NFL 2011

UniversalWolf said:
Nice Miami Hurricanes scandal. Time to see whether the NCAA has real balls.
Yahoo! is really trying to single-handedly bring down the current college ball system. Go Yahoo!
Bring it down in favor of what though?
Boosters won't go away if you compensate players.
In a perfect world schools would compensate these kids, but we live in a post-title IX world. Someone explain to me how you're going to navigate that political minefield, you'll have to pay everybody, split down the middle by gender, not by the revenue they generate. Nobody's even thought that far ahead. That will kill off even more football programs than title IX already has.

NFL should use some leverage against the NCAA, but they won't. Free developmental league. Can't pass up on all the talent.
Bullshit with their entry limitations, won't let these kids come out until 3 years out of high school, you force them to stay in that system. These NFL guys are such whores too, Pete Carrol leaves USC a smoking crater and a team can't drop their pants fast enough to ink him.

Going to get paid either way, who cares, what they really need to reform is the BCS Bowl system and institute playoffs, I could care less who's greasing who's palm in largely non-criminal transactions. (Dude, you play football for the U and can't catch quality strange???)

Boosters are slimy though, I thought this egregious stuff went away in the excess of the 80s and the crackdown. The boosters actually succeed in making the agents look above board!

The most likely result from this investigation is the death sentence for the U, a la Southern Methodist. I doubt it though, the NCAA doesn't want this lurid shit in the headlines for long and Miami is too prominent to make an example of.

Miami plays Ohio State next month - The Ineligibowl. :P
Why should boosters be illegal? Yeah they're slimy, but all they're doing is giving these college guys stuff. What's the problem, here?
They're not illegal, they're a violation of make-believe, selectively enforced NCAA rules. The guys is not officially associated with the school, they can't do anything to him except ban/suspend him I guess. Kind of moot at this point.
The prostitution aspect is illegal, but I doubt the Miami PD would pursue charges this late for something that common, and I guess that would just fall under the "gifts" category in NCAA eyes.

Watch the grand stroke job now. I mean, everyone involved is far removed and beyond the reach of the NCAA. The people who will suffer the consequences will be the current coach and players, who had no involvement at all. The NCAA will put on a dog and pony show to save some face.

It's kind of sad really, Shapiro seems to be a real turd, and he was surely getting used too, but when you hear the background those kids came from, it's hard to judge them too harshly.

I think the catalyst for change has to come from the NFL or the gov't even, but there's so much vested interest and it would cause too much upheaval IMO. Business as usual...

edit: Hold the phone! Goodell suspended Pryor with approval of NFLPA..
I don't know how they can do that or under what pretense, but this move shows some balls, except that Pryor is a mediocre QB, it's not like any team is going to miss him. Easy to grandstand with a situation like that, harder to take a decorated golden boy like Newton to task, especially given the press that would generate. It's very nebulous to me how the NFL has the authority to suspend someone for something non-criminal like an NCAA violation, and that the NFLPA would concede. Pryor is a convenient whipping-boy though.

Class action lawsuit against EASports for using NCAA player's likenesses w/o compensation is going in player's favor it seems. You're going to see the college stadiums fill up and dwarf NFL attendance now. Somebody is making millions off these kids.

There's no way you get an equitable solution in a post-Title IX world though, like I said.

Feminazis. Your shit don't draw or make money toots, go back to the kitchen and make me some bacon and eggs. Find another sugar daddy, stop sucking at men's athletics teet. I thought you cunts wanted to be treated equally. Stand on your own two feet, parasites.
Guilty liberal bullshit social engineering trying to right nonexistent wrongs, end up fucking over po' inner city black kids so some all-white girl's diving team that's hemorrhaging money can stay afloat.
Where's the justice/equality in that?

Title IX needs to go, it's done enough damage already.
Pryor's suspension is idiotic, which I've come to accept as normal procedure from Goodell. The guy's a tool.

First thing I thought of was Jeremiah Masoli. Unlike Pryor, who did nothing remotely illegal but broke NCAA guidelines, Masoli was a convicted thief who got kicked off his team. The NCAA promptly granted him an exception by waving the one-year transfer rule so he could play again.

