Xenophile said:
You know.. this is the petty shit that gets on my nerves.
...the Fatman is an easter egg
The robot horse ... is in a special encounter or something
What is it, some sort of willful ignorance? The direct quote says, "He was in the heart of DC and fought a group of Enclave troopers with a portable nuclear missile launcher called the Fat Man." Doesn't seem like an easter egg to me. Neither do the atomically exploding cars, toilet drinking, radioactive spells, and about a hundred of other in-game concepts and gameplay mechanics that seriously piss off not only my "casual Fallout fan" feelings but my sense of aesthetics as well.
The robot horse... Mind you, I'm fully aware we're discussing a mythical animal at this point, but, for the sake of the argument, let's say it exists. The robotic horse is that atrocious of a Fallout concept I don't know where to start. First of all, the only reason it may exist is because the horses were supported by Oblivion and the developers decided that it would have been a waste to put those ugly horse animations away for good. Considering that the very same developers have dismissed the label "Oblivion with Guns" on more than one occasion, putting a robotic horse as the only mean of transportation in the Americana Fallout universe would look not only cheap, ridiculous, and almost entirely out of place, but also hypocritical as hell.
The easter eggs in Fallout and Fallout 2 are WAY outside the "setting".
Personally, I have a big problem with equal comparison of today's sequels' flaws with their more-than-decade-old prequels. I think the quality acceptance bar for videogames has been rising steadily for the past two decades, especially in all matters related to game realism. Making a sequel in 2008 that is almost as realistic, or complicated, or graphically advanced as its predecessor from 1996 is not an impressive achievement by any degree, at least not in my view. However, I realize it's a debatable subject on its own, so I'll just leave it at that and say that I don't recall any "way out outside the setting" easter eggs in Fallout that would be comparable with this. A quick check on
http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/pc/fallout1/Easter Eggs.shtml
didn't seem to give any shocking results either. I mean, the whale remains were only notable if you knew the book reference. Otherwise, I recall, it was a big animal carcass lying in the middle of the desert. Weird and unexplainable, yes, but not exactly what I would call a "whoa, what the f*#k is this ridiculous thing doing in this universe" material. I admit I haven't played Fallout for more than a while. What other out of place easter eggs exactly did you have in mind?