Mildly Dipped

Due to the rushed timeframe, they famously gutted the Legion, had a very constrained map, and couldn't or didn't want to expand on secondary or tertiary quests for regions and towns you pass through and thus forget unless you run around them for supplies (and often it's just Novac-I-88-Hoover Dam-Gun Runners-Boomers for ammo/supplies). It's above average but could had been better.
I don't think cut content is a problem in and of itself. A problem with development, perhaps, but not necessarily with the product. The game could have been MORE complete with more dev time, but I never felt that New Vegas was unfinished at all until I learned about it from interviews. I mean, we can't even rightly say that the constraints made it a worse game. Hard to say if the additions would have elevated it without actually playing them.
Sidenote, if it's true that the majority of Bethesda fans hold up Oblivion and Fallout 3 as the standard to return to, it's probably because those were the first entries they played in either series. Those games are old enough now that a large portion of the typical target demographic for gamers would've played them as children. It was the first Fallout game on console, and I'm guessing Oblivion saw a huge boost in console sales over Morrowind. More people like those games because more people have actually played them.
Back when Oblivion came out, everyone I knew or read articles by thought it was terrible compared to Morrowind.
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