This ghoul has seen it all

We al lalready watched that Extra Credits video on story and we have already commented how stupid it was, and how much wrong information it has too.
Except New Vegas has no amnesia at all.... Like they make a point of establishing you are not suffering from amnesia (the Rorshaq test and trait selection) not to mention they say that they don't give you different equipment dependant on your tagged skills.... yet the game literally gives you starting equipment related to your tagged skills...
What? no, ddi you even pay attention to Lonesome Road? Also you can actively choose dialogue options to imply your Courier knows what New Reno is him impregnating a woman 16 years prior....
You didn't pay attention to it.... The Courier didn't fund it, he just did deliveries for it during the early stages of the NCR campaigh which helped the settlement grow, he didn't fund it. He delivered the Package that contained the Silo launching module that then also created the Divid as it is, saud package actuallybeing requested by someone in the NCR and probably found in Navarro, he never counciously funded nor destroyed it, he was just a Courier. Ulysses is all about actions having deeper consequences than people think they have when they do them, maybe.... pay better attention to dialogue.... Also there is a LOT of dialogue dedicated to stating the Courier has no amnesia....
A lot of people actually talk about the Divide in the game, Nash is one of them and other characters make reference to the disaster there during the Battle of Hoover Dam. You kind of get mentions of it everywhere and that's how people got hyped for the DLCs and where even theorizing what would it have, same way a couple of the Caravaners talk about Utah and New Canaan.
Again, your inability to read the dialogue or pay attention to the game prevents you from making a coherent argument.
What did I ginore? First you claim the Courier founded the town, I tell you that s/he did not, then you say no one mentions the Divide in Game, And again I tell you they did, Vulpes Inculta, Cass and Nash mention the Divide by name and allude to what happens there, namely the weather and how it's a death valley now.
"The place you gave life to is what I'm talking about and what Ulyssess's says repeatedly. Did you forget?"
As I aleady told you, Ulysses himself just says that you were the first Courier to make contact with the Divide Settlement, he makes it a more dramatic point about how your seemingly inconsecuential action of delivering packages from NCR outposts in the Mojave actually helped the settlement grow, and he ended p delivering the final package that destroyed the place (Which was a piece of Navarro scavenged tech some other person requested delivered, the Courier never even knew what he was delivering) I don't see how this is hard for you to understand- It's kind of one of Ulysses main points during his ramblings, he is constantly talking about people changing others through actions they don't understand. At no point is there any allusion to amnesia nor to the Courier actually having created the town, nor "just forgetting", the Courier simply never gave too much importance to his deliveries there and the Destruction of the Divide occured around the same time as the Original Battle of Hoover Dam (That's why the Marked men all have an amalgam of Legion and NCR armors). Your entire arguments rests on basically not havign paid attention to the game, on you misreading everything and then coming to a conclusion that is explicitly disprooven during the first 5 minutes of the game.
Also. Do you think Bethesda betrayed Fallout with the First person and third person views and the fact they got rid of the action point based combat from the first two? Could you even say its Fallout anymore?
A Nitpick? You are the one who seems to be equating Did deliveris for to "Founded the town". It's not even subtlety Ulysses actually outright says that what you did meant nothing to you because it was a small job but it had big consequences. You are arguing two things that are disproven by the game itself, you are also claiming people never mention the Divid, which they do, a lot, specially in Dead Money and Honest Hearts. You argument was that the only way for Lonesome Road to make sense was Amnesia, and I just showed you how that's just completely not true.
Big Mt's experiment was more with the Weather of the Divide, Cass mentions how her runs to the Divide made her good with Dynamite because the twisters would constantly throw boulders into the road, Big Mt didn't cause the detruction of the Divide, it was caused by the package the courier brought from Navarro activating the Silos underground when some NCR big shot activatd it later on. There is even mentions how that's what actually slowed down the NCR's campaign as they lost a supply line, and even about Caesar's Legion planning on attacking it for that very reason.
I have no idea how your "proved me wrong" when all you have said is non sense that is disproven by the game. So... Try again?
The Quotes you posted from the game don't prove me wrong in the lest, they are actually what I am saying. THeCourier did delvieries for the Settlement fro mthe NCR, which had lasting consequences beyond them, the NCR got interested in the place and so did Legion in account of attacking the NCR supply lines, Ulysses make it more dramatic but later on he even acknowledges that your actions where small but they had bigger consequences. Your entire point seems to be ignoring this and for some reason you claim that they say you have amnesia.
Also none of them mention Amnesia which is your main argument. Can't you even read your own messages?