PSM3 Fallout 3 hands-on preview

Brother None said:
I don't think Bethesda likes GameBanshee much either.

They were quite...uh...honest about Oblivion.

I'm struck by how reluctant you are to use the word "honest" here. Did they fire you or something? :wink:
Bodybag said:
Brother None said:
I don't think Bethesda likes GameBanshee much either.

They were quite...uh...honest about Oblivion.
I'm struck by how reluctant you are to use the word "honest" here. Did they fire you or something? :wink:

No, it's just to indicate I'm using honest as a replacement term for critical.
Excuse me but...


DarkLegacy said:
Brother None said:
Actually, funny thing is the people he mentions as not liking Oblivion are not the people who thought it was too stupid, but the people who thought it too daunting or complex.

Quite possibly the most horrifying sentence I've ever read.
Show me this Oblivion honesty good sir! Or... I'll... Just go to gamebanshee my and root around I guess. I distantly know they do reviews as well, and presumably news on their front page, but I mostly only head there for some of the best walkthroughs/guides. Probably SHOULD read the rest of the place more since I enjoy the guides so much, but I just never got into the habit.
Someone at GameBanshee even played through the entire FOBOS to write a guide. Poor guy...
Ausir said:
Someone at GameBanshee even played through the entire FOBOS to write a guide. Poor guy...

Man deserves to be bought a new pair of waders for that.

I remember lurking here and DAC (and trolling the Iply forums) when POS came out, 'twas funny how they shut the POS forum down cause almost everyone thought it sucked that'd played a previous FO game.
About the 1 AP=1 action thing.

I think that's a natural transition, given that VATS is used exclusively for attacks(no inventory access, no movement) so that doesn't bother me that much.

Robotic pony...well, as long is it is just a joke, rather than an actual game mechanic, I'm fine too. Especially if it gets handled as a "look at all of the ridiculous stuff people made before war" kind of thing.

But then, I KNOW that Fallout the RPG is dead, so I'm much more forgiving now.
Just read their Oblivion review, and that was pretty well done. Probably the closest review to my own feelings of Oblivion. Flawed, but with more good than bad, even though the bad probably wouldn't have been there if they had followed closer to Morrowind. I GIVE THIS REVIEW NINE OUT OF TEN
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Show me this Oblivion honesty good sir! Or... I'll... Just go to gamebanshee my and root around I guess. I distantly know they do reviews as well, and presumably news on their front page, but I mostly only head there for some of the best walkthroughs/guides. Probably SHOULD read the rest of the place more since I enjoy the guides so much, but I just never got into the habit.

Most of GameBanshee's traffic comes from guides. I've not worked on any yet - though I will - but yeah, that's the primary source of traffic for GB.

In review/preview and posting style, we're kind of close to RPGWatch/RPGCodex. Solely interested in RPGs with a preference towards traditional RPGs, good narrative and solid gameplay than anything else. Our rating system is a bit skewed if you ask me; Oblivion got an 8.0, mostly pumped up by graphics as the gameplay got a 7.5. Fable is quite critical of it in the review. The summed-up pros and cons say it all:
Visually appealing. Attractively structured environments. Well-organized interface. Good realworld physics. Strong AI in combat. Excellent dungeons. Good writing. Attractive music. Good overall game concept and design.

Graphically intensive. Poor collision model. Poorly applied AI outside combat. Intrusive, over-controlling DM for quests. No reason to explore outside quests. Static world. Poor character and treasure leveling systems. Dumbed down puzzles, skills and gameplay.

I think Buck did the PoS walkthrough. Note he also made a character overview and weapon index and the like. Frith knows why. But heck, we're probably the only site offering such detailed information, for all 14,000 players of F:BoS out there.

is better than

with bigger trunk, faster mileage, huge seat to accommodate your giant mutie friend. :lol:

And the DJ part? Sounds like Walter Dangerfield, without the space shutter.
A part of me wonders if the Robot Horses thing is actually a gag literally directed at this website and other people who shout "Oblivion with guns!" like it's a bad thing.

No proof for that, mind you. But I can't imagine Bethesda would really shit on Fallout that much, but I could see how it might be just a small gag meant to egg people over here on. I seem to recall them not-very-subtly making fun of NMA publicly before in an interview or something (though I might be remembering it wrong).

In any case, I wouldn't worry about the Robot Horse too much.

Though if they really do include it, I think I might have to convert.
Oh my god. If people have to bitch about the robot horse, then the well for criticism is running really dry. What, no more clever wordplays like Bethsucks or Sellout 3? There is absolutely NO reason to believe the horse is ridable. Beth said there's no vehicles in the game, so why assume there is now because some previewer who hasn't religiously followed Fallout news thinks there might be a chance of it? It's just a fucking advertisement, and a funny one at that.

Black said:
Nobody mentioned that you can meet King Arthur in Power Armor. It wasn't FO2 selling point. While previews say a lot about finding Fatman and using it, not as an easter-egg but even as a weapon especially for Behemot.

Actually, the humor was one of FO's selling points, and the easter eggs were a good part of that. If I was explaining how great Fallout is to someone, I'd almost certainly mention the easter eggs.

Glowing Ghouls said:
In FO3rd spinoff, the easter egg is how you defeat a level boss characther. And its not an easter egg.

Similar to how some walkthroughs are centered around grabbing the Alien Blaster and beating the game with it.

aries369 said:
As for the girl with the 'special services'...I didn't really think that Bethesda had the guts to do this....especially after the controversy with GTAIV and the controversy with the -ahem- love scenes in Mass Effect...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the controversy about Mass Effect more having same-sex love scenes than sex scenes period? Also inter-species sex? Not that ghoul or mutant prostitutes wouldn't be interesting, but I don't see them as likely. Probably no male prostitutes either (yet I don't envision many people calling bullshit about that).

Anyways, I'm willing to bet the Springvale school's basement secret is similar to that one house's basement in The Road. Also, I kind of hope that 3 Dawg isn't truly spelled that way, nor embodies the connotations that spelling brings to mind. And maybe not: he's a voice on the radio, that spelling might be a horrible assumption on the part of the previewer.

Edit: I doubt it, but I wonder if you can destroy the vertibirds?
This whole robot horse thing got me thinking... why not have horses in the game?

I was thinking about that.. you have to figure some would survive and riding around on a horse is more sustainable than a car that eats batteries. They aren't that rare... even today.. I have 2 in my back yard (well my wife does :P)

Actually it would make sense to have them in.. as much as having decendents of cows I think.

As a mental excercise if you didn't know it was being developed by bethesda and they had horses in oblivion, but this was being done by someone eslse in 3d, horses would make sense to have in.

I know we didn't see any on the west coast, but they could have survived somewhere. And with this much time passed, selling horses would be quite a lucrative profession. I do understand some of the challenges with horses w/ brahmin, but still pretty good chance you could support a small population of them. The practice of breeding horses would spread from community to community pretty fast.
zioburosky13 said:

is better than

with bigger trunk, faster mileage, huge seat to accommodate your giant mutie friend. :lol:

Yeah but if they do that, they won't be able to introduce this after a few months:
Xenophile said:
... why not have horses in the game?
Actually, I would say there's nothing wrong at all with the idea of there being horses in the post-nuclear wasteland. With working vehicles being rare, and ability to manufacture energy for them non-existent, horses would be an indispensable means of transportation and labor. And some must have survived somewhere. And breeding them would be hugely lucrative.

Robot horses are just... no, though.