Well, parts of the video are showing stuff you can find in every game. Feels to me like complaining about bugs in Obsidian games while ignoring them in Bethesda games.

And about the animations, imo they are pretty good looking in the game. Even the running is totally fine when you play it and don't watch it in a video. Also I never had issues with enemies running around while not being animated. The game for sure has some really stupid graphical moments (like the 2d figures running from A to B), but other than that, the game really isn't ugly. Everyone who tries to hang the game up on that tiny bit either didn't played it or is just searching something to rage about. Yea, the earth part in the beginning is really shitty, but it's getting better after that.

The story is bullshit, as everyone knows by now, but the game still can hook you up, due to it's epic and emotional scenes (which are a bit awkward sometimes, but else pretty fancy).

Also the music is damn good. I personally like the two tracks from Clint Mansell the most. "Leaving Earth" is the best "epic" track I've listened to since a while. Especially with the above mentioned epic scenes, it's really great. "An End Once and For All" in the ending gave me creeps too when it slowly moved to it's highpoint, while showing certain characters from the game. Really a shame there aren't more tracks from Clint Mansell in the game.

It's pretty cool that you can now meet dudes from the Normandy running around on the Citadel. It makes everything feel much more natural. Also that the Citadel is getting more full over time, with a wall of images filling up and such, and (fetch-)"quests" getting activated over time, etc. Finally there is progression in a BioWare location. Of course, it doesn't rebound about the lack of real consequences, but oh well... Can't change that now. Though, have to say I am really not sad about it or something... I totally expected BioWare to deliver a game like they always do nowadays, that's probably also why I am not really sad about the shitty ending. I just don't care enough and was prepared about it most likely being shitty.
Finished it at last.

And well. wow, I could write a lot of text. I already gave my impressions, and they mostly stood up all game long; the gameplay is very good, the characters interesting, the whole sound package marvelous, animations look iffy in places but are serviceable, writing is pretty good across the board but has it's cliche moments sadly, and I really liked that many series-wide subplots (the Genophage and Quarian-Geth war notably) got such satisfying conclusions. Overall, this was a very good game, the best Mass Effect title yet, and Bioware's best offer since Origins.

Then came the ending.

I'll put my comments in spoiler, not only because duh, but also because this might end up in a rant/wall of text of some proportion.


This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit.

After all this? Three game's worth of fighting? Three game's worth of Commander Shepard succeeding against all odds, never, ever accepting defeat? After all this drivel or long-term choices and blabla?

The endng consists of a fucking god-child (a literal Deus Ex Machina!) descending from the heavens and asking which colour of crap you want. Shepard says ''OK, yes boss'', then ''chooses''. Then, for absolutely no goddamn reason, the Normandy flees, then crashes on Buttfuck, Nowhere. Then Buzz Aldrin tells a story to a brat. Then credits roll.

What. The. Fuck.

OK, I'm in the mood for a rant after all, let's brwak it all up;

The God-Child: The hell was that about? Organics fight synthetics naturally, so we create synthetics that will kill all organics so organics can't get killed by synthetics? What the fucking fuck motive is this shit. Not only is it determinism in it's purest form (a point of view completely absent from Mass Effect prior to 3, nay, prior to that very ending), we know it's not true; EDI comes completely to terms with her nature as an AI and becomes a friend to organics (keep in mind she comes from Reaper tech to boot) while the Geth and Quarian just need what remains a huge misunderstanding cleaned up in order to get along just fine, indeed the Gethare all to happy to let the Quarians back into Rannoch. In fact, the only Geth that ever were hostile to all organics were the Hereti Geth. Those modified by the Reapers. Hypocrisy much? Not only that, but Shepard in incredibly sheeping in that scene. The Shepard that always has something to say, always has two different options/mindsets to a problem just buys the god-child's bullshit without any objection at all. Sorry, that's not Shepard. The Guardian should have been ditched entirely. Let the Reaper's motive be reproduction or somesuch, and make the Crucible/Catalyst just that, a weapon. Not a Deux Ex Machina telling Shepard what to do.