Love how Goodell's crew puts out a statement that Pryor's suspension shouldn't be looked at as a precedent for future cases -- essentially an admission that the punishment is arbitrary and without any solid foundation, since otherwise it would apply to everyone.

...which I'd love to see. We'd be getting suspensions for loads of players who broke NCAA rules when they were in college. Reggie Bush could get a suspension, any of the Miami players implicated in this latest scandal, like Andre Johnson maybe...

Then NFL teams would have a motive to start digging into the college careers of players on other NFL teams to see if they can find any dirt. It would add a whole new dimension to the sport. :clap:
The more I read, the more it stinks. The NFL and Goodell are losing a lot of integrity in my eyes for the last few years.
They have no jurisdiction, TP broke someone else's (non-criminal) rules, and they enforce the same exact penalty? But it's not precedence! Selective enforcement much?

I don't really care if TP plays or not, he's CFL material, but the NFL is plying a lot of disingenuous platitudes to fans in the interest of "protecting the shield" (i.e. protecting public perception to minimize any effect on revenue). Then you have the Vick consultation thing, it opens the door to conspiracy theories.

Goodell looked to start out with a real vision and agenda, I liked him, but now he's just reacting to shit on the fly and making things up as he goes along. Just like the "devastating hit" rule mid-season last year after like 48 hours deliberation (who does this?). There's no cohesive gameplan, just knee-jerk appeasements. I don't even buy all the player safety b.s. anymore, more likely they don't want the negative pub that comes from guys leaving on stretchers played over and over again on SportsCenter, that might alienate sponsors/partners. Devastating hit to revenues is what they want to prevent.
How do you campaign for player safety and simultaneously push for an 18 game season? Who do they think they're kidding? They're Park Avenue, Manhattan these NFL suits, it's no secret what their motivation is.

...which I'd love to see. We'd be getting suspensions for loads of players who broke NCAA rules
How about the coaches like Pete Carroll?
Funny how they selectively direct their moral outrage.
They're not enforcing that penalty. They're punishing Pyror for entering the supplemental draft while he could still play for OSU. It was only after he entered that he was suspended for the year. His suspension really has nothing to do with his 5-game college suspension.

I wish people would get that right. No one seems to understand it.
There's a difference between understanding and not accepting the company line at face value. We're dealing with corporate PR, it's naive to take everything they say as gospel.

TP can hire an agent, leave school, and declare himself eligible for anything he wants. He's not eligible under their 3 yr. rule and they can deny him. If he's violating NFL rules why are they letting him enter the draft at all then? Why don't they enforce their own bullshit rules and make him wait until next year to preserve the integrity of their eligibility rules? Nobody's going to miss him.

So they make an exception they've never made before allow him (BUT IT'S NOT A PRECEDENCE!), but then they suspend him for doing it?

Where does 5 games from? Why not 4? 6? Who gets 5 game suspensions?

From the horse's mouth:
NFL's position on Pryor strengthens relationship with NCAA
When the NFL announced Thursday that it would let former Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor enter next Monday's supplemental draft -- but also impose a five-game suspension upon his signing with a team -- the message seemed clear: If you mess with the NCAA, you mess with us.
Teaff applauded the NFL's decision to carry over Pryor's suspension, noting that the college coaching fraternity felt very strongly about the issue and has reached out specifically on the idea of having NCAA suspensions carry over to the NFL.

"They've held true with what we asked them to do," Teaff said. "The NFL has indicated that they will honor the penalties imposed on any student-athlete."
If the NFL was interested in upholding NCAA penalties, they would not let anyone in the supplemental draft as every kid in there has done something to break NCAA rules. That's why they're in that draft. Like Mike McAdoo, who was declared permanently ineligible for academic misconduct.

And yes, I agree that they should have either let him in or not let him in. This halfway shit is just weird. But I'm not buying they're imposing NCAA penalties from now on, because they're not even doing it for other players in the current supplemental draft.

