OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

yeah, we definitely have quite a few things in common. Though, to say this, I am not socialy awkward or something, or least not more then anyone else I guess. But there are phases where interaction with other human beeings becomes so tiresome and troublesome that its a real problem to my mood and mental stability. This makes it extremly hard to keep friends and people around, because it simply is not a normal behaviour as far as people and interaction goes.

I can see what you mean exactly. I have all too many moments where I relish in being able to be left alone.

When it comes to contact with peers, for me it's not so much tiresome, but more of a question of motivation. I would have zero issues walking up to any girl I knew some things about, and confirmed was single, and chatting her up. But I don't want to, because I know that I could never make the connection I would want to with that particular person. I don't want to generalize all females, but this certainly doesn't extend only to the opposite gender. I think it's more of a case where I simply haven't found anyone who is out of the norm in the specific ways that could satisfy me.
Just because you're not quick to express emotion doesn't mean you'll never find love, or can't love. Even sociopaths can feel love (granted, it's a kind of sick love, but still). It's scientifically proven that the feeling we call "love" is hardwired into all of us. So I really wouldn't worry about that man. But like I said, you have to leave your comfort zone (and believe me, I know how hard that can be) which could be your room, house, or whatever, and put yourself out there.
Mental instability is not something people are usually looking for when they search for a potential partner or mate. This has nothing to do with a comfort zone. I can not explain it really, but I am getting physically and mentally tired when I have to much contact with people. This is not something that I want you know.

Also, sorry that hear that you had such trouble in your life.

Yeah, people aren't looking for an alcoholic ex-dope addict either bro. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to find love though.

When you find someone, they'll love you for who you are. Just don't tell them about the things that are wrong with you right away. I never run up to women and say, "By the way, I need to drink liquor everyday to avoid withdrawal symptoms, and I used to be addicted to pain killers and go to a methadone clinic now! Wanna go out?"

Let me tell you a little story. This might be long depending on how lazy I'm feeling at the moment, so bear with me.

When I was in high school, at the age of 15 years old I met a girl name Kate (I called her Katie). She was the only person I ever knew to be perfect, on the outside and inside. She had beautiful below shoulder-length red hair, pale white skin with beautiful complextion, a perfect thin body size (she weighs like 105 I think, and is 5'8). She had perfect bone structure, with beautiful wide crystal blue eyes. For the first several months of the school year I never even talked to her. Until eventually, in my English class we we're partnered up for an assignment by the teacher. We started working together really well, and eventually started having conversations outside the assignment about life in general. We immediately hit it off. Afterward we sat next to eachother in class, and were always spending time together. Well, eventually we decided to take things a bit further and go into a relationship. Before I continue, let me tell you a bit about Katie.

She grew up on a ranch with her mother, was never a big city girl. She moved to Albuquerque at 15 because she wanted to go to college and pursue a life/career outside of ranch life, so she moved in with her Aunt here in Albuquerque. Her ranch was more toward the city of Taos and Red River, beautiful, beautiful land up there. She was a great person. Always helping, always caring. She almost never cussed/cursed, and for her to do so she would have to be mad as hell (still didn't say things like fuck). Wasn't very religious, agnostic like me but still believed in a higher power. She didn't drink, didn't smoke, and didn't do drugs, in fact she was heavily against all of those. She had a long list of morals, which I loved about her. She was (probably still is) a virgin, and refused to have sex until marriage, which being in love with her, I had no problem with. Like I said, she was perfect.

Anyways... after we had got into a relationship, I began to fall for her. About six months into the relationship (we were now 16 at the time), I tell her I think I love her. She's overjoyed. She said she felt the same way, but wasn't sure if she should tell me out of fear that she might lose me. So we start to get extremely close. Not a moment passes that we aren't either together or at least talking through text or through the internet. She didn't like Facebook (just like me), thought it was a waste of time and stupid. Anyways, about a month after we professed love for eachother, I proposed. I didn't have a ring at the time, probably because I was fucking 16 years old and my job didn't pay me shit (like 250 bucks every two weeks, which most of it went to doing things for her, or helping my dad pay the bills). Either way, she accepted. She said she didn't want some big fancy ring. So I say, "Well, what did you have in mind?" She tells me about an old tradition, where the woman uses a silver band and the man uses a gold band to represent their marriage, no diamonds, just a simple band. I agreed but still wanted to spoil her anyways, so I picked out two rings, one silver, one gold, each one 99.9% silver/gold, a thousand dollars each and started to make payments on them. We talked about a wedding date, and decided that the perfect date would be after we both graduated (which was at 17 for us, in a year). So, month's pass by and we're doing great. Until...