The choices themselves; in theory, they are good. The execution is terrible, however. Having the god-child impose them is bad enough, but destroying the Relays no matter what? Killing all AIs for absolutely no reason? Control means the Reapers survive, why can't Shepard just order them to dive into the nearest sun or somesuch? Merge turns everyone in the galaxy into a half-robot? I mean, Mass Effect was not the hardest sci-fi out there, but it has grounds in science, never became too outrageous (save maybe for Biotics), but this shit is space magic of an unprecedented scale. Not even Star Wars or the softest animes are this bad.

The Normandy crashing: This is even worse. Shepard's two squadmates just magically teleport on the Normandy, which then flees. Uh, yeah, wasn't it very clear by that that Joker and crew were utterly loyal to Shepard no matter what? They followed him into the Conduit, the Suicide Mission, and countless other shitty days, but they just suddendly flee? What the fuck. Then the relays shut down whatever you do, they crash land, and and.. that's it. Where? What happens to them? Bioware developped these characters over the course of three games, some have been with us from the very beginning, yet that's their final fate? Crash land somewhere for absolutely no goddamn reason? And the final cutscene implies that they founded a colony or somesuch; uh, hello0, there's 20 people tops aboard. Not exactly prime genetic material for a new colony. Plus, Tali and good ol' Garrus, are dextro-based life forms, so they're doomed to die of starvation no matter what. Hope you didn't like or care about the characters, Walters obviously didn't give a shit.

Epilogues; where are they? Now that my shitty choice has been made, what gives? Yeah, yeah, Stargazer tells me life finds a way. So fucking what. I want to know what happens to Earth. To Palaven. To the Krogans. To the Geth/Quarians. To Thessia. All these places I helped save, all those conflicts I resolved, all those battles I fought. What gives? What happened? What the fuck does it matter anyway, since galactic civilization collapses whatever I do, however I'm prepared, no matter what I decide. I guess the Krogans, free of the Genophage, overpopulate, or culls their young. Some Geth are alone on Rannoch with some Quarians, since the entire goddamn Migrant Fleet was in orbit over Earth and is thus lost. Thessia is decimated. Palaven is too. Earth's even worse off. Hell, for what we know, the Relays torched all those planets when they exploded, like in the Arrival DLC. What's the point of all this, then? Oh yeah, there's no cycle any longer. Whoope fucking doo. In the state the galaxy is in, I suspect most will die (many, many systems are not self-sufficient, those that were were also devastated), a few will survive. Makes you ask if it's not better to just let the Cycle continue. At least the galaxy is a nice place for a few thousand years before the Reapers come to omnomnom it.

I (and many others) don't hate the endings because they are dark. I fully expected Shepard to die, and many sacrifices to be made; the main game made very clear that, even in case of a victory, the galaxy would be profoundly scarred. The problem is that the entire ending 1) is nonsensical, relies on Deus Ex Machina, Shepard breaking character entirely and cheap explanations 2) Completely ditches all the characters that made the series what it was in the first place 3) Provides absolutely no closure, I went out with far more (and far bitter) questions than I entered 4) doesn't fit the spirit of the series at all. Mass Effect is not 40K or some grimdark sci-fi; it's a Space Opera. It got very dark, which is very appropriate considering the circumstances, but not to the point where you could say ''fuck that shit, the world is screwed anyhow''. There was always hope, a fight, something else than just the galaxy being shitty. Now you choose if you want the galaxy annihilated, a little less annihilated with Reapers still around not paying for their acts, or a little less annihilated where everyone becomes half-robots somehow.

It's absolute bullshit. Mass Effect may not have been Torment in writing/storytelling department, but it deserves better than this travesty. I'll still replay the game, because it remains very good in my eyes, but I'll just stop playing the character once it reaches the beam. Everything before is a blast, overall. Then comes nonsense-land.

Fuck, I might just do what I never did and headcanon that shit. Shepard turns on the Crucible. Reapers blow up, causing untold damage in their blast, but the galaxy is saved, Relays intact, takes a long time to rebuld but can actually look forward to a promising future. Shepard is buried, surrounded by his friends, with the highest honors. The end.


As I knew, this turned into a rant. Sorry for the wall of text and swear wods and all. Maybe I'll write a review or something once my head clears, I feel there's more to say about the game now that the endings are out of the way.
Do you guys really believe ME is over with this game? This cow guys. Is not dry yet.

