This ghoul has seen it all
Everyone knows the only true Romance in Mass effect is Femshep and Garrus.
I forgot, what was the issue with Morrigan again? Some kind of "I'm better than you" attitude but once you romance her, you make her into a little slut-puppy or something?
I'm starting to see a lot of the issues people have with Bioware now.
Jesus, way to alienate a large percentage of your fanbase.
No wonder I wasn't interested in anything post EA outside of the original Dragon Age and Mass Effect trilogy.
I also just found out that all the founding members have left, while one left pretty early on, the other two "retired" from Bioware in 2012, I find it odd that two founding members of a pretty successful Company at that time "retired" but I guess they jumped out a sinking ship.
I really don't know how to say this but... you sound drunk as fuck. I swear, those kind of memory problems face all my drunk friends. I'm waiting for the 'ehhh, fuck it.' at the end of every forgotten piece of information.@Ragemage Ahhh, forgive me, I seriously forgot everything about that game, I should play that awesome game again. All I recall is Morrigan being my obvious choice, even for a small, studly dwarf with such a handsome beard of manliness. Hell, I haven't even STARTED the DLC. I think the only one I started was to get that Golem Companion because of how broken..she is? I think it was a she.
Also, I remembered a dog companion, and I loved that fucking dog, I only wish I had a rottweiler skin for it..him? goddamn, it's been too long.
I really don't know how to say this but... you sound drunk as fuck. I swear, those kind of memory problems face all my drunk friends. I'm waiting for the 'ehhh, fuck it.' at the end of every forgotten piece of information.
Oh I don't think you're drunk, you just sound like it.Drunk? Hardly. It's been years since I played the game, and since New Vegas came in afterwards, the fond memories I have for it kind of enveloped over other games.
That account, nope. It buggered off once it's deception was uncovered.Is he still active?
NO! Especially when the journey wasn't all that good. Plus why would I want to get another aneurysm from having Star Brat justify the lobotomy of the Reapers and their idiotic reasons for reaping. The journey isn't fun when the destination is getting slammed into a brick wall at 100 MPH.
I don't think the Reapers where ever interesting antagonists. The first game I think is actually the worse one in this regard, the Reaper just acts like the IBOL RACIST SPACE CHIKEN's ship for the entire game, then it just goes Shyamalan Plot Twist and reveals that it is Cthulhu, but a Cthulhu that actually takes the time to go on a rant belittling humanity instead of actually acting on what he says he does and not even consider Shepard as anything worth spendind words on. Then to undermine the whole Cosmic horror aspect of them Sovereign gets defeated by getting shot at by a bunch of ships, talk about just turning into a giant enemy crab at the end.
I have the same problem with games having characters speaking in spanish for extended periods of time, they all talk like robots with direct translations and the actors usually sounds like either spanish is their second language or they were just given a phonetic srcipt and they didn't even know what the fuck they were saying (as a recent example look at the trailer for the Walking Dead game, one of the characters pronounces Hector in the most horrendous way possible), like, how hard is it to get someone that knows how to write in spanish? And if it is so hard then just don't do it... Save everyone the cringe.On another note, as someone who is from England, I really wish devs would stop with the sort of accents they get their Voice Actors to go for. It just sounds fake as Hell, no one talks like that other here. It's very distracting from what should be an immersive World Builder. Plus it sounds cringey as Hell.
I don't think the Reapers were ever interesting antagonists. The first game I think is actually the worst one in this regard, the Reaper just acts like the IBOL RACIST SPACE CHIKEN's ship for the entire game, then it just goes Shyamalan Plot Twist and reveals that it is Cthulhu, but a Cthulhu that actually takes the time to go on a rant belittling humanity instead of actually acting on what he says he does and not even consider Shepard as anything worth spendind words on. Then to undermine the whole Cosmic horror aspect of them Sovereign gets defeated by getting shot at by a bunch of ships, talk about just turning into a giant enemy crab at the end.
Cringey game or not, I refuse to buy such a fucking game that's basically feeding the asswipes behind it.-snip-
I have the same problem with games having characters speaking in spanish for extended periods of time, they all talk like robots with direct translations and the actors usually sounds like either spanish is their second language or they were just given a phonetic srcipt and they didn't even know what the fuck they were saying (as a recent example look at the trailer for the Walking Dead game, one of the characters pronounces Hector in the most horrendous way possible), like, how hard is it to get someone that knows how to write in spanish? And if it is so hard then just don't do it... Save everyone the cringe.
The memes, the memes are overpowering me... too be honest, I love the music. It reminds me strongly of typical cheery Russian beats.AHHHH NU CHIKI BRIKI I V DAMKE!
I really appreciate the Metro games for the Russian audio option. Sure I can't understand the chatter and subtitled dialogue but in return, the atmosphere was really improved (plus no faked accents).When video game characters speak Russian they speak it pretty well, but when they try a Russian accent... ugh.