Finished it at last.
And well. wow, I could write a lot of text. I already gave my impressions, and they mostly stood up all game long; the gameplay is very good, the characters interesting, the whole sound package marvelous, animations look iffy in places but are serviceable, writing is pretty good across the board but has it's cliche moments sadly, and I really liked that many series-wide subplots (the Genophage and Quarian-Geth war notably) got such satisfying conclusions. Overall, this was a very good game, the best Mass Effect title yet, and Bioware's best offer since Origins.
Then came the ending.
I'll put my comments in spoiler, not only because duh, but also because this might end up in a rant/wall of text of some proportion.
This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit.
After all this? Three game's worth of fighting? Three game's worth of Commander Shepard succeeding against all odds, never, ever accepting defeat? After all this drivel or long-term choices and blabla?
The endng consists of a fucking god-child (a literal Deus Ex Machina!) descending from the heavens and asking which colour of crap you want. Shepard says ''OK, yes boss'', then ''chooses''. Then, for absolutely no goddamn reason, the Normandy flees, then crashes on Buttfuck, Nowhere. Then Buzz Aldrin tells a story to a brat. Then credits roll.
What. The. Fuck.
OK, I'm in the mood for a rant after all, let's brwak it all up;
The God-Child: The hell was that about? Organics fight synthetics naturally, so we create synthetics that will kill all organics so organics can't get killed by synthetics? What the fucking fuck motive is this shit. Not only is it determinism in it's purest form (a point of view completely absent from Mass Effect prior to 3, nay, prior to that very ending), we know it's not true; EDI comes completely to terms with her nature as an AI and becomes a friend to organics (keep in mind she comes from Reaper tech to boot) while the Geth and Quarian just need what remains a huge misunderstanding cleaned up in order to get along just fine, indeed the Gethare all to happy to let the Quarians back into Rannoch. In fact, the only Geth that ever were hostile to all organics were the Hereti Geth. Those modified by the Reapers. Hypocrisy much? Not only that, but Shepard in incredibly sheeping in that scene. The Shepard that always has something to say, always has two different options/mindsets to a problem just buys the god-child's bullshit without any objection at all. Sorry, that's not Shepard. The Guardian should have been ditched entirely. Let the Reaper's motive be reproduction or somesuch, and make the Crucible/Catalyst just that, a weapon. Not a Deux Ex Machina telling Shepard what to do.
The choices themselves; in theory, they are good. The execution is terrible, however. Having the god-child impose them is bad enough, but destroying the Relays no matter what? Killing all AIs for absolutely no reason? Control means the Reapers survive, why can't Shepard just order them to dive into the nearest sun or somesuch? Merge turns everyone in the galaxy into a half-robot? I mean, Mass Effect was not the hardest sci-fi out there, but it has grounds in science, never became too outrageous (save maybe for Biotics), but this shit is space magic of an unprecedented scale. Not even Star Wars or the softest animes are this bad.
The Normandy crashing: This is even worse. Shepard's two squadmates just magically teleport on the Normandy, which then flees. Uh, yeah, wasn't it very clear by that that Joker and crew were utterly loyal to Shepard no matter what? They followed him into the Conduit, the Suicide Mission, and countless other shitty days, but they just suddendly flee? What the fuck. Then the relays shut down whatever you do, they crash land, and and.. that's it. Where? What happens to them? Bioware developped these characters over the course of three games, some have been with us from the very beginning, yet that's their final fate? Crash land somewhere for absolutely no goddamn reason? And the final cutscene implies that they founded a colony or somesuch; uh, hello0, there's 20 people tops aboard. Not exactly prime genetic material for a new colony. Plus, Tali and good ol' Garrus, are dextro-based life forms, so they're doomed to die of starvation no matter what. Hope you didn't like or care about the characters, Walters obviously didn't give a shit.
Epilogues; where are they? Now that my shitty choice has been made, what gives? Yeah, yeah, Stargazer tells me life finds a way. So fucking what. I want to know what happens to Earth. To Palaven. To the Krogans. To the Geth/Quarians. To Thessia. All these places I helped save, all those conflicts I resolved, all those battles I fought. What gives? What happened? What the fuck does it matter anyway, since galactic civilization collapses whatever I do, however I'm prepared, no matter what I decide. I guess the Krogans, free of the Genophage, overpopulate, or culls their young. Some Geth are alone on Rannoch with some Quarians, since the entire goddamn Migrant Fleet was in orbit over Earth and is thus lost. Thessia is decimated. Palaven is too. Earth's even worse off. Hell, for what we know, the Relays torched all those planets when they exploded, like in the Arrival DLC. What's the point of all this, then? Oh yeah, there's no cycle any longer. Whoope fucking doo. In the state the galaxy is in, I suspect most will die (many, many systems are not self-sufficient, those that were were also devastated), a few will survive. Makes you ask if it's not better to just let the Cycle continue. At least the galaxy is a nice place for a few thousand years before the Reapers come to omnomnom it.
I (and many others) don't hate the endings because they are dark. I fully expected Shepard to die, and many sacrifices to be made; the main game made very clear that, even in case of a victory, the galaxy would be profoundly scarred. The problem is that the entire ending 1) is nonsensical, relies on Deus Ex Machina, Shepard breaking character entirely and cheap explanations 2) Completely ditches all the characters that made the series what it was in the first place 3) Provides absolutely no closure, I went out with far more (and far bitter) questions than I entered 4) doesn't fit the spirit of the series at all. Mass Effect is not 40K or some grimdark sci-fi; it's a Space Opera. It got very dark, which is very appropriate considering the circumstances, but not to the point where you could say ''fuck that shit, the world is screwed anyhow''. There was always hope, a fight, something else than just the galaxy being shitty. Now you choose if you want the galaxy annihilated, a little less annihilated with Reapers still around not paying for their acts, or a little less annihilated where everyone becomes half-robots somehow.
It's absolute bullshit. Mass Effect may not have been Torment in writing/storytelling department, but it deserves better than this travesty. I'll still replay the game, because it remains very good in my eyes, but I'll just stop playing the character once it reaches the beam. Everything before is a blast, overall. Then comes nonsense-land.
Fuck, I might just do what I never did and headcanon that shit. Shepard turns on the Crucible. Reapers blow up, causing untold damage in their blast, but the galaxy is saved, Relays intact, takes a long time to rebuld but can actually look forward to a promising future. Shepard is buried, surrounded by his friends, with the highest honors. The end.
As I knew, this turned into a rant. Sorry for the wall of text and swear wods and all. Maybe I'll write a review or something once my head clears, I feel there's more to say about the game now that the endings are out of the way.