I would not be surprised if there is more coming from them. The universe is just to rich not to be milked. So I would guess they chose that ending so that you have some "suuuurprise!!!! we wanted to finish ME but it was soooo good we decided to give our fans more!". Unrealistic? Well Prothean DLC. Think again.

nemo00 said:
Yeah well in alien Ripley is cloned.
Its called Alien resurrection and it is not an "Alien" movie. For an Alien movie you need quality. This thing had none. Well a few maybe.
I am pretty sure there will be another Mass Effect, they (Bioware) pretty much confirmed that already.

Thing is, on what will they continue?
They pretty much resolved most plotlines, in a natural or forced way.

Doesn't mean they can not come up with new stuff, I myself was already talking with people what stuff I would do if I was allowed to make the concept for Mass Effect 4, but the thing is, I absolutely don't trust the writers of Bioware to come up with something good or something that makes much sense.

Hello Ilosar, nice to hear you like the game but I do think you in general overrate it as there was plenty of stuff that was irksome and that could have been done in a much better way.

Forgive my arrogance but this is what I would have liked to have done.

[spoiler:7e0674dfb7]What I would like to do with the campaign is that the player is offered various side missions during the main campaign from the Alliance, various alien governments but also Cerberus who like the other parties also wants to fight the Reapers (or so it seems)

Alliance missions would be a lot of rescue, defense, and offense missions while Cerberus would give infiltration missions of Reaper controlled worlds, retrieval of information, items or personnel and other missions that do not involve direct combat with the Reapers and their controlled forces.

Alien government missions would also be varied, from assisting a bomber fleet with an attack to assisting a warship that has been taken over by indoctrinated forces.

These missions would result into war assets the player can use on the galaxy map.
Units would range from spying units, ground forces, spaceship forces, supply ships and so on and could be used in free sectors and Reapers controlled sectors, providing bonuses, goods and information.

Scientists would be able to research better personnel and starship equipment like better armor, medical goods, backup systems and weaponry that can give both the player new equipment but also would make war assets more effective on the map.

Of course also research would be done on the Reapers and their forces which could have influence on the side missions and the main campaign.

I hope I am not spoiling things but regarding the game's main plot, the first thing I would throw out is the Crucible plot device as feels it feels as it was pulled out of the writers' asses.
There has also not been any logical build up to it at all which I find also annoying as the writers had a whole second game to make introduce it other than the quick comment that was made in Lair of the Shadow Broker that the Protheans had been working on something other than the Conduit.

Its also a bit to convenient in my opinion, while I can understand that a super weapon can be an interesting plot device it also need to be well developed which in ME3's plot was not the case.

Another perhaps harsh decision that I would do is bring up the fact that worlds such as Earth, Palaven (Turian homeworld) and Thessia (Asari homeworld) that have been attacked and overrun by the Reapers are essentially lost. There is not going to be a big battle to retake any planet as going up against the Reaper is like ants declaring war to humanity.

The Citadel itself is now also lost and has become the Reapers' center of control where they bring captured and indoctrinated species' members to to process them into new Reapers and Destroyer Reapers.

All the player can do is slow down their progress in the galaxy, regular forces such as indoctrinated and converted can be beat, and later on Reaper Destroyers and perhaps even the big Reapers themselves but the player can never defeat them in any military scenario due to the Reapers superior numbers and technology.

Rather the player's goal would be to preserve as much of the human and alien survivors as possible while searching for a way to defeat the Reapers or drive them off and that is what the main plot would be about.

It would not be just about making alliances with the various species but also learning more about the Reapers themselves, their origins, and their motivations.

While I am not a fan of Drew Karpyshyn's work in general I would continue on his idea that the Reapers seek to fulfill a greater cosmological goal in their existence rather than being an 'answer' to a possible clash between organic lifeforms and their synthetic or Artificial Intelligence creations.

The Reapers 'reap' civilizations and their resources for a greater long term goal, a goal they believe justifies the destruction of cultures and the processing of their people into the creation of new Reapers, a goal beyond the understanding of regular organics, or so they think.

Learning about this all and confronting the Reapers would be the final goal.

I might keep in the plot that the Illusive Man seeks to control and harness the power of the Reapers but that most of his Cerberus personnel does not know of this plan, or supports it.

