Dialog: Could be heads and tails above that standard, it could be the int 3 and under club dialog, just so the brick kiddies can still understand themselves (Instead of a total re-write, reduce the amount of options there are for speaking.)
At least it's not the length of a Steven Segal movie title max.
Faces are pretty, personally I don't care if it's obscenely pretty, that's personal opinion I'll admit, I can deal with some pixelation or not so fluid movement if the game's story is decent enough.
I cannot forgive some of the creative license they've taken with the Fallout series mind you, the whole point of Fallout was to be different, not a first person perspective, and definitely not a shooter like everything else of the time.
The muties look terrible, seriously terrible, think hulk with different colored hairs at times and Neanderthalic facial features combined with an intelligence that parallels a Doberman, that's your standard mutant, color variations are possible but not often, and they can talk, and they aren't constantly assailants.
Yes in FO1 they were the main bad guy, you could still talk to mutants, they weren't mute, they weren't so hateful that they could only scream a feral bellow at you and charge without a word.
My biggest beef with the game is Mutants and BoS, they've botched them completely, and completely destroyed the continuity of the Fallout universe by doing so.
Is it so hard to think of SOMETHING unique, something aside from Chinese AK knockoffs...
I could possibly forgive an exiled BoS paladin forming a rag-tag group of locals after taking a shine to them, but not in power armor and definately not calling themselves BoS.
A renegade militant offshoot of the BoS is not too hard to imagine, but an entire platoon? that's a little much for the BoS to miss, what with Shady Sands a.k.a. NCR gaining power right next door to their bunker.
The Mutants can always be explained by stupid scientists doing stupid things with their spare time and could easily dream themselves into being world heroes by completing the research on the FEV and saving everyone from a post apoc hell.
But to change them so drastically that they look completely different from the same base viral strain, that's just not right, when you got the Bubonic Plague, there's always lymph nodes swelling up, when you got flesh eating disease, your body starts rotting and falling apart.
It would have to be a completely different virus, or possibly a merger of the FEV and a different airborne virus to form a super-strain, but that would be very hard to simulate and create in a lab environment and produce erratic results that could very well kill the potentially evolving organism...
To put it in Trekkie terms, it's like Enterprise, it looks pretty, but it' sucked and blew continuity out the airlock.