The issue for the NFL occurs when players try to enter the supplemental draft when they can still play games in college.

Actually, the NFL is now saying that you're free to enter the supplemental draft, but will still have to sit out those games. They're easier on the kids than they used to be.

EDIT: Okay, never mind, Goodell's letter to Pryor paints a very different picture.
So Irsay dropped a hint that he's looking at Favre to replace Manning for the first few weeks. Then again, Irsay seems to be on acid whenever he's twittering. I dig that they're honestly trying to make a story out of it.

Still, wouldn't that be hilarious.
Yeah, I think that Irsay stuff is all a little joke that wasn't quite transparent enough.

Breaking Bad fan, eh?

Terelle Pryor, finally free to engage in commerce.
The Colts will be a shambles w/o him. Why have Orlavsky and Painter on the roster if neither one is good enough to start, nor have shown any potential to be the future franchise QB?

Hope he's healthy when they play the Pats.

I'm warming up to this Haynesworth idea too. Pats never filled the goon void left by Rodney Harrison.
From playing fantasy I've learned that the Colts always lie about the severity of injuries. I wouldn't be surprised by any length of time missed.

The year Marvin Harrison finally tanked, they kept saying every week that he was on schedule to return next week, and he never returned at all. Ever.
UniversalWolf said:
From playing fantasy I've learned that the Colts always lie about the severity of injuries. I wouldn't be surprised by any length of time missed.
I don't begrudge them that, it really doesn't serve them best to disclose everything. Injury reports strike me as one of those devices that serves the gambling community (and now FF) more than anyone would officially be comfortable to admit. I know Belichick is not a fan as he's listed Brady as Shoulder (Probable) his entire career, just to be a passive-aggressive douche.
Since no one has mentioned it...Brady looked like he strayed into the wrong neighborhood in Detroit and got roughed up for his trouble after the first half of that last game.

McNabb's life might be in danger this year.
Brady will be fine, the more he ups the metrosexual-troll level, the better he becomes. He's a Pantene endorsement away from another MVP year. Still has no deep threat since Moss left, more dink and dunk time with the smurfs. Deep backfield this year though. Too bad Kevin Faulk will probably be done. What a gamer. Him and Troy Brown can't get enough credit for what they did for the Patriots and Brady.

Defense has been holding them back for years, not easy to replace/develop Rodney Harrison, Ty Law and Richard Seymour HOF types along with that whole other crew that won 3 titles.

D-line looks big and deep. Finally getting some nastiness back. Hopefully Haynesworth doesn't assault any teammates, guy's rap sheet is astounding.

Patriots are always a work in progress, expect more value veterans after 53 man cuts to come in. Lucky if half amount to anything.

Lions though, yeah, they are going to be very...pesky.
Taking on the character that the Titans used to have. Not to say they are dirty, but they do a lot of post-whistle wannabe hard-ass shit that just isn't smart or necessary, or even football, more like WWF type goonery. What is this hockey?

Nice Reg Dunlop av. btw.
I met the Hanson bros in a bar once. No joke, they were wearing the foil.

Patriot's entire 2007 draft class is gone now with the Partystarter reportedly getting cut. Turn the page...
Cimmerian Nights said:
Lions though, yeah, they are going to be very...pesky.
They've always kinda been that way. It's part of the perpetual underdog syndrome that permeates the whole city. It's just been hard for anyone to take it seriously lately in the shadow of the 0-16 season. Suh fits right in to that team.

My favorite Packer UDFA who's going to make the roster this year is Vic So'oto. He's looked like a superstar through the preseason.
I met the Hanson bros in a bar once. No joke, they were wearing the foil.
Yeah, those guys are real -- the Carlson brothers. Think one of them coaches HS or college hockey somewhere in the Twin Cities metro area these days.
UniversalWolf said:
My favorite Packer UDFA who's going to make the roster this year is Vic So'oto. He's looked like a superstar through the preseason.

My favorite n00b roster spots include him and Alex Green. I think Cobb will eventually be great, but he might need to be molded into great.