Regarding any team members of ME2 that survived the suicide mission, if they survived the player would be able to recruit them, expanding the number of possible companions during ME3.[/spoiler:7e0674dfb7]
Brother None said:
People are free to point out any flaw this game has. And being a rushed, badly-written game, it's got a lot of em. Anyone's free to point out the good parts, too.

True. But it really gets tedious when someone like Crni shows up in every thread just to say how bad the gaming industry is nowadays and how a game did not impress him.

As for ME3:
-I liked the ending.
-I didn't like any of the quests that where given to you simply by overhearing a conversation. This is simply the most embarrassing part of the game.
-There weren't a lot of choices to make, but some of the choices you had made in past did affect your game. They weren't really ground breaking but they weren't that bad either.
-Gunplay & weapon mods were cool.
-Multiplayer felt really really cheap. Simply a tacked on horde mode.
-Graphics are neat.

yup...that's about it for now.
Ilosar said:
Finished it at last.

And well. wow, I could write a lot of text. I already gave my impressions, and they mostly stood up all game long; the gameplay is very good, the characters interesting, the whole sound package marvelous, animations look iffy in places but are serviceable, writing is pretty good across the board but has it's cliche moments sadly, and I really liked that many series-wide subplots (the Genophage and Quarian-Geth war notably) got such satisfying conclusions. Overall, this was a very good game, the best Mass Effect title yet, and Bioware's best offer since Origins.

Then came the ending.

I'll put my comments in spoiler, not only because duh, but also because this might end up in a rant/wall of text of some proportion.

As I knew, this turned into a rant. Sorry for the wall of text and swear wods and all. Maybe I'll write a review or something once my head clears, I feel there's more to say about the game now that the endings are out of the way.

Good you actually saved me a lot of time in writing down all that, cause I agree in 99% :).

The only thing that I would like to ad,[spoiler:ba8c04b975] is why not let Sheppard live, he already survived stuff that would have killed anybody else. If he beat statistics up until now let him beat them also in the end. (There is a limit in how many artillery strikes you can doge in real life:)) [/spoiler:ba8c04b975]. Fuck that I play games because I want to take a break from all the shit that is going on in the real world so let fiction be fiction and let the impossible be possible.

Why not go with the ME2 option, [spoiler:ba8c04b975] depending on how much of the game you completed, Sheppard will survive or die then you actually have a fucking incentive to play it .

Oh and in the end logically speaking as long as the Reapers didn't nuke the shit out of the planets or blew them up they could have been rebuilt in a relatively short time (I mean Earth looks worse in Fallout). [/spoiler:ba8c04b975]

As for a possible ME4. [spoiler:ba8c04b975] Wouldn’t it have been easier to have a functional ME Universe at the end of the game, with a possibility for countless stories (just look at Star Wars I mean the most extreme thing there would have been destroying the force but surprise you managed to avert that). This way you actually blew up all system with a mass effect relay (which are all of the inhabited systems with advanced civilizations capable of intersystem travel) leaving a couple of completely cut of colonies, which eventually would descend into barbarism, and the younger civilizations would have had to reinvent the wheel all over again. [/spoiler:ba8c04b975] To make a good game in this kind of a setting is very difficult, so personally I simply cannot find a logical explanation for why they choose this ending.

The other thing, for which I really hate EA, is that they force you to play the multiplayer game to get an N7 chestpice breathing even thou the citadel blew up. I other words forcing people to play multiplayer which affects single player is a step too far. I get the dlc-s I even let the first day paid dlc slide, but this is simply rude. Heck I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody sued their ass.
Wild Fan Theory Time

There's quite a few people who believe the ending isn't the real one and that some DLC is going to come out and give us the real one.

I just hope they're not going to do the Fallout 3 thing and "change the fiction" as if it were to cover up how badly they botched the original one.
I honestly don't find the ending that bad, neither the game, quite enjoying it as already said. This "fan movement" stuff is ridicolous..

I don't care that Shepard is a goner at the end, neither do I care for what happens with the Normandy. There is an entire galaxy put back to a dark age or maybe even worse, billions, trillions dead people, but the only thing those people care for are their Waifus, Love Interests and all this crap? What the fuck?