NFL 2011

Cobb looked great already when I saw him play before he got hurt. Green's got potential. Vic So'oto is just cool. Two sacks and a pick-six against the KC first string offense...except Cassel.

Love that they traded Quinn Johnson instead of releasing him. I just hope nobody picks Chastain West off the practice squad. That kid's good.
Lee Roy Selmon died today. The only Hall of Famer the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have, and one of the best defensive lineman I've ever seen footage over. RIP
UniversalWolf said:
They've always kinda been that way. It's part of the perpetual underdog syndrome that permeates the whole city.
That doesn't extend to the Red Wings or Pistons though - they are pretty storied franchises with lots of post-season glory.
I was more referring to the influx of guys like Schwartz and Gunther Cunningham late of the Titan's D bringing that chippy, reckless, agitating character to their D. You can see it in Suh - that twisting, head-tackle suplex he did on Dalton and Delhomme has been banned since Night Train Lane days.

UniversalWolf said:
I met the Hanson bros in a bar once. No joke, they were wearing the foil.
Yeah, those guys are real -- the Carlson brothers. Think one of them coaches HS or college hockey somewhere in the Twin Cities metro area these days.
I saw them in-character and costume as part of some beer promotion at a bar. Cool, friendly guys.

Sander said:
Lee Roy Selmon died today. The only Hall of Famer the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have,
He won't be the only one for long (assuming you don't count Steve Young). Bucs have a few in the pipeline.

How is Hardy Nickerson not in the HOF? He was hell on wheels.
Cimmerian Nights said:
UniversalWolf said:
They've always kinda been that way. It's part of the perpetual underdog syndrome that permeates the whole city.
That doesn't extend to the Red Wings or Pistons though - they are pretty storied franchises with lots of post-season glory.
Yeah, but the old Bill Laimbeer Pistons were pretty goonish. The Red Wings...yeah, that's one of the best franchises. They don't feel inferior about that. The Lions traditionally love punching Dallas prettyboys in the mouth on Thanksgiving though. They've been so bad the past few years they haven't been able to pull it off.

If you ask me I think they need some new uniforms to go along with the improved team. Keep the silver, ditch the baby blue. Or some of it at least.
I propose we kill one media member for each time we have to be subjected to shit like this:

-the phrase "Andrew Luck Sweepstakes"
-leading into Pat's home games with shots of the hahbah, Faneuil Hall with that fucking Dropkick Murphy's song in the background.
-any smarmy douche who feels the need to point out that the "Meadowlands is technically in New Jersey".

UniversalWolf said:
Yeah, but the old Bill Laimbeer Pistons were pretty goonish.
Heh, Comcast New England just did a "Villains" series, and I'm pretty sure Laimbeer won it, beating out Jack Tatum, Parcells, and a legion of Skankees.
NBA, NHL and boxing used to be so great in the 80s, they've become so commercial and watered down now. Pity. Over-expansion sucks.
Per SportsCenter, #Colts president Bill Polian has officially ruled out QB Peyton Manning (neck) for Week 1.

The End of Days is here.
As they say *sniff* all goo-*sniff* things must *gah* come to an end.

Best indoor, regular season stat compiler ever.

I don't want to hear about his start streak either the way he lays down. Say what you want about Favre, that hick was tough, played with all kinds of injuries and his streak is monumental. I've seen Peyton Manning block downfield about as many times as I saw Wayne Gretzky back-check.
This is true (or if he did, he lied to his team about it). I think the distinction that needs to be made is Favre = durable, Manning = good at (wisely) avoiding contact.
Indeed, the shit is nearly upon us gentlemen. Let us see how the Pack cope with a #1 seed schedule.

Man, Colts have really painted themselves into a corner with the way they've built everything around one guy. Even more so with Tom Moore and Howard Mudd gone this year.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Indeed, the shit is nearly upon us gentlemen. Let us see how the Pack cope with a #1 seed schedule.
What? There is no #1 seed schedule. Only 2 games each year depend on the previous year's finish, and those are determined by a team's ranking in the division.
My bad, forgot they didn't win the division. Yeah, they don't call it seeding, you know what I mean, you play your equal from each div. Makes for nice scheduling in the AFC with PITT, NEP, Indy and SD playing each other, too much flux in the NFC to matter much anyway I suppose.
Yeah, the #2s are arguably better this year anyway. Falcons-Seahawks-Bears-Eagles vs Saints-Rams-Packers-Giants. I'd rather face the first group.
What an amazing opener that was. Straight-up shootout, great offensive play. The Pack defense showed up too, particularly in the redzone, the only mar on this game was the sloppy play by the Saints defense. That's going to be a headache for them the entire season.

But man. Awesome stuff.

Quoting myself is fun.
UniversalWolf said:
Cobb looked great already when I saw him play before he got hurt.
Not sure how this guy fell to the end of the second round. He's looked awesome every time I've seen him play so far.

The best thing I saw tonight -- apart from the obvious stuff -- was the Packers o-line. They mauled the NO defensive line pretty badly the whole game. Clifton played great, but I think Lang is a better guard than College was and it shows.

A very well-played game from start to finish. Nice to see that. Now GB gets an extended week to prepare for Cam Newton...

BTW, the Packers have a fairly tough schedule overall this year, but last year they had a brutal schedule. Pats, Jets, Falcons, Eagles all on the road.
Brother None said:
What an amazing opener that was. Straight-up shootout, great offensive play. The Pack defense showed up too, particularly in the redzone, the only mar on this game was the sloppy play by the Saints defense. That's going to be a headache for them the entire season.

But man. Awesome stuff.


Daaaaaaaarren Shaaawpuh, da hardest hittin' safety in the league. But Greeeeeg Jennings has taken a protege, who can share the load of the team on his back!
Cobb looked fantastic. Starks looked great again. Seeing Grant and Finley back out there was pretty tits. Our D left a bit to be desired though. And I am scared shitless waiting to find out how serious Tramon's injury is.
I love watching Greg Williams get humbled, he's such a twat.

Payton's play calling turned kind of wishy-washy. I would've gone for the FG on that first 4th down (make it a one possession game in the 3rd, plenty of time). Ingram looks like Emmit Smith with more upper body strength, but, I'm not trusting a rookie that much. Props to Brees for answering the bell again and again in a hostile environment, that was impressive.

Man, contrast this game with Pitt/BAL on Sunday, like night and day. How many games worth of offensive output is that for the PITT/BAL series?
I've never liked Williams or got the hype. It's just blitz blitz blitz. Any good QB can pick it apart if his Oline doesn't suck. Even Matt Hasselbeck could, and he's long since past good. That Saints defense doesn't have the talent to survive this one-sided coordinating.

TwinkieGorilla said:
Our D left a bit to be desired though.

It does? Two stops on 4th down, consistently forcing FGs (or 4th down outs) in the redzone. You could've done with more turnovers, but you held a Saints O firing on all cylinders to 27 points. That's fine.