NFL 2011

My take is that the owners are more guilty than the players, but they're also richer, sneakier, smarter, and more unified, so they'll probably win.

What they really want is a bigger chunk of the revenue -- because many of them were overextended when the economy turned bad and, like any self-respecting group of billionaires, they want someone else to pick up the losses. They've put stupid demands for things like the 18-game season on the table merely as ploys so they can claim they're making concessions when they back off them.

Chances of a season this year: 20%.
UniversalWolf said:
Chances of a season this year: 20%.
Supposedly they are making progress, too much for them to lose. Regardless, it will likely be shortened, or at the very least sloppy and lame due to rust/injuries/fatties. Half-assed season with an asterisk on it. Bummer.
Word is that it's inevitable the NBA will lockout too.

Jerry Glanville coaching the Colonials, so we're likely to have some form of entertainment here for a few weeks anyway.

I figured out your sig. there cheese-head. :drunk:
So the lockout is over but for procedural issues (recertifying, etc). Nothing lost but one Hall of Fame game.

It was an ugly offseason of the press hyping up their own negative or positive news. I never felt too worried, and now here we are. How irrelevant this will look in the history of the NFL.
Yeah, I turn on the news now and Jeff Saturday and a grizzled Kraft are hugging and crying. Thankfully grounded dudes like him took the reigns and not the yahoos like JJ or Richardson or old man Wilson.

I just got back from a few weeks in Japan where I deliberately ignored this with the expectation that this deal would be done when I got back.. Good news. I like the prelim. talk of rookie wage scale, salary cap floor, and one no 18 games.

I don't think I really care who 'won' or 'lost'.

Will be pretty hectic going forward, not a lot of good FAs out there outside of Scrabble.

It was an ugly offseason of the press hyping up their own negative or positive news.
Yeah, but they always do that, less tasteful was all the litigious posturing.

How irrelevant this will look in the history of the NFL.
Until nine years from now when the economic conditions shift to make one side or the other feel like they got shafted.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Will be pretty hectic going forward, not a lot of good FAs out there outside of Scrabble.

Haha, only Cimms can claim there are "not a lot of good FAs" in a year when almost 1/5th of the league's current players are hitting free agency.
Quantity is not quality. I don't see a 1/5th turnover resulting, and if it did, the lion's share would be unheralded lunchpail players. P. Manning for instance doesn't have a contract, don't expect him to move anywhere.

No contract doesn't automatically mean player movement. Still quality after Asomugha drops off precipitously, everyone below him has warts.

Depending on which side you're on, then, it's either ironic or terrifying that this year's group of free agents is pretty bad. There's only one Can't Miss in the entire market. The core of the market is a group of flawed tackles: too fat, too slow, too old, too young, too inexperienced, there are valid critiques for every one of them. Owners looking for a dynamic playmaker to excite a jaded fan base are going to find them few and far between.
Guess it's not only me, guy must be a Masshole or something.

Add to that the short evaluation time, lack of time spent with rookies, and some teams' need to spend up to the cap floor, and I think this is going to result in some real bad FA blunders.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Quantity is not quality.

Haha. Frith, it amuses me that the more I learn about this game the more I realize how full of shit you are.

Nnamdi isn't even the best FA in my opinion, though he'll be the highest paid. Johnathan Joseph is the best guy on the market. Way more versatile than Nnamdi, and younger.

And he's only the tip of the iceberg. There's not a lot of pro bowls in this group which means more casual fans like you will look at it and think "meh", but meanwhile there's a ton of talent amongst Johnathan Joseph, Barry Cofield, Brandon Mebane, Sidney Rice, Santonio Holmes, Charles Johnson, Paul Posluszny, Brent Grimes, Tyson Clabo, Eric Weddle, James Anderson, Davin Joseph, and a couple I'm forgetting. That is such a massively talented and young group, the possibilities for a team looking to invest heavily in the future are endless. But they're not name guys, and I guess that's all that counts for you?
Brother None said:
[but meanwhile there's a ton of talent amongst Johnathan Joseph, Barry Cofield, Brandon Mebane, Sidney Rice, Santonio Holmes, Charles Johnson, Paul Posluszny, Brent Grimes, Tyson Clabo, Eric Weddle, James Anderson, Davin Joseph
They are NFL players, it goes without saying that there is talent in there, it's an issue of degree. A dozen guys is not disproportionately small given 20% leaguewide free agency?
Those guys don't have any drawbacks/warts?
Santonio Holmes isn't the quintessential "name guy"? He's staying put anyway.
If we're talking Cofields and Poslusznys aren't we talking merely capable, not remarkable given the leaguewide level of play at their respective positions? Who's the next LB, inside or out, after PP of this 20%?
No rookies are going to take any roster spots from these guys?

