So yeah. 77 people died. 8 in the centre of Oslo and 69 on the island.
77 people.
Most of them young dreamers.
Between 14000 and 19000 died in the September 11 attacks.
50 to 70 million died in WW2.
As Morrissey so boldly stated, this is nothing in comparison to what KFC and McDonalds do every fucking day to birds and mammals on this sad, lonely planet.
Every fucking day of our miserable lives waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than 77 peope die due to simple fucking things like diarrhea or the fucking flu. Lack of water. Lack of food. These folks never had a decent house, decent clothes, a cellphone or an internet connection. Like those 77 no doubt had. These folks die in situations which are way more gruesome than a simple bullet to the head. They starve to death. They get butchered with a machete.
Western society is sick and sad in a variety of ways, but this tops it all: 77 capitalist pigs died because another capitalist pig had a brain seizure or something. All of a sudden the rest of the world seems paradise. What? Mayhaps this bad cog in the machine is yet another warning sign that Western society sucks bigtime. Maybe we do these things to ourselves and our blonde idiot is just the finger on the trigger we all know is there.
So forgive me if I am not impressed. Forgive me if I do not care.