Eh. It's just an option. I'd rather they look to expand their audience with options than with gameplay changes you can't avoid. I'll just play it in RPG mode.
Brother None said:expand their audience
Why do they want to "expand" their audience?
Sacculina said:Campaign mission list, with descriptions (from beginning to end):
Side missions:
Re: The Geth and the Quarians:
Sub-Human said:Then the shooting, just around every corner. How fun is that? I was really hoping for a more peaceful driven game, not travelling from one room to another, full of mobs, and thus from one base to another, full of mobs, and thus from one planet to another, full of mobs. Goddamn it.
Yes, the WHOLE ME series is like that. @Sub-Human: Really ? Peacefull driven ? Really ? This is the Third act in the trillogy.What did you think,Shepard was just going to invite the Reapers to a game of Mario Kart ?Atomkilla said:Sub-Human said:Then the shooting, just around every corner. How fun is that? I was really hoping for a more peaceful driven game, not travelling from one room to another, full of mobs, and thus from one base to another, full of mobs, and thus from one planet to another, full of mobs. Goddamn it.
Wasn't ME2 pretty much the same in that?
Sacculina said:Campaign mission list, with descriptions (from beginning to end):
Side missions:
Re: The Geth and the Quarians:
Brother None said:Haha "Video Game Culture" class.
I love made-up free college cred classes.