Mass Effect 3 discussion

Ausdoerrt said:
On a more serious note, I'm actually struggling to remember a game (ANY game with 3d graphics) that had proper armor for the fairer sex. Aesthetics usually wins over realism in this matter, I think.

Demon's Souls had some realistic armor design.

Hell, you couldn't even tell the gender of a character when they wore the heavier armors.

Of course, some characters couldn't even move in the heavier armors, 'twas funny when they tried to kill you to take your stuff and I could just walk around behind them and stab them to death.
COD doesn't really have weapon customization. There's a couple of totally cosmetic things you can do, but customizing your weapons is limited to one or two attachments at most, that are available for pretty much every other gun, an that's about it. You also don't really get a clue as to the stats and some of them are just straight up minor cosmetic differences between attachments.

It does have role playing elements, as almost everything does, except COD doesn't use hard, pre built classes like battlefield or TF2, but soft, make your own dealies, so you can still build your classes to fill a role.

Of course they haven't adequately balanced the games since COD4, so it's all for naught, really, because there are a few totally broken setups that remain totally broken.
Good lord, the thread about Ash's outfit is now 75 pages long and counting within barely a day and Hudson has already assured for a second time she will get armor. Good ol' BSN rocking the boat this time. Then again it didn't help much in DA2's case.

Also, about RPG elements, weapon customization amounts to more than CoD, there are 3 to 5 slots per gun, we were shown that a single piece increases damage by a respectable 25%, and you can also recolor armor if bright pink assault rifles suit your fancy. It seems even better than New Vegas's system, the question is just how we get these upgrades, if I have to strip mine another couple dozens of planets...

And anyway, demanding more than what we got is a bit naive; Mass Effect was never meant to be a ''true'' RPG, the first one tried but failed miserably because scaling equipment and going from level 1 little boy to level 100 unstoppable badass doesn't work when Shepard is already a celebrated space captain. ME3 seems a good compromise between this and ME2's over-simplification.
Ausdoerrt said:
On a more serious note, I'm actually struggling to remember a game (ANY game with 3d graphics) that had proper armor for the fairer sex. Aesthetics usually wins over realism in this matter, I think.

Well, there's this ONE character in Soul Calibur 4...
To be honest, and maybe this makes me a horrible person, I'm totally cool with sexy space suits in my space opera.

As for weapon customization, something more like Jagged Alliance 2's system would be the shit. (Or rather the system in the "new Inventory" system in 1.13). A wide variety of normal attachments and modifications that can be applied to a variety of guns, in a variety of slots. Scopes, grips, lasers, stocks, bipods, suppressors, flash hiders (why is it that rail guns have muzzle flash again?) that sort of thing. Preferably with a mix of the different items so it's not just a matter of Gun + attachment == better gun like NV did.

Which is my main gripe about New Vegas, is that weapon attachments, while cool, are A) a permanent and B) totally limited to certain weapons and C) relatively small pool per weapon.
This is it. Multiplayer hath cometh to ME3...

... And frankly it doesn't sound so bad. BSN is down for now so I can't show it, but the gist of it is that it's a 4-player Co-op taking place on Earth during the Reaper invasion where you build a character (who can be a human or one of various races of aliens, I am so gonna play a Turian) and fight with other merry lads on dedicated levels. Success will affect your progress in Single player, but it is not required to get the best ending.

If it's well-made, this could be pretty fun, especially since the combat system introduced in ME2 encourages synergy between classes, so the gameplay would probably be more than just 4 guys shooting different things. Didn't stop Bioware's fanbase from erupting into melodramatic tears of anguish, but that's BSN for you.
Ilosar said:
This is it. Multiplayer hath cometh to ME3...

... And frankly it doesn't sound so bad. BSN is down for now so I can't show it, but the gist of it is that it's a 4-player Co-op taking place on Earth during the Reaper invasion where you build a character (who can be a human or one of various races of aliens, I am so gonna play a Turian) and fight with other merry lads on dedicated levels. Success will affect your progress in Single player, but it is not required to get the best ending.

If it's well-made, this could be pretty fun, especially since the combat system introduced in ME2 encourages synergy between classes, so the gameplay would probably be more than just 4 guys shooting different things. Didn't stop Bioware's fanbase from erupting into melodramatic tears of anguish, but that's BSN for you.

I agree, that could be pretty fun. I enjoy coop multiplayer modes outside of the main game and it seems to be a growing trend in shooters, CoD zombies and that new mode for Modern Warfare 3 comes to mind.
The Coop doesn't sound bad. I mean my nephew is also into Mass Effect so it would be good to play Mass Effect with him. But I still don't know about the Multiplayer - Singleplayer connection. It sounds like part of the most annoying mechanic in the Mass Effect series(Galaxy at War).

