OXM article excerpts

i like the ghoul. albeit it's certainly borrowed from oblivion.

i hope there's a PC specific inventory / pipboy screen. console inventory (think oblivion / mass effect) sucks.

the growing up stuff is cute, but i sincerely hope we can skip it. previous beth games let you skip that crap.

can't say anything about combat that hasn't been said. meh. the the "boss" mutant, which i hope is only a boss, looks decent.

rag doll physics should be fun, they were in oblivion. shooting a guy with a shotgun and having his body fly into a table, half on, half off, is a pretty cool effect.

dialog i'm sure won't be that simple the entire time. least i hope not. faces look much better than oblivion.

power armor and mini looks great imho.

town made from downed airliner shot looks neat.

dogmeat looks too big. kinda hard to model a 3D dog after a half inch sprite.

last shot = FTW. a big smile comes across my face when i think about that screen actually moving. me being able to shift the camera... etc etc. GREAT :)
Sorrow said:
No, they are a different kind of ghouls - all of them have crippled limbs and can only say things like "Arrrr!" or "Ugh".



I added the link again for people who haven't read the previous page BTW.

Still I have not seen evidence of "zombies" Highly xenophobic ghouls with the ability to follow orders and conduct threat assesments. That I have seen in Fallout.
So? A lot of feral animals don't kill their own their own kind at whim and don't attack tanks too, which doesn't mean that they are humans.
ronin84 said:
the growing up stuff is cute, but i sincerely hope we can skip it. previous beth games let you skip that crap.
Which ones are you talking about? Not Morrowind or Oblivion, that's for sure.
Bodybag said:
Black said:
Jabu said:
But it is weird that he starts off generally talking about NPCs, and then explicitly mentions ghouls as non-interactive. That's not to say there can't be ghouls that are interactive, but it's a weird way to formulate the sentence (if indeed there are interactive ghouls).

That's because the question he was answering was specifically about ghouls, which he answered were INDEED interactive as NPCs for the most part.

Will they[<-----"THEY" = GHOULS] be NPCs you can interact with or monsters?

My bad, should've checked the context.

Forhekset said:
Beth, or maybe in particular Emil, seems to have completely missed the concept of Fallout's black humor.

It seems they have completely missed the concept of black humor. Savage gore for sake of gore (I mean wtf?!!! An old lady's head? This is way sicker than any GTA related media "scandals") is not any type of humor, unless you're some kind of deranged psychopath, or, as it happens, a teenaged "pwner" pubescent xbox addict.
The thing I enjoyed about Fallouts humor was its subtlety and wit. Unfortunately, comedy nowadays is usually defined by the antics of Vince Vaghn, Ryan Reynolds, Ashton Kutcher, etc, etc.

Its like comparing Chris Rock to Chris Farley.
Don't forget that idjit Will Ferrel... bloody 'ell his movies give me a migraine, same with all these coming of age comedies that exploded from American Pie.

And people wonder why I canceled my cable subscription...
Yeah, but there were insane or purely aggressive humans too.

I don't like the concept of "feral" ghouls much. As random encounters, fine, but ghouls should never be so numerous that a feral type could pose a threat, let alone a significant threat. Ghouls aren't exactly much stronger than humans, just more durable, so it's not like unarmed and unarmoured ghouls attacking people would last very long.

Or do you disagree, Aus?
There may be an occasional crazy here and there but not enough to justify beths actions. Second, crazy doesn't automatically equal hostile. Third, if there were homicidal ghouls, they would few and not encountered very often. Most of them would have been wiped out by their cognitive and armed counterparts in the necropolis.

Are you quoting script from the game Ausir because I don't know what those numbers mean.
Well, it's not as if they are said to pose a serious threat in FO3.