TwinkieGorilla said:
You can add Nick Barnett to that list. Good riddance.
The fangs were just weird.
Cimms, this free agency class is the most loaded free agency class in history. So many guys reached unrestricted free agency because of all the tenders these past two years. And yes, that includes a lot of very, very good players. Like Nnamdi Asomugha and Johnathan Joseph, or Sidney Rice and Santonio Holmes, or Charles Johnson and Ray Edwards. Not only is their quality at the top end, there is an amazing amount of depth. Pretending that isn't the case isn't just silly, it's wilfully ignorant.

That some of them resigned with their own teams is irrelevant to the point. Other teams had the chance to negotiate with them.
Rice is a real nice pickup (who throws to him though?), I don't see an amazing amount of depth at any LB or interior O-lineman though. But I guess your standards are higher when your team went 14-2.
Sure, some teams can build a talented base for the future, the teams with competent front offices - there's also going to be a lot of fuck-ups, bloated contracts, bad pickups etc. You can't cram all this player evaluation into such a short window and not expect there to be any costs.

Haynesworth checks into BB Rehab Clinic. :?
TwinkieGorilla said:
You can add Nick Barnett to that list. Good riddance.
Cullen Jenkins, on the other hand...

So who's going to be Ted's good-player-pulled-out-of-thin-air this season? Buzz building around UFA Diondre Borel, QB from Utah State. We'll see.

I hope D-Mac doesn't mind being slammed to the turf, because that's what his season is going to consist of in Minnesota.

This signing and trading storm is too much to process. I'll wait until everything falls out to form an opinion. Greg Olsen traded to Carolina...strange.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Rice is a real nice pickup (who throws to him though?), I don't see an amazing amount of depth at any LB or interior O-lineman though. But I guess your standards are higher when your team went 14-2.
Sure, some teams can build a talented base for the future, the teams with competent front offices - there's also going to be a lot of fuck-ups, bloated contracts, bad pickups etc. You can't cram all this player evaluation into such a short window and not expect there to be any costs.
Short window? Front offices and coaches spent the entire lockout doing nothing but looking at this tape. They had nothing else to do.

Of course there will be bad signings. There always are. This is still the best free agency class ever.

Greg Olsen to Carolina isn't that strange. Mike Martz hates tight ends who catch passes but can't block.

Speaking of Carolina, holy shit they're going insane. They just handed out about $177 million in contracts. What the fuck, guys?
Sander said:
Greg Olsen to Carolina isn't that strange. Mike Martz hates tight ends who catch passes but can't block.

Speaking of Carolina, holy shit they're going insane. They just handed out about $177 million in contracts. What the fuck, guys?
Doesn't make sense from either end. Carolina picked up Jeremy Shockey why? You'd think the Panthers were a contender. They can't be that dumb, can they?

I guess Martz doesn't like the best non-Matt Forte receiver on the team. Olsen burned the Pack a couple of times over the past few years, so I'm quite happy he's gone.
So, seems like the Eagles are going to be declared offseason winners. They're pushing for a title while Vick is still physically competent. Smart move, but could come to bite them in the ass in a couple years.
Eagles are banking on the cap exploding a few years down the line. Colts doing the same. Others too, probably. Might work out well.

Don't like that short-term, add-big-name-guys strategy, but at least they should be fun to watch
Brother None said:
Don't like that short-term, add-big-name-guys strategy, but at least they should be fun to watch
I agree, although in this case I like most of the guys they added. I'm not sure how they're going to give Jackson the new contract he wants, though.

Jenkins got a nice payday. The Packers never would've given him a 5-year deal. He's worth it if he stays healthy, but he hasn't stayed healthy the last couple of seasons.

GB resigned James Jones and cut Brandon Chillar.
Miami is saying they want to turn Reggie Bush into a lead back. What the fuck is wrong with that team?