And I'm especially not looking forward to Galaxy at War social media connection(post on your wall to save Mars).
More like making help on your scanning progress or something, I guess. They revamped that mini-game anyway, which is good, it was such a chore. Plus, BSN is already flooded in drama queen tears (what, people can have fun with others in MY space fantasy??? OMG pre-order cancelled!!one), making co-op mandatory for any aspect of single-player would probably make the forums spontaneously combust. Not that I would mind, it's entertaining, in a way.
I may be the only one in this but I'm actually relieved they did something about Ashley. She was always butt ugly. And I don't mean ugly in the way that makes sense for a seasoned badass soldier to be ugly. She was more Amy Winehouse with no make up ugly.

That Vegas guy... quite honestly, it just really baffles me how anyone would think up that character and decide that he should be in this game. Someone mentioned Halo concept art. Really? I think more Haze or some other similar bullshit.
If anything, I enjoyed Mass Effect more than the second one. I liked the idea of a inventory with millions of items (hmm... I'm in a minority here myself). The story was much better and to be honest, I like the idea of being military rather than the boring badass rogue.

Also, this Shepherd 'back from the dead' is extremely annoying. Come on, couldn't they just make up something else? Talking with Anderson as the new Councellor was just amazingly stupid, it just seemed they were lazy adding it.

The romance was, lol, pretty infantile. Back in high school, now are we? :)
sea said:
EA have continually shown themselves to be not just incompetent, but also perpetrators of the worst forms of corporate doublespeak. It's pretty much impossible to take anything anyone at both EA or BioWare says at face value, especially considering there are so many mixed and conflicting messages presented ("it'll be more accessible, but have deeper RPG mechanics!").

It all smacks of generic marketing talk to me anyhow, a checklist of things people expect them to say based on current industry conditions, no matter what game they're making. I'm not going to buy anything about the game until I see it in action, and possibly not until the player reviews come in. I enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2, but recent behaviour and events surrounding Dragon Age, BioWare and EA have really turned me off from supporting them.

This. I stopped buying Bioware after KOTOR and Jade Empire. They were barely RPG's then and now.......I want to cry. EA is a evil corporation on par with Roxxon and Umbrella. When they move from video games to pharmaceutical's look out!

As for Bioware they seem to cater to the masses now, and the masses want less RPG more Splosions!!!! I am glad I never got into Dragon Age or Mass Effect because I was afraid of this. Bioware is dead to me. :(
well I bought Dragon Age and already the first game was for me a disappointment simply because it was seen as "this is a modern Baldurs Gate!" sort of game which if you ask me simply wasn't. Not to mention most of the characters have been rather annoying then interesting. Mass Effect was a bit better but still more a third person shooter then RPG and the first game was rather clunky from the experience. Mass Effect 2 had better game play but a silly story.

Bioware. I am curious what kind of interesting game has come out there after Baldurs Gate ? Kotor maybe. But as you said even that is barely an RPG.
Currently, I am replaying ME2 again (this time with DLCs), to get my savegame ready for ME3 and also because I have a new monitor and need to see big cinema. :>

Now, on my first replay of the game, I'll have to say that this really is not an rpg. Combat stats and a bit fluff dialog doesn't make it an rpg. If at all, it's "low-level rpg elements" - most of the time, I am killing something and the rest of the game is only there to balance the games pacing. I don't think this is bad. It is still an ok-ish game and all that with the linearity. But people should stop calling it an rpg.

For ME3, I am expecting pretty much the same, with (maybe) better combat. No bad feelings here from my side. The game is what it is, with a wrong lable on it, which makes shooter fans think they are rpg fans.
Crni Vuk said:
well I bought Dragon Age and already the first game was for me a disappointment simply because it was seen as "this is a modern Baldurs Gate!" sort of game which if you ask me simply wasn't. Not to mention most of the characters have been rather annoying then interesting. Mass Effect was a bit better but still more a third person shooter then RPG and the first game was rather clunky from the experience. Mass Effect 2 had better game play but a silly story.

Bioware. I am curious what kind of interesting game has come out there after Baldurs Gate ? Kotor maybe. But as you said even that is barely an RPG.

KOTOR and Jade Empire entertained me, but lacked the RPG substance I require to live. Dragon Age stole 15 hours or so before I gave it back to my friend. Bioware impressed me back when KOTOR came out (Baldurs Gate is a given), but they ruined Mass Effect for me. I had a little hope for the series when it first started, but alas it was not meant to be....
You disappoint me Bioware, seriously, where is the 'Movie Mode' where I get to sit back and let the game play itself for me. I mean it's not like that I am playing a video game or god forbid, a role playing game...