Also, there were the Endless Walkers in Van Buren:

Due to their prolonged, open exposure to the desert sun, high radiation, and other hardships of the wasteland, these unfortunate ghouls, who were banished, naked, from the Reservation, look like walking, sun bleached chunks of beef jerky. Their minds are almost completely gone and they react mostly on instinct. They will attack the first thing they see moving in a vain effort to quench an appetite that can never be quenched. Also, their skin in very tough and they strike with their claw-like hands with surprising quickness. Fortunately, endless walkers do not travel in groups. In fact, it is a rare occasion when someone comes across one, though most who travel this side of the wasteland like to keep their distance from the voracious creatures.
I see its in Van Buren.

I guess I could accept one or two here and there. However, as far as Fallout is concerned, I still haven't seen zombies.
DarkCorp said:
There may be an occasional crazy here and there but not enough to justify beths actions. Second, crazy doesn't automatically equal hostile. Third, if there were homicidal ghouls, they would few and not encountered very often. Most of them would have been wiped out by their cognitive and armed counterparts in the necropolis.

Are you quoting script from the game Ausir because I don't know what those numbers mean.

They are just line numbers. And there were random encounters with groups of hostile mindless or crazy ghouls in FO1 and 2 who acted pretty much as zombies.

Also, some ghoul combat taunts:

{3120}{}{You're history!}
{3121}{}{Fresh meat...}
{3122}{}{Beef, beef, beef--beef bologna!}
{3124}{}{I'm gonna dig your grave...}
{3125}{}{Hope I can keep your head intact...}
{3126}{}{More Brains....}

Can anyone link the FO1 ending screenshot of the VD with dogmeat? I can't find it. The problem however is that to me, thats the only screenshot of the bunch that is FO, and if its just a pure rip off, then its not really an accomplishment.
bazola said:
Can anyone link the FO1 ending screenshot of the VD with dogmeat? I can't find it. The problem however is that to me, thats the only screenshot of the bunch that is FO, and if its just a pure rip off, then its not really an accomplishment.

There's no ending screenshot of the VD with dogmeat.

I think you're thinking of this.
I think everyone is just nit-picking a bit too much about the ghouls. As someone just posted, they had zombie characteristics in the original Fallouts.

Honestly, I think they're mostly getting the look of the game right. There were glowing ghouls in Fallout 2.

The thing I'm concerned about is the *game*. It looks like Fallout, but will the SPECIAL system by used at all? I just don't see how it can in real-time.

They are, IMO, pretty much nailing the look of the universe. It just remains to be seen weather or not they can actually make a good *game* out of it.
I don't remember ghouls looking like emaciated zombies. Hell, the skin looks too burned and rotting, and not melted at all. And what's with the pupilless eyes? Sorry, this is no ghoul.

Nor do I see the point of them attacking you unarmoured and unarmed. They'll just die. They're not that tough.

Beelzebud said:
It looks like Fallout, but will the SPECIAL system by used at all?


Beelzebud said:
They are, IMO, pretty much nailing the look of the universe.

No they're not.

I'd say on balance, they got as many things perfectly right (Vault, Pip-Boy) as they got perfectly wrong (super-mutants, Behemoth), and there's a lot of middling material in there (power armors, ghouls).

So far, I'm not impressed.
Claw said:
ronin84 said:
the growing up stuff is cute, but i sincerely hope we can skip it. previous beth games let you skip that crap.
Which ones are you talking about? Not Morrowind or Oblivion, that's for sure.

i'm referring to the fact that you don't have to do all the growing up bullshit (this reminds me of the questions morrowind asked to find a character type), rather, you should simply be able to pick stats, skills, etc. quickly, or choose a premade char.

as stated below:

Morrowind has three in-game approaches to character creation: asking questions of the player to find a corresponding pre-made characters, letting the player pick from a list of pre-made characters, and letting the player create a new character manually, picking skills and abilities for their character personally.

if i have to go through the silly little press A to cry / say dada and 10th bday party crap everytime i start a new game, i'll be pretty ticked off.