I was coming home from school on the bus, the street light was out and I was wearing all jet black (plain black hoodie with black dickies) when a pickup truck hit me at 30 miles per hour. Katie was the second one to visit me in the hospital after my dad, she even stayed there for the remainder of the time I was there. It's fucked up to admit and embarrassing, but she did shit like wipe my ass for me because I was too fucked up to do it myself. Why am I telling you this? Well, what kind of girl would do that for another man? Not unless she loved him more than anything in the world. Anyways, it hit me going 30 miles an hour, and my body was too weak to walk for about a week and a half. I had my arm popped out of the socket, two skull fractures, and a brain hemorrhage which, too my luck, dried up before they opened my skull up to let my brain expand after being bruised (which has a big chance of turning that person into someone whom is mentally retarded). Anyways, the point of this is, they gave me a shitload of morphine in the hospital, and eventually gave me prescription pain killers to take home. I knew Katie would never approve of me taking opiate pain killers (Oxycodone/Percocet), so I hid them. Eventually however, over the next few months I got addicted. I needed to take them daily to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

So, I hid that from her also. Did fine for a few months, until she found the bottle of pills in my room. She knew exactly was they were. This girl was extremely intelligent. Much smarter than me, and I was on the fucking honor roll top 10% at school. We both took an IQ test, in which I ended up getting a score of 108, and Katie scored a fucking 122 (which in case you guys don't know, qualifies as superior intelligence [120-140 is superior intelligence]). Fuck she was smart. Anyway's, she approached me with the bottle in hand, and tell's me that if I really love her I won't lie to her, and asks me what they were (though she knew). I'm stuck here. There's no way out of it for me. So I tell her exactly what they are. And then I tell her about my addiction. I then proceed to apologize for lying to her, I put my head into her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair and told me, "It's ok, we're in this together".

So I try to get off of them. But fuck I couldn't do it. The withdrawals were just too much man. The pain, sweating, hot/cold flashes, throwing up and diarrhea, migraines, etc. So after the first two months of trying to get off, I give up (it takes 72 hours of cold-turkey withdrawal to get it out of your system). I decide I will just take them in secret until I CAN get off. Again, I do pretty good at hiding it for a few months. And, again, she finds them. Not only does she find them, but she finds that I'm on the exact same miligram of percocet I was when she first found them. Again she approaches me. Not angry, but disappointed. So, she confronts me, and after the talk, she say's "Why? Why didn't you try to get off? Why did you lie?" So I try to explain how I did try to get off, and that I couldn't do it. And she tells me that maybe she just didn't put enough effort into me, which of course makes me feel like shit. It wasn't her fault, it was that I just didn't have the willpower to do it. She asks me again, "Why?" and keeps pressing me. Eventually I get defensive, and snatch the pill bottle out of her hand, and tell her shit like it's my business and she should support me anyways. She's figured it out. I was already in this shit way too deep.

So, she cries. Right in front of me. And then she proceeds to tell me that she will love me anyways, but she can't watch me "destroy myself". At first I scoffed at this. But what I didn't expect, was for her to tell me she loves me and then just up and leave. I didn't follow her, figured she just needed time to think. What I didn't expect was not being able to find her, and her moving back to the ranch with her mom after that. And only two and a half months away from the wedding too. Of course I didn't give you guys the full story to save face (from possible embarrassment of both her and myself), but needless to say she was crying pretty hard when she left.

