Possible Currencies for After the End


Hmmmm. Seeeed. . .
Not to mention this rule already applies in the pre-apocalypse. Gun control has one consequence: it gives control to the people who (illegally) have guns.

But really, why don't more games set in a post-apocalypse STRESS the rarity and cost of ammunition? I'd imagine that guns would be valuable, sure, but not nearly as valuable as their ammunition would be.....
Funny, I have no guns (nor do any of my neighbours) and I have yet to have gotten killed by someone with a gun. I mujst be doing something wrong considering how we also have an internal military conflict going on.
Nope, but the assertion that "No gun obssesion" = "Certain death by criminals with guns" is very much dumb and exagerated.
Nope, but the assertion that "No gun obssesion" = "Certain death by criminals with guns" is very much dumb and exagerated.
And that's just a strawman. I said gun control ONLY gives control to those who illegally own the guns. That has nothing to do with saying that it equates to death by guns. School shootings? Those were in "gun free zones", so CLEARLY gun control prevented anyone from bringing guns into those places- oh, wait...
What about places that aren't so gun crazy?

They will use some kind of more sadistic, brutal way to kill you that isn't as merciful and quick? Like a chainsaw to the stomach or a fireaxe to the shin?

Well ... I think that's a wee bit naive ... you ever heard of a place called Africa?

I think this is like the third thing you've ever said that I agree with. So, rads for that.

With the fall of the internet, porn magazines will have once again regained their value.

And peep shows for girls that don't want to be prostitutes but also don't want to have to perform hard labor to make a living.
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The first question was in regards to currency as the ysuggested bullets would be the go to thing to exchange, even when some places don't even have such a big gun culture.
If you don't have bullets to trade...well looks like you're gonna have to go loot or kill some people who do

And the vicious cycle of violence continues...
Honestly, once we've made it past the Decline, Collapse and Neo-Barbarism of the first two or three decades it'll probably just be good old fashioned American (or EU or Chinese) fiat. The coins are shiny, durable, and with convenient numbers marked off telling people how much their worth. Though most survivalists will place value in gold, the rest of the riff raff will still hold fiat to some sort of mystical value.
I thought Metro 2033's currency (Bullets) was pretty clever and believable.

Haven't played that game yet, so I'm not familiar with that bartering system. (Currently crossing my fingers and praying that GOG gets the sales rights for 2033 Redux.) Sounds interesting, though I have to wonder where that system would leave owners of guns with rarer ammunition like .308 and .50 Action Express, or automatic weapon owners.