No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

Should it be called No Human's Sky? But that would be speciest.
soo o... conf..used ...

Obviously it should be called something like
No human or man or woman or child or elderly or middle aged or transsexual or transvestite or lesbian or gay or bisexual or asexual or pansexual or black or mulatto or white or brown or yellowish or reddisg or beige or european or american or native-american or meso-american or south american or latin american or latin or mediterranean or turkish or turkic or slavic or caucasian or asiatic or afri-asiatic or semmitic or austro-asiatic or polynesian or inuit or finno-ugric or indo-european or niger-congo or nolo-saharan or khoisan or uralic or dravidian or altaic or basque or papuan or tai-kadai or hmong or han or eskimo-aleut or sino-tibetan or creole or mestizo or achondroplastics or hydrocephalic or acromelagic or tourettes or autist or high functional autism spectrum or downs or alopecid or schizoid or schizophrenic or diabetic or sociopathic or pedophiliac or necrophiliac or pedantic or sceptic or atheist or agnostic or catholic or orthodox or protestant or sunni or shi'ite or yezidi or hindu or jewish or zionist or theravadist or mahayanist or vajrayanist or pagan or neopagan or thelemite or cat or dog or parrot or capitalist or communist or socialist or fascist or feminist or humanist or ba'athist or calvinist or marxist or nationalist or philosophist or conservativist or liberalist or masculinist or libertarianist or right-libertarianist or classical libertarianist or economic libertarianist or quantumist or new realist or natalist or racist or scandalist or machiavellianist or antagonist or protagonist or dog person or cat person or parrot person or dog-and-cat-person or ableist or gulain barre or hominin or hominid or hominoid or primatoid or primatomorph or euarchont or euarchontoglire or boreoeutherid or exafroplacentalid or placentalid or eutherid or mammalid or synapsid or amniot or reptilomorph or tetrapod or vertebrate or craniate or chordate or deuterostomid or nephrozoid or bilaterid or eumetazoid or animalid or filozoid or holozoid or opisthokont or unikont or eukaryote or prokaryote or viroid or soup lover or soup hater or soup-indifferent-person sky!

I can't wait for the era of absolute correctness. No more smiles, the way it should be!
Well that sure gives dickhead a new meaning.
Anybody curious about the ending, here it is:

I love the smell of disappointemet in the morning
Anybody curious about the ending, here it is:

I love the smell of disappointemet in the morning

Wooow, boring. It looks just like the loading screen... But with a song that might or not be random...
We shouldn't forget one thing. The players, paid 60$ and none of them was forced in to it at any point of all of this.

Everyone who bought this based on hype alone, and is now totally angry and disappointed, should get a tattoo on his forhead saying, YOU paid 60 dollars for it. Not the developers. Not the Publishers. Not the media. YOU!
We shouldn't forget one thing. The players, paid 60$ and none of them was forced in to it at any point of all of this.

Everyone who bought this based on hype alone, and is now totally angry and disappointed, should get a tattoo on his forhead saying, YOU paid 60 dollars for it. Not the developers. Not the Publishers. Not the media. YOU!
Not just that, people were getting threats simply for reporting about the game being delayed. The Jim Sterling video I posted above points out all the ridiculous threats being thrown around from insane fanboys. It's depressing, really.

Everything about this game and its insane fanboys makes me want to stop playing videogames forever.
You sure do follow this game closely for not liking it so much.
This game is now the prime example of why gaming consumers and the gaming industry are totally screwed up. It's the same BS that gives us Fallout 4 Workshop DLC, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and other hyped up garbage with rabid fanboys defending it to no end for literally nothing in return.

This is the first time I've seen a game make millions without anyone actually knowing what it is even at release. It has all the worst characteristics of Fallout 4's marketing and fanboys except even moreso. Thanks to No Man's Sky, we now have a precedent for charging $60 for a procedurally generated indie game that is now also suggesting future paid DLC content.

Is this really the direction consumers want for videogames? To be paying $100 for indie games they know nothing about? To blindly defend games they know literally nothing about in actuality? I've never seen such ridiculous blind faith in marketing before.

Game consumers are consistently shelling out more and more cash for less and less content.
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There's nifty alternative to NMS:
Two decades old game based on the same principle as NMS - procedurally generated galaxy with space stations, various factions, merchants, and pirates; with main goal to survive and reach the galaxy core. Various features and ship system upgrades included. Obviously the space is much smaller, since there was not enough computing power for generating from 64-bit seed in 1995, and the graphics is top-down instead of FPP. Good fun anyway.

Well, until they reach such an age that they become again more susceptible to scams and bullshit.
When this happened to me I took the counter-measure. I'm hidden behind hardware firewall protecting me from any AAA grade scam! :V
I do not disagree with any of that, i actually did not comment on any of it either, i thought it was strange that you follow a game you hate so much, so closely.
Enjoying misfortune and randomly generated butthurt from D1P fanboys. Taking notes is another thing to do for future reference.
The only thing i know about Fallout 4 is the beginning level where they run to the vault, i have not seen or cared about any other footage or gameplay of that game and have no idea what the game is about.

Wanna know?
It's about a father looking for his son. Tadaaa! Same as FO3, but other way around. SPOILED IT 4 U =D
^Spoil it 4 u, and weep tears of devastation