TheWesDude said:
i see it as a result of feministias getting louder and manufacturing "data" to show how maligned women are such as this "pay equity" myth. a myth that became so prevalent it caused laws to get passed requiring equality when reality is showing that women get paid more than men.
I hear ya. I mean, thousands of years of human history in which women are treated as an inferior sex.... that data just HAS to be faked.
Really, anyone with THAT much evidence of repression has got to be making that much shit up.....
I mean.. so what if women are pressed in much of the world. Or that we have a history of laws that treated women as the inferior sex because.. the men who drafted the laws thought women were the inferior sex..... yeah.. all that bullshit.,8599,1983185,00.html
(honestly, I suspect guys who complain about the feministas are either fat blowhard republican pundits and/or can't get laid)
So Wes, got proof?
when feministas get louder, things change in favor of women and feminists, even to the detriment of men. especially to the detriment of men. and that is not equality. equality is favor to neither, and that is not what we have had for a while.
i WANT equality. what i see is not equality. what i see is legal discrimination of the minority by the majority.
Dude, there are more women than men. And the legal system of any country is a consequence of political forces in which social actors compete and compromise about the distribution of power and wealth in a society.
Just like laws once maintain pay inequality for women, and slavery for african americans, it take protest and challenge by those groups to change the law in ways more favorable to them. But the law is not static nor is fair, nor does it serve society equally. Law is a political consequence of political contention and compromise.
If you are worried that men have become emasculated, than maybe those men need to grow a pair and stand up for their rights. Or perhaps they expect to have someone wipe their asses for them too?
you are right, equality is something that must happen in the absence of legislation and regulation. unfortunately all i see is more laws and programs getting passed or created rather than removed. we need to start removing programs created FOR a gender and reinforce those programs that do the same thing regardless of gender.
Bullshit. In the absence of law, we promote an anarchy in which the power of social groups is unleashed in its brutality. Lets see, how equal were the sexes in the middle ages? In feudal society? What you are advocating is leaving women vulnerable to men.
What do young men fear of women- embarrassment, rejection, humiliation.
What do women fear of men- violence, rape and murder.
How is that equality?
SO the Men's Rights Movement?