Mass Effect 3 discussion

Ilosar said:
Ah, so the problem is more with how the fanbase shouted GENIUS! than because of the joke itself. Eh, for me it was just a light-hearted gag that served no purpose other than give me a chuckle, like Legion's dance or Garrus' ''reach and flexibility'' talk.

As for the scars, well, you can remove them. Sure, it costs lots of resources, but if you are playing on PC do yourself a favor and mod the save file to have unlimited amounts of the stuff, no need to play that shitty planet scanning minigame anymore.
Yeah, removing those scars costs more than most additions to the ship, like armor plating. Which is ridiculous.

Besides, how the hell do scars glow red if you're more <s>evil</s>hardcore, but disappear if you're good? I can expect that sort of thing in a fantasy game or even Star Wars, but in a sci-fi game with no supernatural elements? Horseshit.

Wintermind said:
I never saw Legion dance. When did that happen?
It's one of his idling animations, I think.

Ausdoerrt said:
I dunno how good Prototype may have been, but the PC port seemed horrible, I didn't get anywhere with it. Really poor performance on my slightly older machine (which at the same time ran Crysis 1 on Medium without hiccups), mouse controls felt unresponsive, and it wouldn't recognize my gamepad (first game ever that didn't).
It was a decent game, and the gameplay was a lot of fun, though it could get repetitious. I had no problem running it on my PC or using a gamepad, for some reason.
It was a decent game, and the gameplay was a lot of fun, though it could get repetitious. I had no problem running it on my PC or using a gamepad, for some reason.

Well, that's just personal experience - shows that the game was poorly optimized. Granted, the laptop I tried to play it on when it came out was old-er, but could handle most graphic-intensive games of the time on medium or low. Gamepad's not Xbox-style, so that may be why.
According to Dr. Chakwas, the scars appear when Shepard lets himself be governed by strong emotions, while being calm heals them, hence the renegade = terminator thing. Not that it's a much better explanation than MAGIC! or THE FORCE!.
I thought that was some fucking retarded Fable-esque shit there man. "If you are bad, you look bad. If you are good, you look good. Pay a million credits to get super space plastic surgery."
Renegade Shepard picks at his/her scars. They glow because Miranda assumes Shepard had subdermal LEDs for some reason and put them in as part of Lazarus Project. Dr. Chakwas drinks on the job, don't listen to her.
OakTable said:
I thought that was some fucking retarded Fable-esque shit there man. "If you are bad, you look bad. If you are good, you look good. Pay a million credits to get super space plastic surgery."

Made complete sense in Fable, though.
Nah, I still don't know how it works in Fable. How come I am the only one who turns evil looking because of being evil? Why do all the other heroes look normal while I have devil horns and locusts following me?
Cause you're The Hero. Only you can reach the pure levels of good/evil that cause those artifacts to show up. Plus, monsters and bandits looked plenty evil.

And again, it's a fairy-tale fantasy world, some suspension of disbelief required. Given the setting, not too much compared to when this shows up in games trying to be more realistic.
Wintermind said:
It kinda reminds me of the whole 'cake is a lie' and 'still alive' kinda thing. Regardless of how it good it was before, the obsessive OMFG GENIUS reception/never-let-it-die reaction of the fans makes you just sort of hate it before long.

To be honest, at least the whole 'cake is a lie' and 'still alive' things were genuinely clever and well-done within the game's framework. It was more about how well they worked with the tone of Portal than anything else. This joke, on the other hand, is a throwaway gag that doesn't fit in the tone of the game.

I'd just shrug and move on but all the hype around it makes it extra annoying.
Yeah, but the hype/never let it die/ever love the cake is a lie' and 'still alive' make me honestly start to hate them. The problem is the fans tend to fall into two categories; normal (oh that's a good joke, heh, eh, whatever, etc) and obsessive (BEST JOKE CAKE TATTOO INCOMING) and the obsessives far outweigh the normal and ruin everything for the normal.

The obsessives are why we can't have nice things.
And yet that obsessiveness was part of the reason why there actually was a Portal2, and why it was what it was.

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with fandom (which is usually obsessive anyway) so long as it's positive and actually focuses on sth worthwhile.
I can't say it bugs me either, it's easy enough to ignore hype and stuff. Let me put it this way, if I think something is genuinely good, it remains genuinely good no matter what other people think. Hype is annoying for its own sake, but it doesn't impact the source material.

So I still think the Salarian song was easy and cheap, but also an amusing throw-away gag. The hype annoys me for its own sake because I just don't see it that way.

Was the Portal hype a bit much? Sure. But I'd rather see hype surrounding such an honestly clever and fairly unique, if tiny, game than another AAA product like Halo.
Just found a little pic of the armor of 4 squadmates, thought you guys would enjoy tearing it apart (these are actually the alternate outfits that come with the Collector's Edition, and the designs apparently aren't final yet, but it gives us an idea on the direction the design is being taken) Effect 3/me3_ce_alt_costumes_1920-1.jpg

And 3 of the 4 characters render me speechless. Kaidan got nice looking armor, good. But Liara is now trying to rip off Samara and it just doesn't work, and the guy who looks like a Gears of War reject is named James Vegas and is a new charatcer for ME3, apparently yet another boring soldier type, except with a friggin mohawk and a derpy look this time.

All of this would be OK, if not for Ashley. She was one of the precious few female characters in video games who kicked ass while wearing actual armor and not being over-sexualized, but now she is just copying Miranda. It's a nice enough outfit for the Normandy, I suppose, but it's impossible to take anyone going into battle with this shit seriously. There was a twitter from Casey Hudson (director of ME) that she would get actual armor and helmets, but they better show them fast because this bullet-proof spandex stuff and Arnie clone business is getting out of hand.
They all look like Halo concept art, why do the women only wear spandex? I am not a whining "feminist" that sees sexism everywhere but that decission is pretty idiotic, unless they make that those character are not soldiers, or any kind of combatant, then it would make more sense
Female armor, all over again. :>

Why the hell do they have less heavy armor than the males? Doubt that they couldn't carry it.
Because it's space.

And space makes women nekkid.

Besides, they have the whole "Biotic or Technological shield" nonsense now.

Who needs armor when you have vaguely defined space magic instead?
But then the normal soldiers should use that too-- makes them more flexible, they have to carry less and can instead use moar big gunz.
So you want to see men in spandex, too, Lexx? :roll:

Women in games can't wear armor because it hides cleavage, and if you hide tits the game stops being mature, everyone knows that, duh.

On a more serious note, I'm actually struggling to remember a game (ANY game with 3d graphics) that had proper armor for the fairer sex. Aesthetics usually wins over realism in this matter, I think.
Hmm... Massive armor in Dragon Age was more or less identical for both sexes (while looking great on females to boot, imo), and older Infinity Engine games have more or less nothing to show and thus put females in armor. Military games featuring women (those are few indeed) sometimes have them wear sensible combat attire (off the top of my head, the female Crytec commander in Crysis 2 is in full fatigues). And, the female armors soldiers wear in Bethesda games and New Vegas are usually just as practical as their male counterparts (save for Raider armor) But yeah, both in games and in movies form-fitting armor almost always trump realistic ones. I can accept a degree of irrealism myself, but going into battle with a cleavage and high-heeled stripper boots is just... urgh.

Also Sea, that's not exactly true. We know there is a full weapon customization system, and each power can now be evolved in a non-linear fashion (for example, you can either upgrade the time dilatation, duration or cooldown of Adrenaline Rush each time you level up the ability).