Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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It's like a jungles sometimes... It makes me wonder how I keep from going under.

I finally replayed Fallout 2 for the first time in almost a decade. I know that it’s deeply flawed compared to the original, but damn I still really enjoy it and it felt great returning to it after so long.

Then I remembered that we’ll (probably) never get another good sequel and I have to drink to keep my depression under control.

And yeah, I know that this post likely qualifies as a rule violation. idgaf your forum is as dead as this franchise is. PBBBT!
Yeah that is Orderite shit that has nothing to do with me and NMA.

Na you got me wrong there. I only posted here as I can't on the order side. I said earlier I contacted NMA on twitter and upped bits but my biggest concern was NMA was not working and I was getting loads of errors.

I got a straight answer from Hass but when I posted on babadook I just got blanked.
Also I said I knew loads could see details. Moth said to me first week " You're a strange guy billy d " so I thought he has seen me e mail etc.
Those pics was me doin drama tbh and showing off my secret agent camera skills.

Out of this place you and proletarian are cool. I see you as fair even when you fuck people off. So don't take my p[ost to heart it was not to get at you.

I like the design of the site also the fact I can eff and blind but that Order lark just comes across as weirdsville. Lets abuse the noob and if we decide we don't like him and he doesn't suck up enough we can just ban the fucker lol
Posting on The Order side is something they can disallow without really letting you know why. Once a long time ago all NMA posters were banned from posting there for no real reason other than Brother None was a dick.
Demolition man. A metaphor about taking down the old to bring about the new. Perestroika the Ruskies called it intending to automate and reorganise labour. Division of labour decentralising state planning was coined by Brezhnev then changed by Gorbachev to mean " Fuck it we give up you get your own way Thatcher and Reagan, I am off to the hired speaker circuit.

A British TV programme about ' Demolition Man ' was copied by Australia , the Australian version showed Lawrie a ducker and diver making money ( Where there is muck there is Brass.

The concept harks back to ancient Greece and Socrates who first spoke about our souls.
Our souls should define us our souls should be clean. Morality and ethics of the individual should do away with high ranking judges of the top down superior views of philosophers.
Later Diogenes took this to an extreme, Diogenes had just publicly mocked the leader of the entire civilized world and got away with it. It certainly wasn’t the first time that Diogenes had said something offensive – he was the ultimate troll, known throughout history for his deliberate provocations, wit, and highly unusual behaviour. Many structures in Demolition Man point to ancient Grease.