Mass Effect 3 discussion

Eh. It's just an option. I'd rather they look to expand their audience with options than with gameplay changes you can't avoid. I'll just play it in RPG mode.
Brother None said:
expand their audience

This is what I don't understand. Why do they want to "expand" their audience? Because Mass Effect 2 was too complicated? I'd say most of the "FPS games with RPG elements" out there where more complicated compared to Mass Effect 2.

With all that said, Mass Effect 2 was quite an enjoyable game, TPS game however.
Why do they want to "expand" their audience?


That said, the only worry I could have with this is that Bioware's newfound love for metrics will cause them to see how many people use Action Mode and decide their next course of action (har har) from there.

Then, again, everything else the ''leak'' (still not convinced something that big could slip by Microsoft) was good to me; animations and visuals seemed much better (and it was on Xbox), Clint Mansell seems to do some good work (but no synth so far, sadly), the health bar is now divided in sections (another series had this, was it FEAR or Operation Flashpoint?) and the inro section is quite frankly impressive.
I watched the 30-minute piece on the Krogan mission and,'s really just ME2. Nothing new to see that works (the omni-blade attack is broken, and melee in general looks like shit). The character system looks a bit more flexible but it's hard to judge what kind of an impact that has until you play it.

At least the areas seem more open/impressive even if they're still essentially linear corridors. Typical BioWare. Make it look exciting on the veneer until you dig deeper and find out it's just linear derp.
Seen the 13 minute video. Isn't very entertaining.

I know it's the beta and shit, but come on, the amount of (chosen) dialogue is minimal, and it suffers even more from all those empty lines which don't seem to be very interesting (if you know what I mean).

Then the shooting, just around every corner. How fun is that? I was really hoping for a more peaceful driven game, not travelling from one room to another, full of mobs, and thus from one base to another, full of mobs, and thus from one planet to another, full of mobs. Goddamn it.

Also, I'm suspecting they'll remove the modes from single player because they're probably used for the game testers, and to bring in lots of hype. I mean, imagine the amount of work they'd have to put into simplifying (or expanding) the already simplified story.
Sub-Human said:
Then the shooting, just around every corner. How fun is that? I was really hoping for a more peaceful driven game, not travelling from one room to another, full of mobs, and thus from one base to another, full of mobs, and thus from one planet to another, full of mobs. Goddamn it.


Wasn't ME2 pretty much the same in that?
Atomkilla said:
Sub-Human said:
Then the shooting, just around every corner. How fun is that? I was really hoping for a more peaceful driven game, not travelling from one room to another, full of mobs, and thus from one base to another, full of mobs, and thus from one planet to another, full of mobs. Goddamn it.


Wasn't ME2 pretty much the same in that?
Yes, the WHOLE ME series is like that. @Sub-Human: Really ? Peacefull driven ? Really ? This is the Third act in the trillogy.What did you think,Shepard was just going to invite the Reapers to a game of Mario Kart ? :?
No but he's meant to be pootling around trying to unite everyone against the threat. Sounds more like a war of words than a war of cover based shooting.
Well, I don't really have high hopes for more than one global solution to the problem (such as, combat or diplomacy) from BioWare, but yes, more like room to room with a rich and plausible dialogue branch, not shooting shit up. Like, going around with more quests (that are all related to the main one, to keep the roleplaying at the top), all of which don't make you end up having to shoot your way out. Like every quest in Mass Effect 2 did (outside those short 'grab and come back' ones).

The Reapers don't have to be on every planet, moon, ship and base. There are still humans out there. Come on, Fallout 3 gave you more peace than that.
Since Bioware has entered damage control mode again, I can only assume these are genuine spoilers. If so, well this plays out exactly as I pictured it, which is not that good a thing. The bit with the Geth seems like a genuinly ambiguous moment, but I doubt I Will save those whiny Quarians if it means having to sacrifice you know who.
And yeah, from the gameplay this really seems like a refined ME2, which was pretty much what the devs promised. That I am very much OK with.
Well, I got extra credit on my quiz by threatening to spoil Mass Effect 3 for my study of Video Game Culture class.

Of course, the way they reacted, you would've thought that I was threatening to feed kittens into a wood-chipper.
Brother None said:
Haha "Video Game Culture" class.

I love made-up free college cred classes.

It's actually pretty interesting.

That being said, I would've preferred if there were more of an emphasis on Game Design or at least talking about it.

Most of the discussion is based around reading stuff by Bogost and Juul and then talking about what it means.

To be frank, I don't much care for either of them.
That is probably because they don't take the video game industry seriously.(Or that fact that independent studios don't make a lot of money.)It's like going to college and taking a "fry cook class".Game design is not going to make you a lot of money.So why bother bringing it up ?
No!!! What they did to Wrex?


From the latest trailers it seems the combat looks very solid in ME3, but...

What the hell they did to Wrex? Krogans wear scars with pride! :cry: