Nuka World Discussion

Implying that Van Buren was dead because it didn't 'appeal to lowest common denominator'. For all I know, Van Buren was brought down together with Interplay because Interplay was lead by dumbass motherfucker who were also responsible for the release of fucking console POS.
Also Superman 64
Well, Interplay has grown a lot, they had their own development teams, and they also published games. Obviously, some of the stuff they published ... was utter garbage. But they had also some really nice games. Like Messiah. Not your typical shooter I would say. And I think Van Buren got axed, because they wanted to make Fallout into a cash cow. Which backfired heavily.
Do you even RPG?
If you rely on mods to make a game better then it's shit. Mods are supposed to add different flavor and fun to the game not attempt to fix its failed shortcomings.

As for a new good Fallout game? Good luck waiting for one, it's not going to happen. It's a milked franchise with nothing but regression. Sad but true.

My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
i dont think i understand what are you really talking

new vegas is a spin off technically. it improves a lot from fallout 3 in terms of writing, rpg element and choice branches in quest. so to me, it doesnt deserve a "mod" slapped on its title. But yes, nma also used to called new vegas another fallout 3 clone back in 5 years ago. not sure if those people still linger these day
My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
You're not making any sense. Try to be more eloquent with your words.

@eissa explains it better. New Vegas is not a mod for Fallout 3. It's a spin-off that made improvements and also has the added ability of being technically superior (since it works on Windows 8/10 unlike vanilla Fallout 3 that requires an FAQ and troubleshooting to make it run on anything past Windows 7).
So what you guys are saying is that NV doesn't use any tools from Fallout 3. Nothing at all? They made the engine themselves? Well kudos to the wizards at Obsidian.
So what you guys are saying is that NV doesn't use any tools from Fallout 3. Nothing at all? They made the engine themselves? Well kudos to the wizards at Obsidian.
Not quite. I'm just saying that Obsidian did a lot with the engine Bethesda had toyed around with in a short development time when compared to Bethesda's long development time. So yes, kudos to those wizards at Obsidian.
Not quite. I'm just saying that Obsidian did a lot with the engine Bethesda had toyed around with in a short development time when compared to Bethesda's long development time. So yes, kudos to those wizards at Obsidian.

Well there are many more wizards in the world who can toy around with Bethesdas tools.
My god. New Vegas is a mod.
By this definition, Fallout 4 is simply a mod of Skyrim, which is a mod of Fallout 3 which is a mod of Oblivion, which is a mod of Morrowind. As far as I know, they're all mods on the same game engine.

If Obsidian can create New Vegas in less than 2 years with that engine, I don't see why Fallout 4 needed 7 years. It looks like it was thrown together in 7 months.
By this definition, Fallout 4 is simply a mod of Skyrim, which is a mod of Fallout 3 which is a mod of Oblivion, which is a mod of Morrowind. As far as I know, they're all mods on the same game engine.

If Obsidian can create New Vegas in less than 2 years with that engine, I don't see why Fallout 4 needed 7 years. It looks like it was thrown together in 7 months.

I would say they are new editions of the same game. Then again me=clueless.
New Vegas is definitely not a mod of Fallout 3. If anything, it's the real Fallout 3.

It does every single thing Fallout 3 set out to do, and does it 100x better. The characters, the roleplaying aspects, the good/bad karma system, the factions, the weapons, the creatures, and on and on and on. Considering how bare bones 3 is compared to NV, 3 is more of the mod here.

And let's keep in mind Fallout 3 was in development for 4 years, from 2004 to 2008, along with a couple of years to make the DLCs. New Vegas only had 1 year, plus an extra year to make the DLCs. They had to cut so much content, from entire Legion towns, to quests, to multiple NPCs. They had to basically butcher the original Freeside just to get it to work on consoles due to its size. And yet, despite all this, they still made a far superior game. Hell, they set the standard for what a first person RPG should be like in my opinion.

Please don't insult New Vegas by calling it a mod, it's far better than that.
By this definition, Fallout 4 is simply a mod of Skyrim, which is a mod of Fallout 3 which is a mod of Oblivion, which is a mod of Morrowind. As far as I know, they're all mods on the same game engine.

If Obsidian can create New Vegas in less than 2 years with that engine, I don't see why Fallout 4 needed 7 years. It looks like it was thrown together in 7 months.
To be fair, Bethesda had already created a lot of the art assets and other mechanics for FO3, Obsidian reconstructed already existing pieces and created 'some' new ones themselves. Bethesda had to create everything from scratch.
So what you guys are saying is that NV doesn't use any tools from Fallout 3. Nothing at all? They made the engine themselves? Well kudos to the wizards at Obsidian.
what if i told you that obsidian were given by bethesda for 1 and half year to develop NV with shitty QA tester? obsidian have no choice but to just accept bethesda already existing tool which is gamebyro engine. i'm sure if obsidian were given more freedom, they will find more robust engine or even return to isometric style
Well let's look at it this way:

In less than 2 years Obsidian made the highest rated Fallout game ever made (based on Steam). It's sitting at "Overwhelmingly Positive" in both time categories.

In 7 years, Bethesda produced its lowest rated game ever made with Fallout 4. It's at "Mostly Positive" in recent reviews (as far as I've looked, that's the lowest rating).

And both games are the same engine as far as I know.
To be fair, Bethesda had already created a lot of the art assets and other mechanics for FO3, Obsidian reconstructed already existing pieces and created 'some' new ones themselves. Bethesda had to create everything from scratch.
I thought they kind of reuse some assets from Oblivion? Hence, 'Oblivion with Guns'?

Even if that's not the truth, Bethesda already had 15+ years of experience with that ancient engine at the time, so there's no excuse for them to release a game that's still buggier than New Vegas after all these years, and crash like fucking hell on Windows 7 and above. Meanwhile, props to Obsidian who not only had 18 months to make the game, they had to learn to use the engine from scratch. They might inherited all of those assets from Bethesda, but being able to make new assets, animation, and implement many other new stuff within that short development cycle was nothing short of impressive.

My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
I don't get this argument. If anything, New Vegas continued the story of Fallout 1 & 2, so it was obviously an actual sequel, and Fallout '3' is the adventure module that takes the player away from the West Coast, where all the franchise's main action took place, to the East Coast where 'adventure module' take place.

Even then, New Vegas have:
  • New Animations (and better ones on top of that)
  • Ironsight
  • Weapon Mods
  • New Assets
  • Much more stable after years of patches, meanwhile Fallout 3 still fucking crash on Windows 7 even with mods
It was certain improvement from Fallout 3, and the fact they had to learn to use the engine from scratch (compared to Bethesda who had 15+ years of experience with it) means Obsidian fucking killed them on systemic level.
My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
Well good to know Bethesda found their target audience:

My god. New Vegas is a mod. So if it were an tabletop fallout 3 would be the base game and NV the adventure module. So yes mods are nessassary unless the game is "bitch about the base game"
If so New Vegas was almost a total conversion since it not only improved the engine but also changed quite a few basic game mechanics (ammo types, DR/DT mechanics, companion control).
Mods are not necessary if the game is good right from the start. They can improve games, but they shouldn't be what makes the game good.
So wait...has Nuka World come out yet? I can't tell if it's a story mod or a crafting/settlement expansion.