So yeah I was pretty fucked up about that for a long time. Now I drink AND take methadone. What a wonderful combination, right? Anyways, I eventually come to a realization that, she's better off without me. PEople tried to tell me to look for her, to go find her. But I realized that she would never be able to have a full life with me in it. Of course I know she'd take me back if I found her and apologized. But I would just end up holding her back in life, forcing her to take care of me. So yeah, I figured out that she's better off without me. She probably wouldn't see it that way, but that's just because she was so deeply into me. I mean the girl left an entire city because she couldn't watch me drag myself down into a pit. What does that say? I may be more lonely than ever, but at least I know she can have a REAL life without me.

But yeah, that's my story. I actually did find the person who was perfect for me. Lost her.

In the word's of a patriot;
I often fear that the sins of my past will come back to haunt me. But the consequences are more than I can bear

These two songs give me such huge nostalgia and never fail to remind me what kind of person I am, WHO I am, so much that it makes me feel like shit;

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I have unusual, eclectic taste that is difficult to pin down, and I've actually yet to find a site that can even find decent music or movies for me based on algorithms, let alone potential partners.
I consider myself a hetero dude, but I would be open to a relationship with a transwoman if she was feminine enough and we had compatible personalities, similar interests, etc.

Sounds like the perfect blurb bullshit to put on your dating profile. :twisted:

Just like in real life all the hot bitches ignore you.

Ah, now I get it.

While I won't be a complete dick about it, don't expect me to consider shit "politically correct" (or anything similar, idea meaning basically don't expect me to care that you feel special) about it though.

Just out of curiosity, what would it look like if you were being a complete dick about it?

Don't you just love how Sander is doing his best to steer this topic into the realms of gender/sex? I always enjoy one-trick-ponies performing the only 'trick' they're capable of.

I can't help but notice that, whenever @alec enters a topic that @Sander has previously commented on, he does his best to steer it into the realms of "hey look, Sander is at it again, let's talk about Sander everybody!"
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I have unusual, eclectic taste that is difficult to pin down, and I've actually yet to find a site that can even find decent music or movies for me based on algorithms, let alone potential partners.
I consider myself a hetero dude, but I would be open to a relationship with a transwoman if she was feminine enough and we had compatible personalities, similar interests, etc.

Sounds like the perfect blurb bullshit to put on your dating profile. :twisted:

Haha, okay, I'll try it and see what happens. :lol:

Click for answer!

The moral of the story? Have better priorities
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For about 3 months I tried three different online dating sites. All of them with a paid for subscription that came to about $10 a month for each (which isn't much).

One site was very specific and there was only three people within 50 miles of me.

Another had somewhat specific clients (geeks) and I found like 50 people within 50 miles of me. None would respond to being winked at and the one person who actually came to me was almost 100 miles away which was too far for me.

The third was Match.com which had a HUGE selection, but I had to do a lot to narrow down specific people with similar interests. I found like 100 people within 50 miles that seemed decent. I sent most of them some sort of notice (some by mail through the site or even chat). Most of them didn't respond or simply said no. Two did come to me who I didn't try to contact. One had little in common with me and when we tried to chat she couldn't figure out how to make it work (:roll:). The other woman I had nothing in common with, but she was gorgeous. In fact she first contacted me through the site chat and immediately asked to go to another chat program so we could use webcams. After a few days of eager chatting I found she had nothing interesting to say on any subject yet was somehow extremely interested in me for no apparent reason. Then I found out that while her profile listed her as in the USA she said she was over-seas at the moment. While I don't much mind that her profile wasn't true (she wanted to get to know someone before moving back to the USA) I was under the impression she might need money to return and I got suspicious in a way that seemed to fit the situation too well.

My advice is to get involved in some local group that fits a purpose you fit with (gaming group, college classes in interested subjects, etc) and find someone there. My current girlfriend I know from college.

The Vault Dweller
While I don't much mind that her profile wasn't true (she wanted to get to know someone before moving back to the USA) I was under the impression she might need money to return and I got suspicious in a way that seemed to fit the situation too well.

When people on dating sites ask for money, abandon ship!

Speaking of fuzzy Muppets... Recently, on my OkCupid profile, one of my random matches was a guy who owned a website for furry pornography.


