Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
That's what I figured as well.Megaton itself had a water purifier, as did Rivet City; the issue wasn't the actual purifying, but rather doing it on a large enough scale that everyone could benefit. Or something.
I'm not about to try and justify that mess of a game.
Megaton has a purifier, sure. That is a thrown together piece of crap and leaking. Could break down at any point.
Rivet City has a purifier, sure. But let's remember that they are right next to super mutant capital, making travel difficult. And moving there? Rivet City ain't exactly big enough to house everyone and their dog thirsting.
Tenpenny Tower got clean water. But, well, they locked their shit up for themselves.
So providing 'everyone' with clean water isn't necessarily pointless.
How much stock should we put into the crafting mechanic of FO4 exactly? I mean, in the next DLC we'll be able to build a fucking vault. Should that mechanic even be factored in at this point? It's like, if we talk about proper Fallout lore then is any one of us seriously going to bring up that every single character since FO1 can become a demi-god? Solar Powered for example, it is a perk that mutates our character so that we heal in the sun. Is that perk part of the lore or is it just a gameplay mechanic available to the player? Cause I've never seen a mutant in Fallout that heals from the sun. The only character that can do that is the player character.
FO4, the way I see it, exists in its own little bubble while FO3 exists in its own little bubble. So that we can craft water purifiers all over the place is irrelevant to FO3's story of pure water for the people.
Not that I care at the end of the day, both are non-canon to me.