Sadly, quite a few dating sites specifically aimed for gays don't exactly emphasize long term relations (Grindr is a perfect example of people wanting to replace their virginity with an exotic sexually transmitted disease). It's good advice, I think, to look up some of the usernames of people you might be interested in, too, because I've come across some very disturbing things in that regard.

Oh, and @BigBoss, that's quite a story, albeit a bloody personal one. If it means anything, I'm glad you've survived through it all long enough to tell it.
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I've used POF on and off for a few years. It's the site I've gotten the most results out of. The other ones don't seem to work all that well, though I paid for e-harmony once but it was pretty much a waste of money (this may partly because I live in a really small area and 95% of the people on the site haven't paid, so even if you message they can't reply without a subscription). That being said, most of my results haven't been all that great. I've come to more or less expect that the kind of people I meet on a free online dating site (that are interested in going on a date with me) suffer from mild to severe personality disorders (then again, I'm on there, so... hey-oooooh). I went on a date with a girl who showed up wearing a fake moustache. She wore it the whole date. She said she was raising money for Movember and was wearing a moustache every day, the whole day, for the month. I couldn't text her because her mobile phone was so old that it didn't have a screen, so she said to send Facebook messages. She said all of her messages would be in capslock because the capslock key on her keyboard was broken. She wasn't lying either, every single message she sent was entirely in caps. I asked her a couple times if she'd like to get together for a second date but she essentially replied (in all caps) that I was smothering her and that school was too important for "a guy she went on one date with", though she also seemed interested in having a second date at an undisclosed point in the future. I had to let that one go.

My best POF story actually involves the creator of the site. Back in 2009 I identified a large security flaw in the messaging system (I had concocted a way to message people and steal their account password as soon as they opened the message - a combination of injecting Javascript and using AJAX to read the user password out of the source of the "edit profile" page). I sent him the information and he fixed it. I sent him a follow-up e-mail that said, "you should really look at this other stuff" but he never replied. A couple years later they had a huge security breach that used those same vulnerabilities.

After all my POF stuff though, I've really found that it's hard to date complete strangers. Dating is much easier when you can warm up to the person naturally without there being so many unknowns and so much pressure. To that extent, I've found "extracurricular" activities such as swing dancing to be good for meeting people. Meeting people has always been the hardest part and usually what I hear most is, "I don't know where to meet people" (from those like myself that don't like bars and clubs).
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(I had concocted a way to message people and steal their account password as soon as they opened the message - a combination of injecting Javascript and using AJAX to read the user password out of the source of the "edit profile" page)
Wait, what? :crazy:
(I had concocted a way to message people and steal their account password as soon as they opened the message - a combination of injecting Javascript and using AJAX to read the user password out of the source of the "edit profile" page)
Wait, what? :crazy:

I have weird hobbies.

Actually, I had come up with several ways to log in as different users. For instance, for the longest time all of the URLs on the site had an "SID" parameter in them. So you could send user's links or embed images in your profile page that linked to a server side script you had access to, then scrape that value from the "referer" URL in the HTTP header. The SID value was their login session, so you could spoof their login cookie and become them by changing your own cookies. That's all stuff I told them about.
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is this also the kind of stuff that you tell da ladies?

Yes, though I'll admit that 5 years ago my people skills and understanding of context weren't as good as they are now. I never did it to anybody that didn't know I was doing it. I did it by myself and with a guy at work to test it. Any girls I did it with I was like, "Hey, wanna see a neat trick?" and I'd show them but they would just be like, "cool" and want to talk about something else. You'd think people would be more excited/interested about that kind of thing but they honestly didn't give a shit at all.
I've tried Xdating once a couple of years ago.

The demographic could be summed up as such:

White women who wanted to cheat on their husbands with black guys.

Women with black kids who wanted to find a husband.

Latina women who wanted to find a black guy.

Black women that wanted to find anything they could get.

A giant line of a million dick pictures.

A once-in-a-while self-absorbed intelligent white or asian women that wanted to find a talent agent.

Me, giving up hope on online dating.
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